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人教版新目标初中英语九年级下册Have you packed yet教案

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  • 作者:Vincent演示
  • Have you packed yet教案




    3. 能够运用所学知识,谈论或询问最近已经发生的事情



    语言目标:Have you watered the plants yet?

    No, I haven’t.

    Have you fedthe cat?

    No, I haven’t fed her yet.

    I have to do myhomework.

    I started aboutan hour ago, but I haven’t finished.

    I will visit Hong Kong next year.

    重点词汇及短语:water, wood, farm, ocean, hit, appear,turn, government, thousands of, southern, villager, strongly, step, clean out,some day, be off, so far, go for walks, thanks to, look forward to












    教学内容: Section A: 1a-2c


    a. 能够掌握基本单词和词汇。

    b. 能够运用基本句型进行提问。


    目的:通过学生小组活动,询问或谈论已经完成和还未完成的事情。学会使用 already 和 yet, 并能在实际情境中简单地运用,培养学生应用英语进行交际的能力。

    语言技能:listening .speaking .reading andwriting


    提示词语及句型:watered, travel guidebook, suitcase,beach towel, bathing suit, refrigerator, member, cleaned out, turned off,

    Have youwatered the plants yet? Yes, I havealready watered them?

    Have you packedthe camera yet? Yes, I have already packed the camera.









    Greetings and free talk.

    Revision: Show students some pictures.

    A: Have you ever been to …?

    B: …



    Show students two pictures about the travel.

    Do you want togo on a beach vacation or a city vacation?

    Show some more pictures about the things maybetravelers want to pack.

    If you want togo on a beach vacation, a city vacation. What do you want to pack? Choose themost important three things. Then write down.


    Pair work

    A: What do youwant to pack?

    B: I want topack...

    Maybe they willuse these words as following: bathing suit, beach towel, camera, suntan lotion,sunglasses, suitcase, hat, slippers, camera, sneakers, guidebook, street map,money

    Teach the newwords and then check the answers.



    Show a pictureof a person who is packing.

    T: Now we’re going to the beach for a vacation.Are you ready? We will leave in ten minutes. Have you done the things you mustdo when you go out in the outside? Let’s check your job.

    Are you sureyou have already done most of your jobs for your vacation? Have you packed yet?

    A: Have you packed the camera yet?

    B: Yes, I have already packed it.

    No, I haven’t packed yet.

    No yet.


    Practice the conversation and learn the newwords and phrases.


    packed thebeach towels

    turned off thepower

    locked the door

    closed thewindow

    cleaned out therefrigerator(fridge)

    put the car inthe garage

    brought somemedicine/enough money

    bought a travelguidebook/a street map

    fed the dogs

    watered theplants

    done the chores

    ↘Work on 1b and 1c

    Show thepicture of 1b.

    Work on 1b.

    Check theanswers: packed the camera

    watered the plants

    bought a travel guidebook

    Work on 1c

    A: Have youwatered the plants yet?

    B: Yes, I havealready watered them.

    A: Have youpacked the camera yet?

    B: No, I haven’t packed thecamera yet.

    Pay moreattention to “already” and “yet”.

    ↘Work on 2a and 2b

    Work on 2a. Get the students to understandthe situationfirst and then listen and check.

    Work on 2b. Listen again and match thequestions with answers.


    Listen and imitate.


    ↘Role play

    Role play

    You are goingto leave for a travel in 10 minutes. Are you ready? Now check the chores you have already done oryou haven’t done yet.


    Make a conversation just like that in 2a and2b.


    A: Have youpacked the camera yet?

    B: No, I haven’t packed thecamera yet.


    Choose onestudent from the group to give a report.

    Please use “have/has done” morecorrectly.


    Grammar is soimportant that it should always be learned and made use of in class. We’ve learnt “present perfect”.



    其肯定句形式:主语+ have (has) +过去分词;

    其否定句形式:主语+ have (has) +not+过去分词

    其一般疑问句形式:Have (Has)+主语+过去分词

    注意:在现在完成时的肯定句中有some, already时,

    改为否定句或一般疑问句时要分别改为any, yet。

    Today we shalllearn to use “Present Perfect with already and yet”. We shall make more sentences likethose.

    Have youfinished your homework yet?

    Yes, I havealready finished it?

    Have you foundyour bike yet?

    Yes, I havealready found it?

    To use thepresent perfect with “already” and “yet” more in communication, let’s go on to page 110.


    1. 抄写并背诵单词water bathing suit bathing suit towel guidebook clean out refrigerator garage suitcase并预习单词P112和抄写Grammar Focus两次.

    2. 背诵2a.

    3. 完Unit 14作业本中相应练习.

    4. Search somematerials about traveling from Internet, newspaper or other books.



    教学内容: Section A: 3a-4






    重点词语及句型:chop, wood, light, village, well, farm

    Have you boughta newspaper?

