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人教版新目标初中英语九年级下册Have you packed yet说课稿7篇

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  • Have you packed yet说课稿7篇

    Have you packed yet?第一课时 说课稿

    1. 教材分析





    重点词汇--- bathingsuit, water, travel, guidebook, beach towel, street map

    语言目标---Have youwatered the plants yet?

    Yes, I have already watered them.











    这是本单元的第一课时,内容是Section A 的1a—2a。我将采取五部分即五个教学任务进行授课。

    Task 1 导入。找一名同学在黑板上写1至20的数字,问学生问题“Has he written the number 1 yet?”“Yes, he hasalready written the number 1”“Has he written the number 50 yet?.”” No, he hasn’t written thenumber 50 yet.”通过这样的对话练习,学习含有already 和yet的现在完成时。

    Task 2 旅游风向标:调查本组成员外出旅游时通常随身携带的物品。学生两人一组开展此项活动,讨论到海滩度假时随身携带哪三件物品,到城市旅游时随身携带哪三件物品。在调查过程中,学生不仅扩展了旅行方面的词汇,而且学会了做物品陈列清单,培养了一定的生活能力。



    2)教师把各组记录收集在一起,抽取任意一份,请B 层小组的同学用句子把上述物品的价格表达出来。


    Task 3 放心出游:让学生列出他们在外出旅行前作的准备工作,并在课堂上通过各小组活动交流各自的信息,作出简单的报告。


    1)用头脑风暴的形式让所有学生说出外出旅游前要做的一些准备。可以开展组与组之间的竞赛。看谁说得多。如:lock the widows, buy a street map, feed the pets,turn off the computer and so on.




    Task 4听力练习(1b 和2a)


    如:1b 对话的五个问题1) Have youpacked the beach towels yet??

    2) Can’t Judy packthem?

    3) Couldthe boy water the plants?

    4) Who willget the street map ?

    5) Have theboy packed the camera?


    A层: 1) 听懂并理解对话内容。(一遍)2) 快速准确地完成提出的问题。3) 就对话内容互相提问和回答。4) 复述对话。

    B层: 1) 基本听懂对话、把握对话大意。(一遍)2) 能独立完成提出的问题。3) 大致能重复或模仿对话中的关键句。

    C层: 1) 参照对话完成听力,了解对话大意。(两遍)2) 在老师的提示下完成提出的问题。


    Task 5 布置作业:



    B组同学模仿1b 作一个对话;


    Have you packed yet? 第一课时说课稿二





    (1)words and expressions

    bathing suit, towel, suitcase, water (v.), guidebook,refrigerator, clean out, garage.

    (2)key sentences

    Have you watered the plants yet ? --- Yes, I have alreadywatered them.

    Have you packed the beach towels yet ? --- No, I haven’t. /Notyet.


    (1)Enable students to understand and talk aboutrecent events and the chores people have to do before a vacation.

    (2)Enable students to understand how to use thetwo words “already and yet”.




    教学重点:The Present Perfect Tense.

    教学难点:Talk about recent events by using target language.










    se sentences (现在完成时句子). Step1. Greetings.

    Step2. Presentation and practice.

    (1) present the words and sentence patterns.

    “bathing suit. towel. water(v.).guidebook.”

    Have you watered the plants yet ? ---Yes, I have already watered them.

    Have you packed the beach towels yet ? ---No, I haven’t. /Not yet.

    (2)Look at the picture in the screen.(1b).

    a. listen and check the chores the people have done.

    b. make conversations in pairs according to the informations in 1b.

    (3)Look at the picture in the screen (2a).

    a. Listen. Who said each thing ? Write “M”(for Mark) or “T”(for Tina).

    b. role play a conversation between Mark and Tina.

    Step3. Groupwork.

    1. do a survey in your group. Complete the chart.

    2. tell your classmates by using “have / has done” sentence patterns.

    finished homework

    watered the plants

    fed the dog

    cleaned your room

    washed your clothes

    turned off the lights

    locked the door

    Step4. Summery.

    Have a brief summery about the sentence patterns.

