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人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册How long have you been collecting shells说课稿9篇

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  • How long have you been collecting shells说课稿9篇

    How long have you beencollecting shells? 第一课时说课稿

    我今天说课的题目是Unit How long haveyou been collecting shells ? 它是新目标英语八年级下册第六单元第一课的内容。下面我就本课的教材、教法、学法、教学程序和板书设计五方面的教学加以说明。



    本课的中心话题是“谈论一直做某事”,主要围绕“How long have you been collecting shells ?”这个话题而展开的,编者以此为依托引进对现在完成进行时的学习和对一般过去时的对比学习。谈论个人的爱好这一话题必定会引起学生的兴趣和讨论。这一话题的引入恰到好处的为我们教师培养学生的创造性思维和发散性思维构建了一个良好的平台,为学生的探究和合作学习提供很好的素材。本课在整个单元的学习中是一个重点,为下面现在完成时的学习打下一个很好的基础。




    1)重点词汇:collect, inline, marathon, skate, stamp, shell, globe,


    2)、for 和 since 的用法。









    (2)让学生从“How long have beendoing…?”中获得坚持不懈、持之以恒




    (1)、主语+have/has been +动词的现在分词结构的运用。

    (2)、引导时间的介词for 和since 的用法。

















    How long have you been collecting shells?

    Have / has been doing sth.

    at / for

    since / for

    How long did you skate?

    How long have you been skating?


    How long have you been collecting shell ?教案

    Period 1







    2010 年 4 月20 日

    课题 How long have you been collecting shells? Period 1

    1.Knowledge Objects

    (1)Key vocabulary: inline skating; marathon; skate; shell; collect

    (2)Key structures: —How long have you been skating?

    —I’ve been skating for five hours.

    (3)Listening practice

    2.Ability Object

    To train students’ ability of listening and speaking.

    1. Teaching Key Points

    Key vocabulary. Key structures. Listening practice.

    2.Teaching Difficulties

    How to improve students’ listening ability.






    How long have you been collecting shells?

    Have / has been doing sth.

    at / for

    since / for

    How long did you skate?

    How long have you been skating?


    Step1、Warming up (4分钟)

    1. Duty Report.

    2. Provide oral practice. Ask students four questions about learning English.

    1).Do you like English?

    2).When did you learn it ?

    3). Are you still learning English?

    4).How long did you learn it ?

    Task One:

    Ask the students to discuss some things they did in the last 24 hours. Practice the use of the word at and for.

    Step2 Introduction:创设情境、导入新课(5分钟)

    1. Ask students to Listen to the record and then answer the question :

    What problem does Jane have recently?

    从而引出现在完成进行时的肯定式: 主语+have/has been +Ving+……

    2.Finish activity 1a.

    Step3. Practice

    1.Listening Practice.

    2.Oral practice. (Pairs work)

    Task Two : Role play the interview (20分钟)

    Step4 Make a summary (1分钟)

    Help the students make a summary about they learnt in this lesson. It will help them make a deep impression about the main points and the difficulties of the lesson.

    Step5 Exercises

    1. Fill in the blanks with since or for

    2. Choose the best answer.

    Step6 Homework (2分钟)

    1. Make a survey.




    How long

    How many

    2. Do the exercise1-4 on the workbook.

    How long have you beencollecting shells? 第一课时说课稿



    1.Keyvocabulary:marathon,skate, skating, since,collect, shell


    -Howlong have you been skating?

    -I’vebeen skating for five hours.

    -Howlong did you skate?

    -Iskated for two hours.


    1. Enable students to talk about how long one has been doingthings using the present perfect progressive tense.

    2. Train students ability of listening andspeaking .


    Tobe interested in communicating in English.


    1. Master the present perfect progressive tense.

    2. Tell the difference between for and since.




    【Step 1.Presentation】

    The teacher shows a picture of Yao Ming andsay: Who’s this? What do you know about Yao Ming? (这时,学生都能立刻认出姚明来,因此学生的兴致很高,七嘴八舌地说了起来)

    Heis a professional basketball player.

    Heplays basketball very well.

    Heis very famous in the world.

