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人教版新目标初中英语九年级上册Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教案2篇

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  • Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教案2篇

    Teenagers should beallowed to choose their own clothes.教案一




    1.词汇:allow, pierce, silly, stay up, drivers’ licenseearring, strict, concentrate, volunteer,

    目标语言:I think sixteen-years-old should be allowedto drive.

    I disagree. I think sixteenis too young.

    Do you think thirteen-years-oldshould be allowed to have part-time jobs?

    No, I don’t.







    第一课时:Section A 1a---2c Grammar Focus

    第二课时:Section A 3a---4

    第三课时:Section B 1a---2c

    第四课时:Section B 3a---4 Self Check2

    第五课时:Reading: That’s cool


    以素质教育为指导思想,促进学生个性发展,注意对学生进行思想引导,培养学生[此文转于斐斐课件园 FFKJ.Net]正




    Period One

    Step 1 Greeting and a small talk

    The S on duty gives a small talk on her unpleasant shopping(her motherdidn’t let her choose her own clothes) to lead in the topic of “Teenagers shouldbe allowed to choose their own clothes” Then,Ss show their own opinion by saying “agree” and “disagree”

    Step 2 Do you agree or disagree

    1a Read the statements in the textbook. Circle Aor D

    Step 3 Pairwork 1c

    Get students to tell out their“agrees” and “disagrees” ,as well as their reasons, to their partners. T moves around to give help if necessary.

    Step 4 Listening practice

    1b Get Ss to look at the pictureand tell them they are going to hear a conversation between Anna and her mother.Listen and circle T of F (for the first time, Ss only listen.) Then check the answers:F, F, T

    2a-2b Do the same with them as 1b

    Step 5 Pairwork 2c

    First get Ss to list out teenagersshould and should not be allowed to do. Then discuss their lists with their partnersusing the short conversation in the right box.

    Step 6 Task1:

    Get Ss to list out what theyare and are not allowed to do and make comments about them. (to get Ss practicetalking about their real experience and feelings with the target language)

    Step 7 Grammar focus

    Get Ss first to read out thestatements and then give out their own opinions to replace the statements in theright column.

    Step 8 Summary and homework:

    What rules do you have at home?Make a list of them.

    Period Two

    Step 1 Greeting

    Greet the class and check thehomework

    Step 2 A duty report

    The S on duty gives a reporton the rules in his home and lead in 3a “Sun Fei’s and Wu Yu’s rules”

    Step 3 Reading

    Ss read the conversation andwrite the two girls’ rules in the chart.

    Check the answers.

    Get Ss to read after the tapeand then read aloud by themselves.

    Then, T explains the languagepoints.

    Step 4 Pairwork 3b

    Role play. Use the informationin chart to practice with the conversation in 3a covered. They can look at the sampleconversation in the right box.

    Step 5 Task 2 “Who’s the bestreporter?”

    Make a survey by asking any5 students the questions in the chart in activity 4. Then give out a report aboutit. See who is the best reporter? And the best reporter will get a nice ball-pen.

    Step 6 Summary and homework:

    Write out the report in yourexercise-books.

    Period Three

    Step 1 Greeting and a duty report

    The S gives a duty report talking

    about his experienceof being late for school. Lead in the question “Do you ever get to school late?How often do you get to school late? Always, usually, sometimes, or never?

    Step 2 1a Get Ss to finish writing.

    Step 3 Pairwork 1b

    Get Ss to talk abouttheir answers with their partners using the sample conversation in the box on theright.

    Step 4 Listening practice

    2a Lead-in: What will happen if you get to schoollate? What about Peter? Let’s listen to a conversation between Peter and his father.Get Ss to finish 2a (As usual, for the first time, Ss only listen.) Check the answers.

    2b Listen again, match these sentences parts. Checkthe answers.

    Step 5 Groupwork 2c

    Ss discuss the statements with their group membersto practice oral English.