    “ have/has +done” 用来谈论最近发生的事情。

    “already 用于现在完成时的肯定句中,yet 用于现在完成时的否定句和疑问句中 ”


    1. I have already bought a dictionary.(变为否定句)

    I ______ ______ a dictionary ______.

    2. He has already watered the flowers.(改为一般疑问句)

    ______ he ______ the flowers ______ ?

    3.Jack’s never made dumplings, ______ ______ ?(完成反意疑问句)

    4.I’ll do it in a minute.(对划线部分提问)

    ______ ______ will you do it ?

    5.They have cleaned out the refrigerator. (对划线部分提问)

    ______ have they ______ ?

    Step6. Homework.

    Try to talk about recent events by using the Present Perfect Ten

    Have you packed yet? 第二课时说课稿


    Have you packed yet?(九年级上学期)




    本单元是以现在完成时为主要学习内容。首先引导学生明确本单元学习目标,整体把握课文,掌握重点和难点。并要求学生在复习旧知识的基础上,进一步学习新知识,提高听说和课文阅读能力。通过欣赏有关名胜古迹的相应图片引导学生把握本文以|"Have you packed yet"为中心话题选材,组材的特点,分析现在完成时态的结构及用法,理解课文的主旨。课堂教学应以听说、诵读法、小组活动贯穿始终,让学生活学活用,并进行应有的思考,全面提教学效率。

    本单元以Preparing for a vacation 为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:

    Section A部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕Have you packed the beach towels yet?这一话题展开口语(1a, 1c)、听力(1b)训练;第二模块围绕Talking about recent events进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续就Talking about different chores这一话题展开口语(3b)和阅读(3a)训练;第四模块仍就The things you have to do this week进行列表并展开小组及个人活动 (4)。

    Section B部分有4个模块:第一模块就Talking about a band展开口语训练;第二模块围绕Talking about members of a band进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续围绕Talking about a band进行阅读(3a)和写作(3b, 3c)训练;第四模块拓展为采访训练 (4)。

    Self Check部分有2个模块:第一模块对所学词汇进行填空训练(1);第二模块就本单元的中心话题进行对话阅读和写作训练(2)。



    1. Knowledge Objects

    (1) Key Vocabulary

    chop, wood, light, village, well, farm

    (2) Target Language

    Have you bought a newspaper?

    Yes, I’ve already bought a newspaper.

    2. Ability Objects

    (1) Train students integrating skills.

    (2) Train the ability of expressing studentsownopinions.

    3. Moral Objects

    We should make a plan for our everyday activities and make aschedule. It can remind us how to spend the time. It is good for our study and life.


    1.现在完成进行时(Present Perfect Progressing



    I’ve been writing letters for an hour (and I’ve still got somemore to


    I’ve been sitting in the garden (and have just come indoors).


    2.现在完成进行时与现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense)有时可以互相交换使用,含义没有什么差别。


    We’ve been living here for ten years.

    We’ve lived here for ten years.



    Period 1 (Section A: 1a,1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c) New function presenting

    Period 2 (Section A; 3a, 3b, Section; B: 1, 2a, 2b, 2c 3a, 3b, 3c,4)Practice

    Period 3 (Self Check: 1,2; Section 4) Self Check

    Period 4 (Reading:Section 1- Section 3) Reading


    Have you packed yet?

    TheSecond Period

    Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

    1. Knowledge Objects

    (1) Key Vocabulary

    refrigerator, garage,suitcase, clean out, put in, turn off

    (2) Target Language

    Have you watered theplants yet?

    No, I haven’t.

    Have you packed thecamera yet?

    Yes. I’ve already put it in my suitcase.

    Have you fed the cat?

    No. I haven’t fed her yet.

    2. Ability Object

    (1) Train students listening ability.

    (2) Train students speaking ability.

    3. Moral Object

    We must be ready with our work before we do it.

    Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

    1. Key Vocabulary

    clean out, put in, turn off

    2. Target Language

    Have you watered the plants yet?

    No, I haven’t.

    Have you packed the camera yet?

    Yes. I’ve already put it in my suitcase.

    Have you fed the cat?

    No. I haven’t fed her yet.

    3. Structures

    Have you packed the camera yet?

    Yes. I’ve already put it in my suitcase.