    Doyou know Yao Ming’s sports life? When was he born? When did he start playingbasketball?(此时有的学生能说出一些,但是不准确,有的学生在摇头,这时就引起学生的求知欲和好奇心)

    Now,pleaselook at the blackboard.Then draw a time line like this:

    Yao Ming’s sports life

    was bornstarted playingplays


    19801989 has been playing 2009 now

    Thensay: This is a time line. Let’s put some information on it.

    YaoMing was born in 1980.

    (Write the information on the time linewith color chalk.)

    Hestarted playing basketball in 1989.

    (Write the information on the time linewith color chalk.)

    Hestill plays basketball now.

    (Writethe information on the time line with color chalk.)

    (此处用一个time line 来表示时间,既直观又易于学生理解,同时还便于以下进一步教学。)

    SoI can say:

    YaoMing has been playing basketball for 20 years.

    YaoMing has been playing basketball since 20 years ago.

    YaoMing has been playing basketball since he was 9 years old.

    (Write down the three sentences on theblackboard, let students read them several times.)

    (通过朗读让学生对现在完成进行时有一个初步的感性认识和理解,体现语言学习的自然方式中的第一步---understand what.)

    Drawanother time line, make conversations with two students,and put the informationon the time line.

    wasborn(S2) started ridingstarted learning English(S1)

    1994 2000 has been riding 2007 has beennow

    (6 years old)learning


    T:S1, when did you start to learn English?(此时,学生想了几分钟后才回答上来,可能一时想不起时间了)

    S1:I started to learn English in 2007.

    (Writethe information on the time line with color chalk.Then ask the class)

    T:How long has S1 been learning English? Can you say the same sentences like theabove three sentences?

    (Letstudents say:

    S1 has been learning Englishsince 2007.or

    S1 has been learning English for 2 years.

    (此处通过师生互动,与学生交流贴近学生生活实际的话题,并把相关信息写在time line上,并让学生口头回答老师提出的问题,进一步体会和运用现在完成进行时,体现语言学习的自然方式的第二步---learn to say.)



    T:S2, can you ride a bike?

    S2:Yes, I can.

    T:When did you start to ride it?(提示: How old were you at that time?)(学生在老师的提示下,很快回答出了这个问题。)

    S2:I started to ride a bike when I was 6 years old.

    T:When were you born ?

    S2:I was born in 1994.

    T:So, class, how long has S2 been riding a bike?

    Pleasewrite down your answers on your exercise books, ask one student to write hisanswers on the blackboard. Then check answers.

    Theymay write like this:

    S2 has been riding a bike since he was 6 yearsold.

    S2 has been riding a bike since 2000.

    S2 has been riding a bike for 9 years.

    (此处通过又一个师生互动活动形式,与学生交流又一个贴近学生生活实际的话题,并让学生落实到笔头上,让学生进一步体会并运用现在完成进行时,体现语言学习的自然方式的第三步-----learn to use.)


    【Step 2. Grammar (教师点拨归纳,点题板书)】

    Say:In this unit, we are going to talk about how long we’ve been doing things. Anew tense---- the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.Write the title of on theblackboard.How log have you beencollecting shells?


    【Think】: 1. What’s the structure of the tense?

    2.When do we use the tense?

    3.Can you tell the difference between for and since?

    Discussthe questions in groups.Then share your groups’answers with us.




    1. Structure:

    肯定句:主语+have/has been +v-ing +…

    否定句:主语+haven’t/hasn’t been +v-ing +…

    一般疑问句:Have/Has +主语+been +v-ing +…?

    简略回答: Yes, 主语+have/has.


    2. Function: 现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在,动作可能刚刚终止,也可能仍然在进行着。常与for ,since时间状语连用。其中动词应用延续性动词。

    3. Since and for:

    Since用来说明动作的起始时间,而for 用来说明动作的延续时间,所以since后跟表示某一时间点的名词短语或从句,如Monday,1998,three years ago,I was 10years old,而for 后跟表示一段时间的名词短语连用,如:two weeks,several years 等。

    【Step 3 Activities:SA 1a-1c】

    Now ,please open your books and look at the picture in SA 1a .