    Step 6 Task 3:A debate

    Choose one statement (No.3 Parents should not betoo strict with teenagers.) as the topic for them to debate. Those who agree siton one side, those who disagree sit on the other side. Before starting, each grouphave 2 minutes to get prepared. See which group is the winner.While debating, Ssshould write down the opinions they hear for their homework

    Step 7 Summary andhomework

    Write an article about your own opinions to thetopic debated in class.

    Period Four

    Step 1 Greeting

    Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Get two students to read out their articles to the class.

    Step 2 Reading

    Leading-in: Everyone of you has your own thought.Let’s read an article written by a teenagers like you. While reading, please tryto find out the answers to the questions below. Check the answers.

    T plays the tape for Ss to listen and repeat. Thenget them to read it out loudly.

    T explains some language points.

    Step 3 Pairwork 3b

    Role play. Use the information in 3a to have aconversation like the sample conversation in the box.

    Step 4 Task 4 The bestopinion

    “What school rules do you think should be

    changed in our school?” GetSs to discuss with their partners and then write down what both of them think shouldbe changed on the paper given by T. Later, discuss those statements on the paperwith the whole class and tell them to give the best one to the headmaster as goodadvice.

    Step 5 Task 5 4

    Suppose: you and your partnerare starting a new Saturday English club. Discuss with him. Make a list of rulesabout what should and should not be allowed.

    Step 6 Writing practice

    Self Check Ex.2 get Ss toread the article and then practice writing a letter using the target language.

    Step 7 Summary and homework

    Finish Ex.1 in Self Check.


    Reading---That’s cool.

    Step 1 Warming-up

    Ask: What does the word “cool”mean to you? Give some examples. Ss talk about their own opinions freely.

    Step 2 While-reading

    Go through the reading andmatch the people with their opinions in 2 on page 24 and complete the sentencesin 4 on page 25.

    Step 3 Deep comprehension

    Ss read the article more carefully. Try to guess the meanings ofthe new words. And match the words and expressions with their meanings in 3 on page25. Then get Ss to make sentences with them.

    Step 4 Groupwork 5

    Get Ss to finish the groupworkin 5 on page 25 by asking their group members.

    Step 5 Summary and homework

    Write a report about whatyour classmates think about “cool”.

    Teenagersshould be allowed to choose their own clothes.教案二




    1.Vocabulary:allow, pierce, silly, stay up, drivers’license earring, strict, concentrate, volunteer,

    Target language:I think sixteen-years-old should be allowed to drive.

    I disagree. I thinksixteen is too young.

    Do you think thirteen-years-old should be allowed to have part-timejobs?

    No, I don’t.

    2.Talk about what you are allowed to do

    3.Ask students to obey the rules of school

    Importanceand difficulties

    1. Mater new words and phrases ,master the passive voice。

    2. Use target language to express what you are allowed to do






    Step 1 Greeting and a small talk

    The S on duty gives a small talk on her unpleasant shopping(hermother didn’t let her choose her own clothes) to lead in the topic of “Teenagersshould be allowed to choose their own clothes” Then, Ss show their own opinion by saying “agree” and “disagree”

    Step 2 Do you agree or disagree

    1a Read the statements in the textbook. Circle Aor D

    Step 3 Pairwork 1c

    Get students to tell outtheir “agrees” and “disagrees” ,as well as their reasons, to theirpartners. T moves around to give help ifnecessary.

    Step 4 Listening practice

    1b Get Ss to look at thepicture and tell them they are going to hear a conversation between Anna andher mother. Listen and circle T of F (for the first time, Ss only listen.) Thencheck the answers: F, F, T

    2a-2b Do the same with them as 1b

    Step 5 Pairwork 2c

    First get Ss to list outteenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Then discuss their lists withtheir partners using the short conversation in the right box.

    Step 6 Task1:

    Get Ss to list out whatthey are and are not allowed to do and make comments about them. (to get Sspractice talking about their real experience and feelings with the targetlanguage)

    Step 7 Grammar focus

    Get Ss first to read outthe statements and then give out their own opinions to replace the statementsin the right column.

    Step 8 Summary and homework:

    What rules do you haveat home? Make a list of them.