    Yes, Ivealready bought a newspaper.







    Greet the class and revise.

    T: Yesterday welearned the target language. The structure is

    Have you …yet? Yes. Ivealready

    Have you …?No, I havent … yet.

    Now who canmake sentences using the structure?

    S1: Have youturned off your radio yet?

    S2: Yes. Ivealready turned it off.

    S1: Have youfinished your homework?

    S2: No. Ihavent finished it yet.

    T: Very good.

    Try to rememberthese

    put---put---put buy---bought---bought

    feed---fed---fed do----did-----done

    win---won---won write---wrote---written

    make---made ---made have---had---had

    sing ---sang---sung cut ---cut---cut

    feel---felt---felt get ---got---gotten say ---said ---said forget---forgot---forgotten


    ↘Guessing game

    ŒRead a conversation.

    Show some pictures.

    T: Look! Tom and Jenny are talking. Do you know what they are talkingabout?

    Jenny: Have you done your homework?

    Tom: Yes, I’ve already done my homework.

    Jenny: Have you bought a newspaper?

    Tom: Yes, I’ve already bought a newspaper.

    Jenny: Have you fed the dog?

    Tom: Have you watered the plants?

    Jenny: Have you cleaned your room?

    Tom: Yes, I’ve already cleaned my room.

    Jenny: Well, I know who you are pretending to be!

    Tom: Great!

    Work on 3b(Group work)

    Let students read the information in it.

    T: Look at the three pictures above the chart.Under each person is a list of the things he or she has done or will do today.Now look at the chart. Those times show what the three people were doing at 9:00, at 10: 00, and so forth. It is 12:00 noon now. So the 1:00 and 2:00 timesshow things they will do later today.

    Make sure students understand the information inthe chart by asking questions and pointing out things. Put students in severalgroups.

    Get students to do the work in groups. While theyare working, move around the classroom checking the work of each group.



    ŒLearn new words.

    T: I am very busy recently. I have so many chores to do every day. But Iam busy with my work every day. So I haven’t done most of them. I have alreadydone…I haven’t done…yet.

    How about my mother?

    Teach the new words and phrases:

    chop wood

    collect water from the village well

    feed the animals

    light the fire for breakfast

    3a. Fast reading.

    How about Grystal? What chores does she have todo? Read 3a, underline the different chores.

    Read again and answer the following questions:

    1. Why couldn’t Crystal get back to Jake soon?

    2. Has Crystal finished all her chores yet?

    3. What is Crystal’s grandfather telling her?

    4. Where did Crystal’s grandfather and his family live?

    5. Does Crystal love to listen to her grandfather?

    Find these phrases and makesentences with them.

    1. get back to sb. / sw.

    2. take sth. sb. for a walk.

    3. do some shopping

    4. chat with sb. / sth.

    5. chop wood

    6. take care

     Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.


    ↘Make a survey (4Group work)

    Make a survey

    Get students in some groups of three. Let students complete the work ingroups. Finish the table.

    Use the target language:

    A: What have you done in this week?

    B: I have already had a class meeting.

    A: Have you had an English exam?

    B: No, I haven’t had it yet.

    Make a report.

    Get some groups to share the results of their surveys.

    Report: I have done my homework. But I havent done some shopping....



    This is the lastterm in Grade 9. For your ideal high school, what have you done? What haven’tyou done? And what should you do later? Please use the target language, anddiscuss in English in groups.


    1.抄写并背诵单词wood light farm get back to sb. chop well anyway


    2. 背诵3a.

    3. 完Unit 14作业本中相应的练习.

    4. Use the present perfect with “already” and “yet” to write a passage.








    教学内容:Section B: 1-3a






    重点词语及句型: member, original, songs, award,hit, appear, tour,miss, lead singer, mostly, top ten, good luck, off to a great start

    Have they been on TV yet?

    Yes, theyve been on TV lots of times.










    ŒGreet the class as usual and check the homework.

     Enjoy a popular song---听袁惟仁弹吉他



    ΠShow some bands from different places: SHE, Shinhwa, Backstreet boy,Twins, Flowers, Beyond

    Do you like them?

    What is your favorite band?

    Show an article about Teacher’s favourite band.

    My favorite band is S.H.E. There are three membersin this band. They have been together for about 6 years. They used to playstuff by other bands, but now they try to play their own songs. They haven’twritten many original songs. But some of their songs are very popular. And they’ve had several concerts of their own. They are going to performin different cities and countries. Many people think they are on their way. They have been on TV for many times. Of course,they have won some awards. And they have acted in many plays. They are aspopular as their songs. I like Ella best.


