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人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册Have you ever been to an amusement park说课稿7篇

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  • Have you ever been to an amusement park说课稿7篇

    Have you ever been to anamusement park? 第一课时说课稿



    本单元围绕谈论过去的经历,学习使用现在完成时态。通过对学生们喜闻乐见的一些娱乐场所(fun places)的描述,反复运用句型Have you ever beento…?

    I’ve never been to…. 来激发他们使用本单元所学单词的兴趣。教材中提供的所有活动都以现在完成时态为中心,通过一系列的听、说、读、写的训练,来加深对现在完成时态的理解,明白英汉两种在结构及表达方法的一些异同点。从而提高他们运用所学语言的综合能力。


    本单元分Section A 和Section B 两部分。Section A 中通过所设计的各项任务呈现了两篇听力课文和一篇阅读理解。Section B则安排了一篇听力和两篇小短文,用以加强对目标语言的理解。Self Check 部分是用来检查学生对本单元所学目标语言的综合运用能力。单元后的语篇训练旨在通过目标语言培养学生的阅读理解能力,掌握一些基本的阅读技巧。



    学习单词:Section A----space museum, amusement park, aquarium, boat, water park,theme park, neither;

    Section B----English-speaking country, language, flight attendant, tourguide, used, improve;

    Self Check----understand, decide, rent, show, special

    掌握句型:Section A----Have you ever been to an amusement park?

    Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

    I’ve never been to a water park.

    Me neither. / Me too. / So have I.

    Section B----I want to understand English language movies.

    I want to study in an English-speaking country.

    It’s fun to learn another language.

    I have to.

    I want to travel.




    重点:1)掌握本单元的目标语言Have you ever beento…? / I’ve never been to….

    2) 记忆本单元的主要单词。






    1.任务型教学法:这是新课标所倡导的新的教学理念,引导学生在完成任务的过程中“用中学,学中用”。例如,将Self Check中的表格整合到第一课时中,完成1c后要求学生在小组内进行调查,培养学生运用目标语言解决实际问题的能力。


    3.合作探究法:例如在Section B中,围绕Why do you study English?组织学生共同探讨,鼓励学生们给出各自不同的答案,总结出学英语的重要性。






    3.角色表演法:例如在Section B中,设计一次互相采访,让学生在具体的语境中体味目标语言的真实性。



    1)Section A涉及两篇听力课文及一篇阅读理解。按先输入,再输出的原则,以Have you ever been to …? / I’ve never been to. …为知识中心设计一系列听、说、读、写的任务,由浅入深,由易到难,谈论学生喜闻乐见的一些娱乐场所,使学生学会运用现在完成时来谈论过去的经历。计划3课时完成。

    第一课时(1a-1c)以key vocabulary 和理解Present Perfect Tense 的结构为主来设计任务。从单元的整体框架来看,这部分是一个介绍和导入部分,主要的目标语言及话题在这一部分呈现。可采用以旧带新的方法来呈现现在完成时的结构。所选材料来源于现实,为学生所熟悉,能引起学生的学习兴趣。尤其是课本上所提供的问题及画面能强烈刺激学生的感官,调动起他们的求知欲。

    第二课时(2a-2c)通过对上一课的回顾,以一幅城市的旅游地图开始设计任务。以三小段听力谈话为中心,使得目标语言在这一部分得以延伸。加之适当的语法总结和语言点的精讲,能使学生对Have you ever been to…? / I’ve never been to… .更加清楚。将Pairwork部分设计成一任务能更有效的帮助学生理解目标语言。

    第三课时(3a-4)这是一篇长课文“Have you ever beento Disneyland?”。着眼点并不是对文中语言点的讲解,而在于整体掌握文章的结构及基本的写作手法。可根据文章设计一系列问题,让学生通过合作,自主去寻找、发现答案。通过组织Pairwork和Groupwork来传授目标语言在语篇中的运用。

    2)Section B包括一篇听力和两篇短文。设计一次采访任务的角色表演和小组合作学习探讨的模式,从而加深学生对现在完成时在具体真实语境中的理解。拟2课时教完。

    第四课时(1a-2c)第一部分以Why do you studyEnglish?为话题,鼓励学生给出不同的有趣答案,充分调动课堂学习气氛。而第二部分的听力,让学生捕捉目标语言在真实语境中的具体运用,以及与其它时态的对比。拟用Pairwork来设计一次采访任务,这对学生则充满着挑战。可通过适当的引导,给出问题,化难为易。


