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人教版新目标初中英语九年级上册I like music that I can dance to教案

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  • 作者:尹超工作室
  • I like music that I can dance to教案


    教学目标: 1. Express preferences

    2. Talk about one’s likes and dislikes and the reasons

    3. Learn to express one’s opinions

    4. Learn to write a reply

    语言功能: 1) Talk about one’spreferences, using t he relative clause

    2) Talk about people’s likes and dislikes and the reasons

    3) Talk about opinions

    语言结构: Relative clauses with that and who语言目标:What kind of music do you like?

    I like music that I can sing along with.

    I love singers who write their own music.

    We prefer music that has great lyric.

    重点词汇及短语:heart, photography, interest, class, whatever, miss,okay, expect, sweet, taste, itself, laboratory, cancer, increase, biscuit,main, care, prefer… to…, remind somebody of …,dance to, sing along with, be sure to, interest somebody, make somebody adj.,to be honest, suit somebody, on display, catch up

    教学重难点:What do other people think of the different kinds ofthings? How to express one’s opinions?




    第一课时:Section A: 1a-2c

    第二课时:Section A : 3a-4

    第三课时:Section B:1-2c, Self check2

    第四课时:Section B: 3a-4, Self check1

    第五课时:Self check Reading

    I like musicthat I can dance to.

    Period 1 (Section A: 1a-2c)

    Teaching aims:

    1. Knowledge aims:

    1) Ss can use the following words: prefer, lyric, gentle

    2) Ss can use the following sentence patterns: What kind ofmusic do you like?

    I like music that I can sing along with.

    I love singers who write their own music.

    We prefer music that has great lyric.

    3) Ss can use the attributive clause.

    2. Ability aims: Learn to express their preferences.

    3. Emotion aims: Let Ss gain the abilities of appreciatingmusic.

    Important & difficult points:

    Learn how to use the attributive clauses to talk about theirpreferences

    Teaching aids: recorder, computer

    Teaching design:

    Teaching stepsSuggestions

    Step 1 Warming-up and Presentation

    1. Greetings.

    2. (Show some pictures of our school and teachers) Ask: Do you like our school?

    What do you like best about our school?

    What kind of school do you like? Why?

    (Help Ss to say): I like the school that is beautiful

    Which teacher do you like best?

    What kind of teacher do you like? Why?

    (Help Ss to say): I like the teacher who is friendly to us

    3.Notes: the attributive clause:

    Step 2 Word Study and Practice

    1. Say: We have learned the attributive clause. Are you feeling tired? Let’s have a relax. (Play some different kinds of music.)

    2. Then ask:

    Do you like listening to music?

    Who wrote the music? Can you sing along with it?

    Can you dance to it?

    And how about the lyrics? Are they great?

    What kind of music do you like/prefer? Why?

    What kind of musicians do you like/prefer?


    3. Teach some new words and expressions.

    4. Work on Section A, 1a. Present the picture and ask: What kind of music do you like?

    Step 3 Listening and practice

    1. T: We know something about you .What about Tony and Betty? What kind of music do they like?

    S1: I think Tony likes music that

    S2: I think Betty likes music that

    T: Well. Let’s listen to the tape and complete the chart in Section A 1b.

    2.Work on Section A 1b

    3. Work on Section A 1c

    Step 4 Practice

    1. Say: Carmen and Xu Fei are our new friends. Do you want to know what kind of music /musicians they prefer?

    2. Work on Section A 2a. Listen and circle.

    3. Work on Section A 2b.Listen again and complete the sentences.

    4. Work on Section A 2c.Ask and answer.

    Step 5 Make a survey

    1. Work in groups of four and make a survey.

    Say: Well done! We know different people may like different kinds of music. What do our classmates like?

    Ask: What kind of music/musicians/groups do you like/prefer?

    2. Fill in the form.(Hand out the sheets before class)


    About the music

    About the musicians

    I like music that__

    I prefer musicians who__

    3. Make a report.

    My friend…likes music that …, and she /he prefer musicians who….

    Step6 Consolidation


    人(n.)+ who + 从句

    物 (n.) + that + 从句


    1) I have an apple. An apple is red.-I have an apple that is red.

    2) I like some friends. Some friends like sports.-

    I like some friends who like sports.

    3) Have a try.


    1. Listen to the tape of 1b/2a and repeat.

    2. Copy the new words in Period1.

    3. Finish the exercises in this period.

    Bb design:

    I like music that I can dance to.

    A: What kind of school/teacher do you like?

    B:I like school that

    I like the teacher who...