    Have you fed the cat?

    No. I haven’t fed her yet.

    Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

    1. the target language

    2. How to train students listening ability.

    Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

    1. Listening method to improve the students listening ability.

    2. Pairwork to make every student work in class.

    Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

    1. A tape recorder

    2. The blackboard

    Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

    Step I Revision

    Check homework. Get some pairs to read theirconversations. Collect their conversations and help students correct anymistakes.

    Step Ⅱ 2a

    This activity provides guided listening practice using thetarget language.

    Look at the picture. Ask, What can you see in the picture? (A boy and a girl are in the kitchen. They both look a little stressed out)

    Go through the instructions with the class. You will hear a boy and a girl talkingabout getting ready to go on vacation. Write M after each thing that Marksays and T after each thing that Tina says.

    Look at the sample answer. Say, Tina said, No. I haven’t cleaned out the refrigeratoryet. Get students to repeat No. I haven’t cleaned out the refrigeratoryet.

    Play the recording for students the first time. This time students only listen to therecording. Play the recording a second time. This time let students write Min frontof Mark’s statements, and T in front of Tina’s statements.

    Check the answers with the class.


    1. T 2. T 3. M 4. T 5. M 6. T

    Tape script

    Boy: Mom and Dad said they want to leave in ten minutes. Are you ready, Tina?

    Girl: No. I haven’t cleaned out the refrigeratoryet. I have to do that right now.

    Boy: Tina! You’re unbelievable. What about your bike?

    Girl: I’ve already put it in the garage. But I haven’t locked the garage yet.

    That’s your job, Mark.

    Boy: I know. I’ve already done most of my jobs. I’ve taken out the trash.

    Girl: Have you fed the cat yet?

    Boy: Not yet. I’ll do it in a minute. Have you turned off your radio?

    Girl: Yes, I have. I think we’re almost ready.

    Step Ⅲ 2b

    This activity provides guided listening practice using thetarget language.

    Go through the instructions with the class. Look at the list of questions withblanks in front of each one. Then look back at the statements inActivity 2a.

    Say, Some of the statements in Activity 2a are answers toquestions in Activity 2b. Write the number of the correct answerfrom Activity 2a in front of each question in Activity 2b.

    Get several students to read the questions in Activity 2b tothe class. Look at the sample answer. Ask a student to read the question andanswer to the class.

    Are you ready, Tina?

    No, I haven’t cleaned out the refrigerator yet.

    Play the recording for students. Let students write their answers inthe blanks. Play the recording again if necessary.

    Correct the answers.


    Have you fed the cat yet? 5

    What about you bike? 2

    Are you ready, Tina? 1

    Have you turned off your radio? 6

    Step Ⅳ 2c

    This activity provides guided oral practice using the targetlanguage. Look at the sample conversation in the speech bubbles. Invite a pair of students to read itto the class.

    SA: Are you ready, Tina?

    SB: No. I haven’t cleaned out the refrigeratoryet.

    Go through the instructions with the class. Say, With your partner make aconversation using information from Activities 2a and 2b. Have students work in pairs. While they are working, walk aroundthe classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.

    Invite two pairs to say their conversations to the class.

    Conversation 1

    SA: Have you fed the cat yet?

    SB: Not yet. I’ll do it in a minute.

    Conversation 2

    SA: Have you turned off your radio?

    SB: Yes, I have.

    Step Ⅴ Grammar Focus

    Look at the grammar focus box. Get three students to read thequestions and answers to the class.

    Have you watered the plants yet?

    No, I haven’t.

    Have you packed the camera yet?

    Yes. I’ve already put it in my suitcase.

    Have you fed the cat?

    No. I haven’t fed her yet.

    Let students make up other sentences in pairs using haveyou…yet questions. For example: Have you had lunch yet? Have another studentanswer truthfully: Yes, I have or Yes, I have already had lunch, or No, Ihaven’t had lunch yet.

    Pay attention to the use of already and yet. Say, When we use the words have andalready, we are talking about something that happened in the past, but not along time ago. When we use the words haven’t and yet, we are talking aboutsomething that will happen in the future, but not a long time from now. It will happen soon. For example: I’ve already hadbreakfast, but I haven’t had lunch yet.