    3)淡化语法不等于不讲语法,所以在Self Check中设计成一堂语法与写作课,比较现在完成时与一般过去时的异同,通过练习进一步巩固学生对目标语言的理解和运用。此为第六课时。



    第一课时:1)导人:利用多媒体展示自己在一些地方游玩的照片,如长城、故宫、上海等,每次都提出Have you ever been to…? 引导学生集体回答Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.I’ve never been to… 这样的热身活动可激发学生的学习兴趣,对即将要学的目标语言有个初步预知。然后导入本单元课题,切入本堂课的三项任务:Remember Key words; Present Perfect Tense; Listening and Pairwork.

    2)Remember Key words将课本中的娱乐场所剪切到屏幕上,通过看图、领读、齐读、背诵、默写,给学生形成强烈的感官刺激,强记本节课的关键单词和短语,为后面的两项活动做好铺垫。

    3)Present PerfectTense展示现在完成时的基本结构,学生在第六单元已经学习了现在完成进行时,所以对所给出的现在完成时应不太陌生,通过几幅图片的展示及例句的讲解,使之明白可以使用现在完成时来谈论过去的经历。为后面的Listening and Pairwork扫清语言结够上的障碍。


    5)Pairwork 将活动1中的图片调出反复播放,按1c要求做 Pairwork. 此时教师可深入学生当中,解决他们交流中的一些实际问题。然后请几组学生按展示的图片进行Role Play。该活动的目的是从口语和听力上再次强化了学生对本单元目标语言的理解。

    6)Make a Survey 将Self Check中的表格整合到这节课,考察学生运用目标语言解决实际问题的能力。



    Unit 9Have you ever been to an amusement park?

    Task 1 key wordsTask 2 Present Perfect TenseTask 3 Listeningand

    space museum have / has + P.PPairwork

    amusement parkI have ever been to…

    aquarium Have you ever been to…?

    zoo Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

    water parkI’ve never been to…





    Have you ever been to anamusement park? 第一课时说课稿二



    本单元是Go for it ( 下 ) Unit 9。主要围绕“Have you ever been to an amusement park?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,并以这一主题引出现在完成时的一般疑问句,否定句以及特殊疑问句等语言功能。本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习、交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用这些知识的能力。并让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,拓展以往的经历,能准确地用英语来表达。


    八年级下九单元Have you ever been to an amusement park ?




    根据《英语课程标准》(实验稿)关于总目标的具体描述,结合本单元这部分的教学内容及基于对教材的分析,我对本单元的内容进行如下处理,目的是突出重点,使课堂节奏紧凑,衔贯。本单元分为四课时,第一课时是Section A,第二课时是Section B, 第三课时是Self Check, 第四课时是 Reading,最后一部分是做练习,以学生的自测为主,然后予以校对。


    ? 根据以上我对本单元教材内容的分析,我确定以下几个为本单元的教学目标:语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度和文化意识五个方面。


    本单元要求学生掌握以下词汇(neither, theme, end up, especially, discover, population, simply, fear,whenever)




    Have you ever been to an aquarium ?

    Yes, I have been to an aquarium.

    No, I haven’t.

    I’ ve never been to a water park. Me neither.




    have been to , have gone to , have been in 等。


















    Unit 9

    The First Period (Section A)

    Step 1 Warming up


    T:I like travelling. I have been to Dalian and manybig cities. What about you ?


    Step 2 Presentation


    T: Have you been to an aquarium ?

    Yes, Ihave.

    T: Have youbeen to a water park?

    No, I haven’t.



    主语 + have/has + 动词的过去分词


    Step 3 Practice

    1. Show some pictures and let the students ask andanswer in pairs.

    A: Have youever been to an amusement park ?

    B: Yes, Ihave. Have you ever been to a water park ?

    A: No, Ihaven’t.

    2. Practice Section A (1a)

    Step 4 Listening



    (2)然后看图,完成2a ,进行判断正误练习。

    S1: John has never been to the space museum(T)

    S2: Linda has been to the aquarium. (F)


    Step 5 Reading ()




    (3)本部分要求学生掌握一些固定的词组搭配,如: around the world, end up , take different routes 等。

    Step 6 Group work (形式到位,具体任务不明!)


    如:Have you ever studied with more than three friends? Have you traveled to another province of China ?

    Have you helped someone you didn’t know ?