    T: Who can you see and what are they doing?

    S3:Some people are skating and some are having a rest.

    T:Good!what is the womanin the middle? Or Whatdoesshedo?OrWhat’sherjob?

    S4:She is a reporter.

    T: Yes, you are right. Well done. There is a skating marathon.A TV reporter is interviewing four students---- Alison, Sam, Victor andCelia.Among them, some are skating and some stopped skating.What questions didthe TV reporter ask? Now listen to the recording and fill in the chart in1b.Then check the answers and read the sentences.

    After the listening ,ask students how many tenses there are inthe chart. Why they use different tenses? Let students discuss in groups andgive their answers.

    the Past Tense: the action started in the past and ended in thepast.

    The Present Perfect Progressive Tense: the action started inthe past, and ended now or maybe goes on.


    (学生第一遍听时,只注意到了how long这个问题,却没有注意到时态,因此在放第二遍时,让学生有意注意一下时态,两遍后,学生都能轻松完成听力表格。然后让学生思考:表格中为什么使用了不同的时态,,经过小组讨论,有部分学生能体会出其中的差别,然后由他们谈出体会,老师再加以启发和点拨,学生感到豁然开朗。)

    【Step 4 Pair work】

    Ask and answer questions about the people in the picture.

    A: How long has Alison been skating?

    B: She’s been skating for five hours.

    A: How long did Sam skate?

    B: He skated for four hours.

    (通过Pairwork ,训练学生口语表达能力,人人参与,在完成教学任务的过程中,实现用中学,学中用,达到学以致用。)


    【Step 5 Exercises:(学能检测)】

    一.用for 与since 填空。

    1. I’ve been practicing the piano ________10:30.

    2, Naria has been running _______15 minutes.

    3. I have been knowing Mary _______ last year.

    4. Tom has been studying Chinese _______ he was 6 years old.

    5. I’ve been watching TV ______ ten miuntes.

    (本练习旨在检测学生能否正确使用since 与for.)

    (通过反馈信息,大部分学生能正确使用for ,since,不能正确使用的同学经老师在具体习题中讲解,也弄明白了。)


    1. I have been skating for five hours.(变为否定句)

    I ____________________ for five hours.

    2. They played soccer an hour ago.(用现在完成进行时改写)

    They ____________________ soccer ______ an hour.

    3. The film has been on for ten minutes.(变同义句)

    The film has been on ______ ten minutes ago.

    4. It has been snowing since a week ago.(对划线部分提问)

    ______________has it been snowing?

    5. My father has been working in the factory for 30 years.(变为一般疑问句并进行否定回答)

    _______your father _____________ in the factory for 30 years?

    No,he ______.


    (此练习中,发现学生第3,4 小题做得不好,这时及时点拨for+一段时间=since +一段时间+ago,另外since +点时间与for+一段时间都是用来描述动作持续的时间,都用how long 来提问,在具体的语境中讲语法很有效。)


    1. 我已经学习了3 个小时了。

    2. 他已经睡了8 个小时了。

    3. 我们已经步行了一个半小时了。


    (通过反馈信息,发现有些学生未能注意到have和has 正确使用,没有随着主语人称和数量的变化而变化。通过具体的语言实际运用,才能发现问题,解决问题,比空洞的干巴巴的讲语法更有实效性。)


    How long have you been collecting shells?The First Period

    Yao Ming’s sports lifethe Present Perfect Progressive tense

    was born started playing 20years plays

    1980 1989 has been playing now


    肯定句:主语+have/has been +v-ing +…

    否定句:主语+haven’t/hasn’t been +v-ing +…

    一般疑问句:Have/Has +主语+been +v-ing +…?

    简略回答: Yes, 主语+have/has.

    No, 主语+haven’t/hasn’t.

    Yao Ming has been playing basketball2.Function :

    for 20 years.

    Yao Ming has been playing basketball

    since 20 years.3.for,since

    Yao Ming has been playing basketball

    since he was 9 years old.