    Draw a simple diagram to help students understand the grammarfocus.

    Get some pairs to say their sentences aloud to the class.

    A sample sentence

    I’ve already had lunch, but I haven’t had supper yet.

    Culture note

    Many Americans are used to taking at least one vacation trip ayear. But in China, some of the students may not be in the habit oftaking an annual vacation, or even making a trip to another city. For some students, financiallimitations and family obligations make such travel impossible. For others, it may be that takingtrips is not something that is common in their home culture.

    Step Ⅵ Summary

    In this class, we’ve learned key vocabulary clean out, put in,turn off and the target

    language Have you watered the plants yet? No, I haven’t. Have you packed the camera yet? Yes,I’ve already put it in my suitcase. Have you fed the cat? No. I haven’t fed her yet.

    Step Ⅶ Homework

    Get students to write some sentences according to the targetlanguage.

    Step Ⅷ Blackboard Design

    Have you packed yet?

    Section A

    The Second Period

    Target language

    A: Have you watered the plants yet?

    B: No, I haven’t.

    A: Have you packed the camera yet?

    B: Yes, I’ve already put it in my suitcase.

    A: Have you fed the cat?

    B: No. I haven’t fed her yet.


    Choose the right answer.

    1.( )----Has Jim seen this film ___?

    ----Yes, he has ___ seenit.

    A. yet; already B. already; yet C. already; ever

    2.( )---- ___ you written to your father?

    ---- No, I havent.

    A. Did B. Are C. Have

    3.( ) Has he ___ to the park yet?

    A. go B. went C. gone

    4.( ) ----Have you ___ a newspaper?

    ----Yes, I ___ a newspaper this morning.

    A. buy; bought B. buy; buy C. bought; bought

    5.( )----What a nice dog! How long have you had it?

    ---- ___ two years.

    A. For B. Since C. In

    6.( )----When did you borrow the English story-book?

    ----I borrowed it last week. I ___ it for a week.

    A. have bought B. have kept C. have borrowed


    1. Finish off the exercises on pages 57~58 of the workbook.

    2. Get students to talk about the things they have done and theyhaven’t done yet this week in pairs.


    (1)Reading Tasks

    He’s already visited the place where his ancestors lived.


    In Search of

    Roots summer

    camp program

    Time to start




    Guangdong Province

    Time the


    camp lasts


    Purpose of

    the program

    To give young

    overseas Chinese

    the chance to learn

    more about


    Overseas Chinese



    Between (3)

    years old


    They study (4) , see the big changes

    and visit interesting

    sights, but the most

    exciting part of

    the trip is (5) .

    Reading Tasks

    1. The local government 2. Two weeks

    3. 16 and 254. Chinese culture

    5. going to their ancestors’ village


    1. I have already fed the dog.(变为一般疑问句)

    Have you fed the dog yet?


    2.—1 have seen the film Titanic already.

    一When_______ you________ it?



    3. So far,we_______ lots of English words.

    A.will learnB.are learningC.has learntD.have learn

    解析:此题的关键是明白so far的意义,因为它强调的是到目前为止的时间,包括现在。而现在完成时的一种用法就是过去的动作一直持续到现在,因而答案是D。



    1. r ______ : a room for storing food at a low temperature

    2. g _______: a building or indoor space in which to park orkeep motor vehicle(交通工具)

    3. a _______: to come before the public

    4. m_______: great in number, size or extent

    5. s ______: look over carefully in order to find something,explore

    6. c_______: to join or fasten together

    7. h ______: a writer, student or scholar of history

    8. h_______: ones native land

    9. s_______: a usually rectangular piece of luggage forcarrying clothing

    10. a_______ : something done or to be done, business


    1. He waters the plants often.(用already改写)

    He_______ _______ ________the plants.

    2. I have already cleaned the refrigerator.(变为一般疑问句)

    _______ you_______ the refrigerator______?

    3. Mr. Li began to teach English in this school in 1999.(同义句转换)

    Mr. Li_______ ________ English in this school since 1999.

    4. Our monitor has been a League member for two years.(同义句转换)

    Our monitor________ the League two years ago.