    Step 7 Summary and exercise

    Section A Difficult points

    “have been to”

    means you went somewhere before , but now you arestill here

    “have gone to”

    means “you leave here already , you aren’t here.”



    2. 在上述小组活动的基础上,再要求学生完成一份调查表,目的是为下面的写作作好准备.



    4.要求学生为下一节课准备照片,进行问答练习(Tell the group about your photos.)(这样的小组活动,有利于培养学生的合作,又能让学生在实践中学习,在交流中运用语言.)





    Have you ever been to anamusement park? Section A说课稿



    本单元的话题“Fun places”,通过本单元的教学,帮助学生掌握描述过去经历的功能句式,学习现在完成时的用法,并能区别现在完成时和一般过去时在表述过去经历时的不同。Section A 1a 呈现了几个有趣的地方,要求学生根据自己的兴趣给它们排序。该活动不仅帮助学生学习新词汇,同时也能激发他们的学习兴趣。1b 是一个听力活动,初步呈现了本单元的目标语言,即现在完成时。要求学生听录音对话,判断 Claudia 和Sarah 分别去过哪些地方。1c 是一个口头练习,学生将结对用目标语言对图片中的几个地方进行对话练习。2a 和2b 是2个听力活动,学生将听到三个对话,要求学生能将听到的地名圈出来,并根据所听内容判断一些句子的正误。2c 是会话活动,要求学生根据听力活动中的对话做角色扮演,谈论去过哪些地方,想去哪些地方以及打算如何去。



    1)重点词汇和短语:amusement park, space museum , aquarium,zoo, water park , neither, have a great time


    Have you ever been to…? Yes, I have been to… /No, I haven’t. / Me neither






    amusement park, space museum, aquarium,water park , neither,

    have a good time

    Have you ever been to….?

    Yes, I have been to…/ No, I haven’t. I … / Me neither.














    Step 1 导入新课


    1.T: Were you happy last Sunday?

    S: Yes, I was.

    T: Where did you go ?

    SA: I went to the zoo . / water park/amusement park…

    T: Did you have a great time?

    Ss: ….

    T: Have you ever been to the zoo / waterpark / amusement park…

    SB: Yes ,I have. I had a great time there.

    SC: No, I haven’t. I have been to….




    SA:Have you ever been to ….?

    SB:Yes , I have. / No, I haven’t.

    SB:Have you ever been to ….?

    SC: Yes, I have…

    3.1a, 读1a中的词汇并根据自己的兴趣进行排序。然后朗读1a中的句型。


    Step 2 Listening


    放录音,让学生听并完成1b. 2a. 和2b的教学任务。

    Step 3 Pairwork and groupwork (1c and 2c )


    Task 1:让学生拿出他们去旅游时照的相片来进行问答,如:

    Have you ever been to …?

    Yes, I have ./ No, I haven’t. I have been to …

    Task 2:拿出一幅中国地图,让同学们谈论都去过什么地方,以小组为单位,每个小组选一个同学做记录,把谈论的结果都记下来,最后让小组长汇报谈论结果,看哪一个小组的同学去过的地方最多,表达得最准确,进行比赛。所用的句型如下:

    A: I have been to … Have you ever been to …?

    B: I went to the … last year .

    C: I am going to … next year .

    记录员的汇报如下:A has even been to …. B and C have been to… D and E are going to… next year.

    Task 3:让学生用所学的句型根据自己的情况进行自由对话。例如:

    A: Hello, have you ever been to….?

    B: No, I haven’t. How about you ?

    A: I have you ever been to…. It’s very beautiful. I have a good timethere.

    B: It sounds very good . I am going to … next year .



    Step 4 Exercise

    用 Have been to 造句,把所学知识体现在写的训练方面,有助于巩固学生所学的知识。

    Step 5 Homework



    Have you ever been to an amusement park?

    amusement park Have you ever been to … ?

    space museum Yes, I have . I went to …

    aquarium No, I haven’t.

    zoo I have been to…

    water park Me neither.

    neither have a great time

    Have you ever been to anamusement park? Section A英文说课稿

    Good morning, commentators and teachers.Nice to meet you!

    Today I am going to talk about Have youbeen to an amusement? Section A, PEP Primary English ,Go for it, Book 4.This lessenis a new part in the unit. We will learn the Present Perfect Tense and a newsentence pattern “Have you ever been to…?”And We will learn to talk about past experiences using the knowledge andlearn the important culture in the western countries----Disneyland.

