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人教版新目标初中英语九年级下册You’re supposed to shake hands教案

  • 页数:9页
  • 字数:约 9987 字
  • 大小:59.50KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:二十四设计
  • You’re supposed to shake hands教案








    Section A


    1. 学习一些见面礼仪,生活习俗和对时间的看法。

    2. 通过听力训练和口语练习加深学生对目标语言的认识。

    3. 掌握be supposed to的句型结构

    Step 1 Warm up

    Ask the studentsto say out some school rules.

    T: Please tell mesome school rules. Which are not allowed to do?

    When the studentssay them out, write them on the blackboard. They may be “We can’t be late. We can’teat and play in class. We can play games after class.” And so on.. Then,

    T: We can’t belate. That is to say, we aren’t supposed to be late. We must get to class ontime. That is to say, we are supposed to be on time.

    Ask the studentsto guess the meaning of “be supposed to”. Then tell them: be supposed to =should.

    Step 2 Lead in

    Show a map of theworld.

    T: Do you knowwhere Brazil is?

    S: It is in SouthAmerica.

    T: Do you knowwhere Japan is?

    S: It is in EastAsia.


    Come up with othercountries like “ the United States, Mexico, Korea”, and ask the students totell their sites in the world. Then,

    T: Do you knowwhat people do when they meet for the first time?

    Raise the words“bow, kiss, shake hands, greet ”. Help students to understand every word. Thenstudents do 1a according to the instruction.

    Step 3 Listening and Practising

    Listen to 1b,check answers in 1a.

    Then read theconversation in the picture. Ask two students to translate it into Chinese.Practise it in pairs. The students can change country names and customs whilepracticing.Then ask several pairs to act their conversations out in the front.

    Step 4 Listening

    2a. Listen andcheck the mistakes Maria made. Then check the answers.

    2b. Listen again.Fill in the blanks. Check the answers then.

    Then repeat withthe tape without looking at books. And look at the listening texts, comprehendthe conversation.

    Step 5 Grammar Focus

    Tell the studentsto point out the main grammar point in this lesson: be supposed to Then getsome students to read sentences in Grammar Focus and put them into Chinese.

    All the studentsread them again.

    Step 6 Homework

    Master all thesentences in Grammar Focus.




    Step 1 Revision

    Recall themistakes Maria made in the conversation in the last lesson:

    1. She arrived atPaul’s party late.

    2. She kissedPaul’s mom.

    3. She wore afancy dress.

    Ask the studentsto say “ What was Maria supposed to do?”

    1. She wassupposed to come earlier.

    2. She wassupposed to shake hands with Paul’s mom.

    3. She wassupposed to wear jeans and a T-shirt (casual clothes).

    Step 2 Presentation

    Look at the flagsigns in 3a. Ask students if they know what the two countries are. Get them tosay any information they know about the two countries.

    Step 3 Reading

    First raise newwords and phrases in the passages to help the students understand, like “opinion, pretty, relaxed, Columbia, drop by, Switzerland, after all”. Studentslook through the two passages and try to finish the table below the passages.Check the answers in the table.

    Comprehend thepassages carefully.

    Key points:

    1. be relaxedabout sth “对某事随意、宽松、不严格”

    例:His parents isrelaxed about his study.

    2. drop by “顺便访问、拜访、看望”,也可以说:drop around, dropin, drop on sb

    例:My sister droppedby last night.

    = My sisterdropped around / in last night.

    也可以说:My sister droppedon us last night.

    3. plan to do / planon doing 表示“计划做….”

    例:Where do you planto spend your vacation?

    Where do you planon spending your vacation?

    make a plan /plans 意思是“制订计划做….”

    例:We usually makeplans to see friends.

    Then read thepassages with the tape.

    Step 4 Groupwork

    According to thecontents in the passage in 3a, get the students to talk about the etiquette thepeople in Columbia and Switzerland should pay attention to in groups. Then askthe representatives of some groups to give their talk.

    Step 5 Exercises


    1. __________ (人们理应鞠躬) in Japan.

    2. Maria___________ (穿错了衣服) at Paul’s party.

    3. What ________people in Korea _________ (理应做) when they meet __________ (第一次).

    4. _____________ (与佳人和朋友一起共度时光) is veryimportant to us.

    5. Could you writethe words in Unit12 ___________ (不看你们的书)?


    Section B


    1. 通过对一些国家的风俗习惯和饮食文化、餐桌礼仪的了解,进一步提高对文明生活的认识。

    2. 能听懂听力课文的相关内容并完成相应任务。

    Step 1 Free talk

    T: What are wesupposed to say when we meet others for the first time?

    S: We are supposedto say “How do you do.” or “Nice to meet you.”

    T: What are wesupposed to do when we have an appointment to friends?

    S: We are supposedto be on time.

    T: Do you knowwhat we are supposed to pay attention to at the table?

    S: We can’t makenoise while eating.

    Step 2 Presentation

    Look at thepicture in activity 1a.

    T: What are thepeople doing in the picture?

    S: They areeating.

    T: How much do youknow about table manners around the world?

    Allow the studentsto have different answers.

    Then look at thesentences in Part 1. Comprehend every sentence. Circle “T” or “F” after eachone.

    Whilecomprehending, raising two points in them.

    1. pick up

    a. 捡起,拾起,拿起

    例:He saw a walletlying on the ground and picked it up.

    b. 接人,取物

    例:I’m going to pickup my uncle at the airport.

    2. wipe 擦,擦去 wipe away / off 把…..擦去

    例:Wipe your tearsaway.

    Step 3 Listening

    2a. Help thestudents to understand the instructions. Then listen to the tape and number thepictures in order.

    2b. Listen again.Match sentence parts. Get the students to understand the meaning of everysentence, especially the meanings of phrases “make noise (制造噪音),stick… into….(把…..插入…..), point at (指着),walk down (沿着….走)”.

    Step 4 Practising

    Ask students tomake up the whole sentences according to the ones in 2b. Then some say outtheir sentences before the class.

    Step 5 Exercise

    Make up sentencesby using “be (not) supposed to…, be polite to…, be rude to…., shouldn’t…..”.(The sentences they make must be different from the ones in the book.)




    Step 1 Homework checking

    Ask some studentsto say out their own sentences that are make up using “be supposed to…., bepolite to….” And so on.

    Step 2 Reading

    First, askstudents to point out the format of the passage in 3a. The conclusion is thatthe passage is an e-mail.

    Students readafter the tape. Ask “Where is Wang Kun now?” What etiquette did he mention inthe passage?

    After the studentsfind out the etiquette mentioned in the passage, learn it carefully.

    Key points:

    1. go out of theirway (to do sth) 以他们自己的方式(做某事)

    例:He always goes outof his way to study.

    2. feel / be athome 随便、无拘束、自由自在

    例:We began to feelat home with each other. 我们之间开始无拘束了。

    3. France 法国 French 法语,法国的 the French 法国人(整体) Frenchman Frenchwoman法国人(个体)

    例:I met a Frenchmanduring my vacation and he taught me a little French.

    4. be / get usedto 表示“习惯于….”后接n. 或v.ing。

    例:I do the dishesevery day, so I’m used to it.

    We are not used to getting up early.

    be used to do sth 表示“被用来做某事”= be used fordoing sth.

    例:This kind ofslippers is used to see in the dark.

    = This kind of slippers is used for seeing inthe dark.

    used to “过去常常”,后接v.原形。

    例:I used to beafraid of the dark. (Unit 2)

    Then studentsfinish the problems below the passage.

    Check the answersby asking individual students.