    5. 一Have you packed the camera yet?(肯定回答)

    —Yes, I________ _______________ it in my suitcase.

    6. My grandpa had to collect water from the village well. (改为反意疑问句)

    My grandpa had to collect water from the village well,_______________?

    7. They can hardly believe it. (改为反意疑问句)

    They can hardly believe it,_______ _______?

    8. He spent hours cleaning out the refrigerator. (同义句转换)

    He_________ hours_________ _________ out the refrigerator.


    1.__________ Jim ________ (finish)doing his homework yet?

    2. Oh, I______ (leave) my bag on the bus. What shall I do?

    3. I have_______ (be) with my friends for a year.

    4.He________ already_______ (buy) a newspaper.

    5.In the last twelve months, New Ocean Waves________ (have)three major concerts.

    6.________ you _________ (write) a poem?

    Yes, I have. I_______some last year.

    7.They spent half an hour_______ (pack) their bags.

    8. Do I need _________ (clean) my room?

    9. Many tourists________ deeply________. (move) by hisbehavior.

    10. So far, it_________ _________ (bring)thousands of overseaChinese students to China to explore the roots of their families.


    After she did a lot of shopping, Mrs. Smith came out of theshop and started to walk to the bus stop. Her bag was so1that she had to restfor a few minutes. She stopped2a new, bright ear. It was just at the side ofthe road. As she stood there, she saw a policeman3 towards her. "Excuse me, madam,"said the policeman. "Can you4that sign over there?"

    "Yes, I can,” said Mrs. Smith. "It5‘No parking’."

    "Yes, madam. So why have you parked your car here? Ishall6to give you a parking ticket. "

    "But this isnt my car, ” said Mrs. Smith.

    "Isnt it?" said the policeman, and his face turned7 . "Im very 8 .Still I have to put a ticket on the front of9 ear. "But he was not able to finishwriting the ticket because10 woman hadarrived. She kissed the policeman and said, "Hello, dear. I knew I could11 you here at this time of the day. Happybirthday! I have got a12 for you. Ihave13 you your birthday present. "

    "Thank you, dear, "said the policeman. "But 14 isit? "His wife pointed at the red car. "Here it is," she said."But you15leave it on this road for very long. Theres No Parking signover there. "

    1. A. beautiful B. expensive C. heavy D. important

    2. A. in B. By C. On D. under

    3. A. coming B. come C. comes D. came

    4. A. tell B. believe C. look D. read

    5. A. was B. says C. spoke D. wrote

    6. A. ask B. decide C. love D. have

    7. A. red B. left C. right D. back

    8. A. angry B. happy C. glad D. sorry

    9. A. my B. your C. the D. her

    10. A. a B. another C. other D. the other

    11. A. catch B. find C. get D. look for

    12. A. ticket B. cake C. thief D. surprise

    13. A. sent B. taken C. given D. brought

    14. A. how B. where C. what D. which

    15. A. neednt B. mustnt C. wont D. shant


    One day, Mrs. King askedLucy to go shopping for her.

    "Here is a shoppinglist, so you wont forget anything," she said.

    "OK, Mum]"saidLucy. When she got to the shop, she picked up all the things on the list.

    "I haventforgotten anything , "she said to herself. But then it was time to pay forthem.

    "Oh, sorry!"she said to the shopkeeper. "Ive forgotten my money! Well, Ill keep the things on this shelf foryou," said the shopkeeper.

    Lucy ran home at once.Her mother saw her when she arrived.

    "That was quick!"she said. "Have you finished yet?"

    "No, Mum,"said Lucy. "I forgot the money!"

    "Well, you shouldtake the shopping basket with you, too! "said Mother.

    In the shop, Lucy gotall the things on her shopping list, and took them home. When she reached home,her mother asked:

    "Have you goteverything?"

    "Yes, Mom,"said Lucy. "I havent forgotten anything. "

    She quickly put thebasket on the table. She was taking things out of the basket when she dropped abag of sweets. The bag fell on the floor and broke open. The sweets went every-where! "Oh, my dear !"she said.

    "Bad luck ! "said Mother. "It doesnt matter!"