    I think this lessen is a spoken class andreading class. I not only help students to express the past experiences inEnglish, but also I cultivate the students’reading skills andwiden their English knowledge..

    As we all know: the main instructionalaims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate students’ basicabilities of listening and speaking and reading and writing and their goodsense of the English language.

    So in my teaching process , I try to helpthe students to remember new words and learn the teaching difficultpoints---the sentence pattern by using the Five step method, audio-video,communicative approach and task-based learning method. At the same time, I trymy best to use all kinds of methods such as multi-media computer, the tape andpictures to make the teaching difficult points easier and make students learnmore interesting and more effective in class.

    In my teaching process I’ll finish thislesson in five steps.

    Step one: Speaking ability

    I show some pictures of places to thestudents by using multimedia , at the same time, I explain the new words ofthis lesson and help the students to memorize the words(amusement, aquariumetc).Then I ask the students the question and make a conversation like this:

    -----Have you ever been to…?

    -----Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

    And help students to understand thesentence pattern. After the example, I help students make a similar dialogueusing the places.

    Step two: Listening ability

    After talking about the topic, let’s finish listening practice1b,2a,2b. Listen to the tape again and again.Try to help students understand the meaning of the conversations. Pay attentionto the intonation and pronunciation. And I give some additional questions aboutlistening materials:

    -----Has Claudia ever been to an amusementpark?

    -----Yes, he has. /No, he hasn’t.

    -----Has Sarah ever been to a water park?

    -----Yes, she has. / No, he hasn’t.

    Step three: Reading ability

    After finishing the listening, I show somepictures about Disneyland, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and ask some questionsabout them, then lead to the reading material on page 70. At the same time, askstudents to answer the following questions:

    a. Have you ever been to Disneyland?

    b. What can you do in Disneyland?

    c. Would you like to go on a DisneyCruise?

    By reading the text and answering thequestions, students can understand a little about the text, then I explain somekey points.

    Step four: Review

    Please look at the table on Page 70. Thestudents discuss the form and make a survey of their partner about thesequestions in order to master the sentence pattern “ Have you ever been to…. ?”

    Step five: Classroom work and homework

    1) Classroom

    1.——Have you ever been to _____ amusement park?

    ——Yes, I have.

    A. a B.an C.the D. /

    2.——_____ you _____ to a water park?

    A. Have ; gone B.Have ; been C.Has; been D.Has; gone

    3.I don’t like those coats because ______of them fits me.

    A.either B.neither C.none D.all

    4.He_____ been to Shanghai.He _____ there last year.

    A.have; go B.has; go C.has; went D.have; went

    5.He hasn’t been to Beijing.He ______ there next year.

    A.goes B. went C.will go D. has been to

    2) Homework

    a. Read and retell the text of Page 70

    b. Practice the sentence pattern with classmates after class.

    Blackboard writing

    Have you ever been to an amusement park?

    key wordsPresent Perfect Tense

    space museum have/has done

    amusement parkIhave ever been to…

    Acquire Have you ever been to…?

    ZooYes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

    water park

    In the end, would you please give me somesuggestions about my lesson? Thank you for listening.

    Have you ever been to anamusement park? Section B说课稿


    本节教学主要内容为Unit9 section B部分,教学目的是:在学习了Section A

    基础上对“ Have you ever .. .. ..?”句式结构的巩固、扩展及综合运用,并使学


    我在设计教学中,从内容安排来说基本按照 Section B 的顺序,所不同的是全部

    通过任务的形式,并以对话、听力、阅读、写作为载体,把整节内容贯穿始终。第一步,以任务形式复习已学过的Section A部分,导入新课。即在小组内完成调查表格,并做汇报。第二步,以Pair work展开讨论并做汇报的任务形式学习1a 、1b。第三步,以听力练习为基础,完成汇报任务。第四步,采取小组竞赛得分的游戏形式,调动学生阅读积极性,使其积极参与到阅读和回答问题的活动中。同时,在竞赛过程中注意对学生参与意识及遵守课堂纪律的态度、情感方面的培养。第五步,以 Group work形式在小组内完成调查表格的任务,进一步巩固、扩展知识,使学生在活动中活用语言。另外,本节在设计上还采取“学案导学”模式,即每个学生手中有一份与教师教案同步,但内容是更好的帮助学生完成任务的学案,以辅助学生学习。



    Have you ever been to an amusement park?(Section B)

    Teaching Aims:

    1. Learn to talk about past experience andreasons.

    2. Learn to ask the others’ past experience and reasons.

    Teaching Emphasis:

    Review and enlarge the using of “Have you ever been to……?” and talk about the past experience

    Teaching Aids: tape recorder & paperstudying

    Teaching Content:

    Step 1通过完成task,复习Section A部分的基本句型,为进一步学习 Section B做铺垫。

    Task: 小组活动。根据所给表格,在各小组范围内了解同学们过去是否有过这些经历,并至少说出一个自己曾经有过的其它经历,完成表格,然后请一名小组成员做report.