    本节课从学生感兴趣的话题入手,激发学生的学习兴趣,通过直观教学法 (time line 形式),出示教学语言,遵循语言学习的自然方式,通过听、说、读、写环环相扣、螺旋式的上升的训练,循序渐进地让学生体会现在完成进行时态的结构和用法,教学设计注重学生体验,自主学习和合作学习和探究,让学生在体验成功的过程中,在轻松、愉快地氛围中进行语言的学习,使学生感到语法课并不枯燥乏味,学生乐学,在老师不露痕迹的教学设计中,自然而然地接受了这种时态,然后通过一系列的课堂活动,listening ,pair work and writing 让学生在用中学,学中用,达到熟练掌握和运用。

    How long have you beencollecting shells? Section A说课稿


    本课是新目标八年级下unit6 sectionA内容。谈论的主要话题是人们的业余爱好,人们做某事持续多长时间。通过本课学习,让学生学会谈论一直坚持在做的事。学好这一课对进一步开展sectionB的学习至关重要。







    How long did you ...?

    How long have you been doing ...?

    I have been doing ...for/since ...?

    ◆Important anddifficult points:

    重点单词和短语: collect,shell,marashon, a pair of, skate, since, Hilltop School ,raise money forcharity.




    在原有的现在进行时、一般过去时的知识的基础上初识现在完成进行时,学习使用How long have you been…?极其答句,学习使用for,since引出时间段。模仿、竞赛形式的语言活动是他们非常喜欢的一种学习方式。因此,教师要针对以上特点,巧于创设情景,激活学生的创新思维,并通过小组活动进行合作探究。

    四、Say Teaching Methods(说教法)





    五、Say teaching steps(说教学程序)

    Step 1: Warm up

    Greet students. Talk about hobby.

    ①A: What do you like?

    B:I like playing computers.( surfing the Internet,running ...)

    A: When did you start...?

    B:I started ... for ... years/months/days.

    ②A: What’s your hobby?

    B: My hobby is running.

    A: When did you start ?

    B:I started ...for...


    Step 2:Lead in

    Talk about their hobbies with students .

    ①T: What do you like? S: I like running. T: When did you start? S: Istarted …for…. T: Are you still running now? S: Yes, I am. T: How long have you beenrunning?我要引导学生回答:I have been runningfor five years./since five years ago.接着我领读此对话。


    T: My hobby is collecting shells. I started collecting shells in 2000.我引导学生追问我:How long have youbeen collecting shells? T:I have been collecting shells for 10 years./ since tenyears ago.

    ③T: I am an English teacher. I startedteachingEnglish in 1999. Iam still teaching English now. 我引导学生追问我: How long have you been teaching English? T: I have been teaching English for 11 years./since 1999.

    ④T: When did youstudy English? S: I studied it for 6 years. T: How long have you been studyingit? S: I have been studying it for 6years.


    Pairwork : Let students talk about their hobbies like above.

    让学生相互交流感知新语言。练习时,要提醒学生注意for 和since 的用法。




    I have been doing


    Step 3: Listening(1b)

    听前预热:讨论44页图片,引出skate,marathon,Hilltop School,a pair of,raise money for charity.


    Pairwork: 1c熟练句型,强化口语。


    Step 4: Listening(2a)


    Pairwork: 2c角色表演。最后我追问学生你能为帮助他人做些什么?


    Step 5: Groupwork: (Make a survey thenreport)




    How long

    形式如下:A: Hello,what’s your hobby? B:My hobby is swimming.A: How long have you been swimming? B: I have beenswimming for two years./since two years ago.

    汇报如下:My hobby isswimming. I have been swimming for two years. Li Lei likes skating. He has beenskating since four years ago.



    Step 6:Practice: fill in the blanks with have/has been

    1,He —skating since two years ago. 2,I —teaching Englishfor 11 years. 3,My father —driving for 15years.

    Fill in the blanks with for and since

    1,I have been collecting shells— five years.

    2,They have been running— two hours ago.

    3,He has been skating— 2000.