    Teach the useful phrases:

    play stuff by other bands

    written many original songs

    had several concerts of their own

    on their way

    have been on TV

    won some awards


    ŽPair work (Section B 1)

    1 .What is your favorite band?

    2. Have you seen them in concertyet?

    3. When did you first hear them?

    4. Who is your favorite band member?


    ↘Work on 2a, 2b and 2c

    ΠT: A record agent is interviewing members of a band. Listen and fill inthe information about the band.

    Play the recording the first time. This time students only listen. Playthe recording a second time. This time, ask students to write their answers onthe blank lines as they listen to the recording. Play the tape again ifnecessary.

    Check the answers with the class.

    Bands name: Apple Ice Cream

    How long theyve been together: About a year

    Number of concerts theyve done: Six

     Listen again and check the things the band has already done.


    T: Look at the list of things the band may or may not have done.

    Get different students to read the list.

    T: You will hear the same recording again. This time please listen andcheck the things the band has already done.

    Check the answers.

    √written original songs

    ______made a music video

    √won an award

    _____been on TV

    √had concerts

    Ž Listen and imitate.

    Pair work (2c)


    ŒLead in


    T: Just now, youtalked about your favorite band. Now we are going to talk another band whosename is New Ocean Waves. Look at the picture and talk about the band. What kindmusic do they play? Is their music very popular?

    Fast reading.

    ŽRead the article. Circle the things the New Ocean Waves have already done.Underline the things they haven’t done yet.

    Check the answers with the class.

    Circled: had three major concerts; made a bit CD; played other peoplessongs; played mostly our own songs; had a few songs in the top ten.

    Underlined: appear on CCTV; go on a world tour; hope to have a number onehit

     Language points in reading. Underline the useful phrases and theimportant sentences.



    ŒTalk about your idol:

    What has he/she already done?

    What hasn’t he/she done yet?

     Give a simple commentary.


    write original songswin an award

    have concerts make a music video

    appear on CCTV make a hit CD

    go on a world tour the music sceneone of the bestbands on


    1. 抄写并背诵单词hit appear award wave scene lead lead singer some day be off 并预习单词P115-117.

    2. 熟读3a.

    3. 完Unit 14作业本中的相应练习.

    4. Write about your favorite band / singer.



    Œ教学内容:Section B:3b-4 self check









    上节课的作业:My favoriteband/singer.




    ŒGreeting the whole class as usual

     Revise the Grammar.

    Exercise ( self check )

    ŒFill in each blank with the correct word given. (1)

    Show the answers on the screen by a projector.

    1Have you fed the dog and cleaned your room?

    2Dont forget to lock the door if you are the last person to leave.

    3I need to clean out my cupboard. I never use the things in it anymore.

    4My friend from America called me yesterday. We chatted for hours.

    5Have you heard the new song from Mariah Carey? Its very good.

    Have students make their own sentences with the words.

    Read the conversation. Make a list of the things Jerry has done and the things he still has to do. (2)


    Things he has done

    1packed his bag

    2gotten the mail

    Things he hasnt done yet

    1said goodbye to Grandma

    2watered the plants

    3cleaned his room

    4washed the dishes

    Group work.( Section B 4 )

    ŒRead the instructions to the whole class. Invite a good student to give an example of things that he or she has done. Make sure students understand what to do. Give students a few minutes to do the surveys in pairs. Get a pair of students to model the sample dialogue.

    Give a report.


    ΠShow two examples of writing.

    T: Please look at 3b. It hasn’t been finished. You can use the information from 2a and 2b. There is an example article about a band named Apple Ice Cream.

    Let’s read together.

    Apple Ice Cream

    Apple Ice Cream is a rock band. They have been together for about a year. They have written their own original songs although they used to sing other peoples songs. They won “The Best New Group of the year. ” award last year. They havent made a music video yet, but theyve had six concerts of their own. They havent been on TV yet, but they have talked to Bands on Parade about doing a TV show next month.

    T: There is another article about a band.

    Show the article on the screen.

    Backstreet Boys

    Backstreet Boys is a pop band. They have been together for nearly ten years. There are five American singers in the band

    They have already written their own original songs. They have already made many music records and have had many concerts of their own. They have won many awards many times. But they haven’t been to China yet. I hope they can come to China to have a concert this year

     Use the overhead projector to show us your composition and then let’s check it.


    1. Unit 14作业本中的相应练习.


    3.写一篇题为“We are getting ready for Olympic Games.”的文章。内容如下:2008年,北京将举办奥运会。北京各方面都正在为此做准备。已经做了的事情:大家都已经开始学英语了,特别是出租司机;政府已经建造了几个新的体育馆;奥运会的标志已经产生;有些新马路已经建好。还没有做的事情:奥运会的吉祥物(good luck object)还没有产生,还有一些体育馆没有建立等等。我们作为学生,应该为奥运会做些什么准备呢?