    Have you ever.…..



    The other experience

    been to an aquarium?

    traveled to another city?

    helped someone you did not know?

    studied English?

    been to an aquarium?

    traveled to another city?

    helped someone you did not know?

    studied English?

    been to an aquarium?

    traveled to another city?

    helped someone you did not know?

    studied English?

    been to an aquarium?

    traveled to another city?

    helped someone you did not know?

    studied English?

    Report: In our group, _______ students havebeen to an aquarium, _______students have traveled to another city, ______students helped someone they did not know, ______students have ever studiedEnglish, and we have been studying English.

    Step 2 Pair work

    Task: 同学们都学习英语, 请同学们在组内自述Why do you study English?,并参看P71--1a, 向全班说which reasons are important to you, andwhich reasons are not important to you.( 1a, 1b)

    Step 3 Listening

    Just now the students told about why theystudy English, now listen to a tape and know what a interview between a teacherand a student. After listening complete these tasks.

    Task1: Try to tell the words you can’t guess the meaning or understand .

    (The teacher explain these words inEnglish, and write them on the board.)

    Task2: Listen again, and circle thequestions you hear. ( 2a )

    Task3: Listen the third time or onceagain, and fill in the questionnaire. ( 2b )

    Task4: Pair work (2c )

    Look at the questions in activity 2a and roleplay the interview.

    Answer with the information that is truefor you.

    Task5: Write a summary and report

    Report: My name is ... , I’m from..., I want to study Englishbecause...

    Step 4 Reading (Group work)




    (3)以 Pair work 形式,让学生熟练掌握问题及答句,并站起来对答。



    Step 5 Task在本组内调查, 通过对话完成P88表格,并每组请一名同学做最后汇报。

    Have you ever…


    Visited an English-speaking country?

    Spoken to a native speaker of English?

    Written a letter in English?

    Watched a movie in English without subtitles?

    Read a newspaper, magazine or web page in English?

    Used English on the Internet?

    Step 6 Homework

    Write an article about oneself for the schoolmagazine。(3b)


    Have you ever been to an amusement park


    1. Learn to talk about past experience andreasons.

    2. Learn to ask the others’ past experience and reasons.



    Talk about past experience

    Target Language

    Have you ever been to an amusement park?

    No , I’ve never been to an amusement park .

    Yes , I have . I went there last year


    (1)Have you ever been to …?

    Yes, I have. / Yes, I have ever been to …

    No, I haven’t. / No, I have never been to …

    (2)When did you go there?

    I went there last year.

    (3)I have never been to a water park.

    Neither have I.

    I have ever been to an amusement park.

    So have I.

    (4)How long have you been studying English?

    I’ve been studying English since nine o’clock.

    I’ve been studying English since I came back home.

    I’ve been studying English for five hours.

    (5)What’s that?

    It’s an amusement park in Japan.

    I’ve never been to an amusement park like it before.

    It’s fun to learn another language.

    Let’s go tonight.

    Isn’t this great?

    Key Vocabulary

    Key Phrases

    space museum, amusement park, water park, South America, Peru, Holland, European culture, tour guide, flight attendant, musical instrument, more than, be from, get to, take lessons, neither, discover, graduate, change



    Listening to specific information



    1.Disneyland 了解相关文化背景。




    zoo hotel restaurant bus boat


    Teaching steps

    The first period: ( From Section A 1a to Grammar focus )

    Aim: To practice listening skills; to study new words and to know how to give advice.

    Practice the sentencesHave you ever been to ?

    Yes, I have. / Yes, I have ever been to

    No, I havent. / No, I have never been to


    Teachers activities

    Students activities



    Look at the picture, and ask the students, What can you see from the picture?

    Look at the picture and brainstorm the words they can think of, such as space museum, amusement park, water park, zoo, aquarim

    Step 2

    Word study

    Show some words about places in 1a. Ask students to write some more words about places on the notebook.