    Step 7: Writing

    你的爱好是什么?你从事多长时间了?请描述你和你小组同学一直从事的爱好和持续时间。提示:①用主语﹢has/have been doing sth for﹢一段时间/since﹢时间点。②用一般过去时和一般现在时。


    Step 8: 【课堂反思】这堂课你学到了哪些知识?小组合作,讨论一下吧:





    Step 9: Homework


    How long have you beencollecting shells? 1a---2c说课稿


    教学目标:Talk about how long people have been doingsth

    【抽到题目,感到有点难度,不是因为对教材的陌生,而是因为这是一节新授课,学生不仅要学习新单词,而且还要接触新的语法:现在完成进行时,课的任务是1a到2c,任务量也非常的大,我预测到学生学起来会吃力,基于此,我对教材内容进行了一点微小的变化,把和本节内容毫不相干的标题换成了和所授内容息息相关的“How long have you been skating?” 相对来说我觉得更容易把学生引入到话题中来。】


    T: Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you! I’mvery happy to be here as your new English teacher, so I’m happy and I have agift to you. Gift, do you know?【用礼物来引出歌曲,刺激学生的好奇心,吸引学生的注意力和兴趣】

    Ss: Yes.

    T: OK. Do you like listening to music?

    Ss: Yes. Very much.

    T: Good, my gift is an English song. Nowplease listen carefully and then join me in singing, OK?

    Ss: OK.

    T: Sing, sing , sing a song, come and singalong, Jolly Jolly Jolly Jolly, life is like a song.

    Ss: Listen and then join Miss Su insinging.

    T: Good. You did a good job. Are you happy?

    Ss: Yes. 【教唱英文歌曲,激发学生兴趣,同时为新课导入做好铺垫。】





    T: Look, I like singing, I started singingin 1980, Now it’s 2011, so I have been singing for 31 years. (draw a time line)Today we will talk about how long you have been doing sth. (write it on theblackboard) Please tell me “How long have I been singing?”【在时间线上标出关键的时间点,时间段,让学生清晰的看出时态的意义。】

    Ss:(help them to answer)You have been singing for 31 years.

    T:Read after me: I have been singing for31 years.

    Ss: I have been singing for 31 years.(read it for three times)

    T: I was born in 1976. In 1980, I was 4years old. So I can also say: I have been singing since I was four years old.(write it on the Bb)

    How long have I been singing?

    Ss: You have been singing for 31years.

    (help them to answer) You have beensinging since you were 4 years old. Then read them twice.【这里教授新词since, 学生发音不是很好,教读了五遍。】

    T: We can also say: I have been singingsince 1980. 【领读,让学生通过看时间轴来感知。】

    Ss:I have been singing for 31 years.

    I have been singing since I was 4 yearsold.

    I have been singing since 1980.

    Using the same way to teach :

    T: How long have I been teaching?

    How long has Jack Chan been teaching?

    S1:You have been teaching for 10 years.

    S2: You have been teaching since 2001.

    S3: You have been teaching since I was 24.

    S4: Jack Chan has been acting for 50years.

    S5: You have been teaching since 1961.

    S6: You have been teaching since he was 7.

    T: Do you know Deng Yaping? Who is she?

    Ss: Yes. She is a ping-pong player.

    T: She started playing ping-pong in 1978,she stopped playing in 1997. Now she don’t play ping-pong. How long did sheplay?

    Ss:(help them to answer)Deng Yaping played for 19 years.

    T: We don’t use “she has been playing”, weuse “she played”, because she don’t play now. She stopped in 1997. OK. How longdid she play?

    Ss: She played for 19 years.【运用学生熟悉的成龙、邓亚萍让学生进行操练,加深印象,强化知识的渗透。】

    T: OK. Today we will talk about how longyou have been doing sth and how long you did sth. (Write them on the Bb) Clear?

    Ss: Yes.



    T: Now open your books and please turn toP44. At first, look at the picture, what are they doing?

    S7: They are skating ?

    T: What does “skating” mean?

    S8: “溜冰”。

    T: Yes, they are skating because the theyare have a skating marathon. Marathon? Do you know? Guess.

    Ss: “马拉松”。

    T:You are so great! Marathon is a long race.【通过图片和语境,让学生感知猜测新词,锻炼学生能力和智力.】 lookat the students, they have skated for some time. Now listen and write down howlong they have been skating or how long they skated. For example, Please tell me:How long has Alison been skating?