    They both started to pick them up.

    "How much did you pay for all these things? "askedher mother.

    "Not too much," said Lucy. "I didnt spent allthe money. I brought some back. "

    "Where is it?" asked the mother.

    "Here it is, Mum! Thats one thing I havent forgottentoday!"

    1What did Mrs. King give Lucy before she went shopping?

    2Why did the girl have to run home?

    3What her mother tell her to take?

    4Did Lucy get everything at last?

    5What happened when she was taking the things out of thebasket?

    6Do you often forget anything? Do you have any good ideas toimprove your memory?



    ①school library, Miss Gao, librarian,borrow…from, but, not lend, others;

    ②two books, at a time, keep, two weeks,not finish, to renew;

    ③many magazines and newspaper, not takeout of, keep quiet


    I. 1. refrigerator2. garage 3. appear4. major5. search

    6. connect7. historian8.homeland 9. suitcase10. affair

    II. 1. has already watered2. Have: cleaned; yet3. has taught 4.joined

    5. have; already packed6. didnt he7. can they8. took; to clean

    III. 1. Has; finished 2.have left3. been4. has; bought 5. hashad

    6. Have; written;wrote7. packing 8. to clean9. were; moved 10. has brought

    IV. 1~5 CBADB 6~10 DADCB11 ~ 15 BDDBB

    V. 1. A shopping list.

    2. Because she hasforgotten to bring the money.

    3. A shopping basket.

    4. Yes, she did.

    5. She dropped a bag ofsweets on the floor and it broke open.


    VI. This is our school library. Miss Gao is a librarian. MissGao told us, "You may borrow two books at a time and keep them for twoweeks, but not lend them to others. If you cant finish them on time, you mustgo to the library to renew them. "There are many magazines and newspapersin the reading room, too, but we cant take them out. Miss Gao told us to keepquiet while we are passing along outside the library.



    Have you packed yet? Section A 说课稿

    各位评委:大家好,今天我说课的题目是初中英语人教版九年级unit14. Have you packed yet?本课的中心话题是为旅游做准备。通过为旅游做准备,使自己养成勤于思考,善于总结的好习惯。整个说课我将分成五个大部分进行讲述:即教材分析、教学方法、学习方法、教学环节的设计、教学程序。



    《新目标》(Go For It)是人教社出版的课程标准系列教材之一的英语教材,它采用任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐近的生活化的学习程序。每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目与语法结构,需要掌握的基本词汇,幷分为A、B两部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。

    我说课的内容是A部分基本的语言内容和文化知识。主要是通过Preparing for a vacation引起话题,要求学生能够谈论自己最近已发生的事情。




    A:掌握词汇:watered, travel guidebook, beach towel, bathing suit, refrigerator,cleaned out ,turned off

    B:掌握句型:Have you packed the camera yet? Yes ,I have already packed the camera .










    (1).情境教学法 通过动画导入新课。

    (2).听说教学法 通过听录音,模仿对话来巩固句型。加强听说训练。

    (3).任务教学法 通过Pairwork,Roleplay 强化所学的知识。

    (4).采用多媒体课件,增大教学容量和增强直观性 。







    ΠGreetings and free talk.

     Revision: Show students some pictures.

    A: Have you ever been to …?

    B: …

    Grammar is so important that it should always be learned and made use of in class. We’ve learnt “present perfect”.



    其肯定句形式:主语+ have (has) +过去分词;

    其否定句形式:主语+ have (has) +not+过去分词

    其一般疑问句形式:Have (Has)+主语+过去分词



    T: Has he sung a song yet?


    S: No, he hasn’t sung a song yet.


    T: Has he sung a song yet?


    S: Yes, he has already sung a song.

    再让几个学生表演不同的动作,如:play basketball, clean the blackboard, dance,



    already用在现在完成时的肯定句中, yet用在否定句或一般疑问句中,放在句子的末尾。

    Step3.Brain storm

    If you want to go on a beach vacation, a city vacation. What do you want to pack? Choose the most important three things. Then write down.

    A: What do you want to pack?

    B: I want to pack...