    Students write the places they have known.

    Step 3


    Let students tell each other what they think of these places.

    And finish 1a.

    Students tell each other what they think of these places.

    Finish 1a.

    Step 4



    Point out the picture and the places in the picture.

    Ask the students to guess what the two girls are talking about.

    Ask the students to read the conversations in the picture to help them to understand the following listening.

    Ask the students to listen and number the sentences from 1 to 4.

    Check the answers.

    Ask the students to practice the dialogue.

    Just look at the picture and say the words of the places.

    Guess what the two girls are talking about.

    Read the conversations in the picture and understand.

    Listen and check the boxes

    Check the answers.

    Practice the dialogue in pairs.



    2a & 2b

    Point out the chart.

    Says,You will hear three conversations.After each conversation, circle the places you hear

    Check the answers.

    Point out the sentences. Ask the students to read them to the class.

    Ask the students to listen again and finish 2a.

    Correct the answers.

    Read the chart before listening.

    Listening to the saying of the teacher.

    circle the places

    Read the sentences and listening again.

    Listen again and finish the chart.

    Correct the answers.

    Step 6


    Read the instructions

    Point to the map and tell the students they can talk about any of the places on the map

    Ask them talk about a place they have been to.

    Think of a place they have been to.

    Making a dialogue in pairs using the target language. Such as:

    Have you ever been to ? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.

    When did you go there? I went there

    How did you go there? I went there by

    Where are you going next week? Im going to

    How are you going there?

    Who are you going with ?

    Step 7

    Grammar focus

    Review the grammar box. Ask students to say their statements and responses.

    Learn the gammar.

    Homework: 1. Finish the 9th unit in the kkl.

    2. Getting ready for a best gift you have received.

    The second period: ( Section A)

    Task 1 : Have you ever been to Disneyland?

    Aim: Talk about somewhere they have been to .


    Teachers activities

    Students activities

    Step 1


    Show them some pictures about Disneyland

    What do you know about Disneyland ?

    Students guess what is it.

    Say something about Disneyland

    Step2 reading

    Read the instructions , show them the chart, have them finish it.


    Boring: ________________________________________

    Play the tapescript for them

    Read the article

    Finish the chart

    Check the answers

    Listen and read practice reading



    Read the simple to the class

    Have them read the article

    Again and write a conversation

    Make a conversation

    Practice the Conversation with partner

    Step 4


    Ask Students to make a survey.

    Choose some pairs to act out

    Practice by using

    Have you ever been to been to

    Yes ,I have.

    No, I havent

    Act out in the class

    Home work: Write the conversations down

    The third period: (Section B, Listening)

    Task 1: Why do you study English ?



    Why do you study English ?

    I want to .

    I have to.

    Its + adj.+ to do


    Teachers activities

    Students activities

    Step 1


    Ask the Ss the reasons why they want to learn English. And write down the reasons they say out.

    Order the number they think the most import reason and continue the same way

    Step 2


    Ask some students:

    Why do you study English ?

    Say out the reasons

    Ask and answer in pairs

    Some pairs act out

    Task 2: How long have been studying English ?

    Step 3

    Section B


    Ask the students to read the statements

    Play the tape

    Check the answers

    Ask the Ss finish the following



    Studying English for:

    When and why:

    English-speaking countries visits:


    Reason for learning English:

    Read the statements and get ready for reading

    Listen and circle the questions .

    Listen again and fill in the questionnaire

    Check the answers

    Step 4


    Talk about the questionnaire in 2c with a student. Make a modal.

    T: Whats the you name?

    S: His name is Thomas Buzic.

    T: How long has he been studying English?

    S: He has been studying English for 3 years.

    T: Has he ever been to an English-speaking country?

    S: Yes, he has been to the US A.

    T: When did he go there?

    S: He went there when he was 13.

    T: Why does he want to improve his English?

    S: Because he wants to travel the world.

    Ask the students to practice the dialogue.

    Practice making

    conversations.Using the following informations

    1How do you spell your name?

    2How long have you been studying English?

    3 When did you start studying English?

    4Why did you start studying English?

    5Have you ever been to an English-speaking country? (When was that?)

    6 Why do you want to improve your English?

    7 What do you like best about studying English?

    8 What kind of job do you want?

    Act out

    Homework: Write a place

    The fourth period: ( Section B, reading)


    Teachers activities

    Students activities