    Ss: He has been skating for five hours.

    T: How long did Sam skate?

    Ss: He has been skating for four hours.

    T: No. he skated for hours. Not has beenskating. Clear? Because he has stopped.

    Ss: Yes.【指导学生通过对图片的观察和思考,让他们明白他们可能会面临的问题,提高学生的思维。】


    对于现在完成进行和一般过去时,我花费了很大的努力让学生感知,操练, 但是仍然发现部分学生有困惑,不过想在一节课让学生都掌握,这也是不现实的. 要对学生存在期盼.

    T: Now let’s listen. Are you ready?

    Ss: Yes. (listen to the tape and writedown the answer)

    T: (听力背景声音是运动会的场景,很嘈杂,不是很清晰.) Listen again. And you can write onlythe hours.

    Ss: listen to it again.

    T: OK. How long has Victor been skating.

    S: He has been skating for five hours.

    T: He has been skating for five hours.Right?

    Ss: Yes.

    T: Celia. Who can tell me your answer. Anyvolunteer?

    S: She has been skating for two hours.

    T: En, She skated for two hours.【学生在此听力中,对现在完成进行时和一般过去式的区别存在错误,通过重复对学生的错误给与改正。】

    Pay attention to: How long has Victor beenskating?

    How long did Celia skate?

    OK. Now 1c. First let’s read it together.

    Ss: How long has Alison been skating?

    He has been skating for five hours.

    How long did Sam skate?

    He skated for four hours.

    T: What about Victor and Celia, pleasework in pairs, ask and answer, clear?

    Ss: Yes. They ask and answer together.(Itlasted 2 minutes.)

    T: Have you finished? Celia has stopped,so we should ask “ how long did Celia skate?” Victor is still skating, so weshould use “how long has Victor been skating?” OK, now let’s talk about them.Which pairs?

    Ss: 10 students stand up and show theirdialogues.


    教师要管住自己的嘴, 把课堂还给学生, 我争取让更多的学生在课堂上有更多的展示自我的空间,虽然很多学生都举首发言,但是重复率太高,我鼓励发言不积极的男生参与活动中,在后来他们的表现也让我感到很安慰.

    T: All the students are having the skatingmarathon, do you want to know who the winner is? Do you know who won the firstprize?

    Ss: Yes.

    T: OK. Let’s look at the picture in 2a.Who is the girl?

    Ss: She is Alison.(对比1a、2a 中的图片得知)

    T: What’s she doing?

    Ss: She is answering the questions of areporter. 【学生在Alison的问题上给我指出了Alison 是个女孩,我在人称上犯了个错误。我应该用she而不是he.】


    看了录象和教材,我发现了自己的口误,其实我当时也感觉到学生给我的提醒, 但是当时没有给予反馈,我觉得这点做的不好.

    T: Let’s listen what they are talkingabout. Look at 2a, listen to the interview with the skating marathon winner andcheck the questions you hear. Now who can read the questions to us?

    S1:How long did you skate today?

    S2: How long have you been skating today?

    S3: Was this your first skating marathon?

    S4: Do you skate every day?

    S5: When did you get your first pair ofskates?【pair 是个新词,学生读的很好,我用肢体语言和例句I have a pair of new shoes给学生展示a pair of 的含义。】

    S6: How long have you been skating?

    T: Now let’s listen and check, clear?

    Ss: Yes.

    T: who can translate it to us?

    S: 听并且连线。

    T: No. “check ” means “打钩”. 听并且把你听到的句子打钩。【学生在很多场合下为了迎合老师都喜欢用yes来回答老师的问题,由于对学生的不熟悉,为了让学生真正明白他们的任务,让学生翻译进行检测也是必要的。】

    Ss:Listen to the tape and finish 2a.

    T: Who can tell me the answer. One twothree four five six? Only six? OK, let’s listen again.

    Ss: Listen again.

    T: Are you OK?

    Ss: Yes. Who can tell me the answer. Ifyou know the answer, please hands up. The girl, please.