    Maybe they will use these words as following: bathing suit, beach towel, camera, sunglasses, hat, slippers,camera, guidebook, street map, money

    Teach the new words and then check the answers.


    ŒShow a picture of a person who is packing.

    T: Now we’re going to the beach for a vacation. Are you ready? We will leave in ten minutes. Have you done the things you must do when you go out in the outside? Let’s check your job.

    Are you sure you have already done most of your jobs for your vacation? Have you packed yet?

    A: Have you packed the camera yet?

    B: Yes, I have already packed it.

    No, I haven’t packed yet.

    No yet.

     Practice the conversation and learn the new words and phrases.

    A: Have you packed …yet?

    B: Yes, I have already packed it.

    No, I haven’t packed yet.

    packed the beach towels

    turned off the power

    locked the door

    closed the window

    cleaned out the refrigerator(fridge)

    put the car in the garage

    brought some medicine/enough money

    bought a travel guidebook/a street map

    fed the dogs

    watered the plants

    done the chores

    Step5.Work on 1b (listening)

    Show the picture of 1b.

    Work on 1b.

    Check the answers: packed the camera

    watered the plants

    bought a travel guidebook

    Step6.Work on 2a and 2b (listening)

    ΠWork on 2a.

    Get the students to understand the situation first and then listen and check.

    v Work on 2b. Listen again and match the questions with answers.

    w Listen and imitate.

    Step7.Role play

    ŒRole play

    You are going to leave for a travel in 10 minutes. Are you ready? Now check the chores you have already done or you haven’t done yet.

    Make a conversation just like that in 2a and 2b.



    1. 抄写并背诵单词water bathing suit bathing suit towel guidebook clean out refrigerator garage suitcase并预习单词P112和抄写Grammar Focus两次.

    2. 背诵2a.

    3. 完Unit 14作业本中相应练习.

    4. Search some materials about traveling from Internet, newspaper or other books.










    Have you packed yet? SectionA 3a 3b 4 说课稿




    今天我说课的内容是新目标九年级unit14 Section A3a 3b 4。《新目标英语》教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践能力”,发展“学习策略”。它采用任务型语言教学(Task-basedLanguage Teaching)模式,融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。教材中每单元都设计一个或几个与该单元话题有关的任务,让学生在完成任务过程中,使用英语获取信息,用英语进行交流,培养运用英语解决实际问题的能力。


    本单元主要以Preparing for avacation 为中心话题,围绕着描述“一系列已经完成和还需要完成的事情”展开,进一步学习和运用有关现在完成时态,让学生学会谈论已经完成的事情。本课是Section A第二课时,其要主目标是“Talk about recentevents. Things that have been done and haven’t been done.能够运用现在完成时来询问最近已经发生或还未发生的事,并且能够运用现在完成时来谈论自己或他人已做或未做的事。例如:“Have you packedthe camera yet?” “I’ve alreadybought a newspaper.”同时还要掌握其肯定及否定回答,是本课的语言目标。

    本节课为Section A的第而二课时,主要学习内容是:阅读一封e-mail :讲述我要做和已做的事情与爷爷年幼时要做的事.尝试了解祖辈幼时生活的辛苦,另一方面也考虑一下统筹安排时间.对他人已完成和未完成的事进行询问,并做出肯定和否定回答。由于前面已有现在完成时的基础,我想趁热打铁,继续这个话题,就把教材的顺序做了调整,倒过来上。



    1 语言目标:(1) 能够运用现在完成时来询问最近已经发生或还未发生的事,如:Have you done your homework?

    (2) 能够运用现在完成时来谈论最近已经发生或还未发生的事,如:I’ve already bought a newspaper. Ihaven’t done any of those things yet.

    2 知识目标:掌握本课的重点词汇和句型,如: get back to, chop wood, light the fire, farm ,anyway , village well

    I haven’t done any of those things yet. Have you bought a newspaper? Yes. I’vealready bought a newspaper?

    3能力目标 能够读懂重要句型及语言结构,并能够仿照例子学会调查并进行调查报告总结。

    4 情感目标 .









    1:词汇:get back to, chopwood, light the fire, farm ,anyway , village well ;chores to do ; water the plants; feed the animals,etc