    S: 1,3,4,6.

    T: Yes or No.

    Ss: Yes.

    T: Now let’s look at 2b, listen again anddraw lines to match the questions with answers in activity 2a. Draw lines but Ithink you can do it without listening to it, you can guess. Please guess first.

    Ss: read the answers to the questions andguess the answers.【在学生进行猜测时,我巡视了教师的各个学生的答案,发现很多学生猜测的答案都是正确的,学生的能力不能低估,我们要充分相信我们的学生。】

    T: Who can share your ideas with us? Giveyour answer and your reason.

    S: 3 is a . 因为问题和答案中有谈到marathon.

    S: 4 is b. 因为4是一般疑问句,句首用do问,要用do来回答。

    S: 6 is d. 句首是how long 要用since 来回答。

    T: Do you think so? How long we shouldanswer with for and since. Now listen and check your answers.

    Ss: Listen and check the answer.

    T: Are our answers right?

    Ss: Yes.【给学生学法指导,让学生能够做到提前预测,学会把学会的知识转化为能力。】

    T: When we listen ,we should “提前预测”. Now activity 2c. One is Alison, theother is the reporter. Let’s have a interview. For example: who’d like to havea conversation with me?



    S: ( a boy with glasses) He acts asAlison.

    T: Hi, Alison. Congratulations on winningthe skating marathon. May I ask you some questions?

    S: Sure.

    T: How long did you skate today?

    S: For six hours.

    T: Was this your first skating marathon?

    S: No, I skated in a marathon last year.

    T: Do you skate every day?

    S: Yes, I do.

    T: How long have you been skating?

    S: Since I was seven years old.

    T: Thank you. Clear?




    T: At the beginning, you can use “Congratulations” and “May I ask you some questions?” Please work in pairs. Twominutes. Are you ready? Go!

    Ss: Prepare their conversations.

    T: Time is up. Which pair? Who’d like toact it out? The other students listen to them carefully, OK?Look at them, please.

    Ss:Several students act out theirconversations.

    T: We all did a good job, do you think so?Congratulations!

    Ss: Clap their hands.

    T: Who can tell me “what did we learn inthis class?”

    Ss: Nobody answers.

    T: Nothing?

    Ss: No.

    S: How long we have been doing sth.

    T: Anything else? What words or whatsentences?

    S: An English song.

    S: Congratulations!

    T: Good! When we talk about how long youhave been doing sth, we use “for+段时”,“since+句子” and “since+点时”. I think different people have different hobbies, hobbies, likesinging, dancing, drawing and reading, we should interview other students afterclass, and ask them how long they have been doing it, OK, today’s homework isto do a interview and write a composition.【课后让学生总结课堂所学,让学生学会总结,学会提取信息。】

    Time’s up! Goodbye, everyone!

    Ss:Goodbye,Miss Su.








    1. 口语是我亟待加强的地方。通过观察录像方才发现自己的语调生硬,不够吸引人,离优秀教师仍有很大差距。

    2. 忽略设计学习内容与现实生活的相关练习,缺乏体现语言的活用性,应适当增补格外的知识。

    3. 对学生的提前交流沟通做的不够,以致对学生的基础积累方面有点偏差。

    How long have you beencollecting shells? 2a-4说课稿



    新目标英语(Go For It)八年级下册第六单元2a-4。本单元通过学习现在完成进行时,学习了如何表达做某事已有多长时间,还学习了对自己的爱好进行表述,帮助学生明确了做任何事都需要吃持之以恒、脚踏实地。本课时主要通过听、说、读、写来对前面所学的内容进行巩固、扩展及综合运用。并使学生在活动的过程中能够创造性活用所学语言——如何表达做某事已有多长时间,以至达到提高这方面的英语表达能力。


    1 知识目标

    (1)学习掌握单词 pair skate since raise several skater

    (2)学习掌握句子 How long have you been skating ?

    I’ve been skating since nine o’clock.

    Howlong did you skate ?

    Iskated for two hours

    2 能力目标



    3 情感目标



    4 学习策略目标













    1 知识基础缺少丰富的语言基础,对某些任务完成有一定的难度。

    2 思维能力有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展运用能力。

    3 认知心理有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但部分学生存在不自信,羞于表现等思想顾虑。


    1 任务型教学法任务型的教学活动,是学习者通过运用语言来完成各种各样的交际活动,开展多种任务型活动,提供学生合作交流的时间和空间,促使学生为了完成任务和同学进行合作,为了完成任务进行探究性学习。

    2 交际法和情景教学法为了激励学生在课堂上积极用英语交谈,可以通过俩俩对话或小组对话进行,此外,要尽量给学生以足够的听、说、读的机会,联系课文实际创设情景,引入讨论主题,在交际中学英语。

    3 听说教学法通过听录音来巩固句型,同时加强听力训练。


    1 善于抓住用英语交际的机会,充分感知,积极体验,大胆实践。只有这样,才能将书本知识变成自己的知识和语言能力,也只有这样,才能实现脱口说英语的目的。

    2. 积极参于课堂活动,培养合作关系。


    Step1 课前准备和复习

    1 师生互相打招呼

    2 复习(复习现在完成进行时)

    T: How long have you studying English ?

    S1: I have been studying English for….

    T : How long did you studying ?

    S1: I studied English for….



    Step2 讲练新课


    1 屏幕上出现课本46页中的图片

    T: Look at the picture .What’s happeningin the picture ?

    Ss: Some people are skating. A reporter isreporting the skating marathon.

    T: Yes, Marathon means a long race.

    2 让学生快速默读3a,然后完成书本中的表格。

    3 全班核对答案。

    4 Then show some questions on the screen.Ask students to read carefully to find out the answers.

    a. Why are students skating ?

    b. How much dose every student raise forevery hour they skate ?

    c. How long has the skating marathon beengoing ?

    d. How many skaters are still skating now?Who are they ?

    5 Check the answers.

    6 教师在黑板上写 raise money for the first one to start todo sth. 然后向学生解释,最后让学生再次浏览3a,完成3b的表格。

    Step3 操练

    任务1 屏幕显示3a的表格,让学生扮演一记者来报道这一表格的信息。

    完成任务所需要的语言结构:1.He had been skating for 5 hours .

    2. She has been skating since 9am .

    3.They began to skate 4 hours ago .


    任务2 屏幕上出现课本46页第4部分中的对话,让学生模仿对话完成本部分中的表格。(学生可以在教室内走动来完成这一任务)然后让几个学生来报道。




    1 第一次播放录音,勾出所听到的问题,完成教材45页2a的内容。

    2 第二次播放录音,将问题及回答连接,完成教材45页2b的内容。

    3 Check the answers.

    4 总结新句型的问句及答句的整体结构,让学生用现在完成进行时写一句话。


    Step4 总结


    Step5 Homework

    T: What are your hobbies ?Would you liketo collect something ?

    Today’s homework 1 Report your hobbies tothe class.

    2 Bring some of your collections to theclassroom.




    How long have you been collecting shells ?(2a-4)

    Howlong have you been skating ?

    I’ve been skating since nine o’clock.

    Howlong did you skate ?

    Iskated for two hours

    How long have you beencollecting shells? Section B 1a—2c说课稿

    今天我所讲课的内容是新目标教材八年级下册第六单元How long have you been collecting shells? Section B 1a—2c部分。







    1. 新目标教材分析:新目标英语的教育理念是所设的活动要为学习语言而服务,培养学生“创新意识,实际应用能力”。它采用任务型语言教学方法,设制一个或几个与每单元话题有关的任务,让学生使用英语交流来获取信息,在完成任务的过程中培养学生实际运用英语解决问题的能力。

    2. 本课分析:八下第六单元主要谈论某人做某事持续多长时间并学习现在完成进行时,而本节课将学习Section B,是在学生已学习了现在完成进行时后,让学生进一步使用这一时态来学习谈论并分享自己的爱好和收藏。本课主要围绕“收藏”展开话题进行讨论,以培养学生的口语表达与写作能力为主要目标,侧重四项基本技能中“说”和“写”的技能的培养。