    A: What about you?



    dance to

    sing along with








    I like musicthat I can dance to.

    Period 2 (Section A: 3a-4)


    1. Knowledge aims:

    1) Ss can use the following words:dislike, remind of, heart, string

    2) Ss can use the following sentencepatterns:

    I like groups that________I love singerswho_________

    3) Review the use of the attributiveclause.

    2.Ability aims: Learn to talk about Ss’ favorite music and musicians..

    3.Emotion aims: Learn to live in a happy and healthy way.

    TeachingKey Points & Difficult Points:

    1. How to teach the Ss to talk about theirfavorite music and musicians.

    2.How to use the attributive clause.

    Teaching aids: recorder, CAI


    Teaching Steps:

    Step1. Warming upand revision

    1. Enjoy and sing some English songs.

    2. Proverbs:

    All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.


    The man that suffers much knows much. 磨难多,见识广。

    Heaven helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。

    He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。

    3. Revise the attributive clause by brainstorming:

    I like/dislike the gifts that... I like/dislike the friends who

    4. Grammar focus: the attributive clause.

    5. Fill in the blanks.

    Step2. Reading

    1. Ask: Have you ever received any gifts from your friends?

    Have you ever received any CDs as gifts?

    What do you think of them?

    What do they remind you of?

    2.Work on Section A 3a

    1) Say: Jennifer has got a CD, please read her CD review and match the sentence parts.

    2) Check the answers.

    3) T: This is a review online. Next I will ask more questions:

    a) What review is it? b) Who gives this review?

    c) What kind of music is it? d) What does she think of the songs? e) Why does like it?

    f) What does it remind her of?

    g) What do you know about her from this review?

    Step3. Practice ( Section A 3b)

    Ask: What CD did you listen to recently?

    What’s the name of the CD?

    Why do you like this CD?

    What do you dislike about this CD?

    What does it remind you of?

    1. T: Now please write your own review about your favourite CD, movie, book, game or TV show.

    A review of my favourite ______________



    What’s the name of?

    Why do you like it?

    What do you dislike about it?

    What does it remind you of?

    3. Get Ss to ask and answer, and make new dialogues.

    Step4. Pair work

    1. T: Wonderful! I like music that’s quiet and gentle, but I can’t stand music that’s boring. What about you?

    2. T: Now please complete this survey. Then find classmates who agree with you.

    My opinion

    Classmate who agrees

    I like groups that_________________

    I love singers who________________

    I can’t stand music that____________

    I don’t like musicians who_________

    3. Pair work:

    A: I like groups that wear really cool clothes.

    B: That’s not really important to me. I like groups that can sing.

    A: What’ your favorite group?

    B: My favorite is

    Step5 Homework

    1. Copy the new words.

    2. Write a review about their favorite CDs they have got on the exercise books.

    Bb design

    I like music that I can dance to.

    All work, no play makes Jack a dull boy.

    He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。

    I like/dislike the gifts that...

    I like/dislike the friends who

    What do they remind you of?





    I like musicthat I can dance to.

    Period 3 (Section B: 1-2c, Self check 2)

    Teaching aims

    Knowledge aims:

    1.Ss can use the following words and expressions: sink, honest, course, expect,suit sb. fine

    2.Ss can use the following sentence patterns: I like movies that are sad/havescary monsters.

    Helikes clothes that are unusual.

    Ability aims:

    Learnto talk about likes of oneself and others

    Learnto write a reply to an e-mail

    Emotional aims:

    Letthe Ss know how to express one’s own likes and respect others’ likes

    Importantand difficult points

    Useattributive clause to talk about likes of oneself and others

    Teaching aids: computer

    Teaching steps Suggestions

    Teaching steps

    Step1 Revision and lead-in

    1. T: Do you like music? What kind of music do you like?

    2. T: There are many famous bands that can play music very well, do you know any of them?

    Let the Ss say the names of the bands and then present pictures of some bands.

    T: What kind of band do you like?

    Which is your favorite band?

    Ss may answer: I like the bands that play pop music.

    My favorite band is….

    3. Talk about books and movies

    4. Let the Ss fill in the chart in Section B 1 .Write names of their favorite band, book and movie.

    Step 2 Group work

    1. Let the Ss discuss their favorite things, say why they like each thing.

    A: I like movies that are sad. I love “Sinking Ship”.

    B: Oh, I don’t. I like movies that have scary monsters. I really like

    2. Ask some groups to express their likes and dislikes

    3. The other Ss listen carefully and say something about the likes and dislikes of the groups.

    Step 3 Listening

    1. 1. Read the instructions on 2a and point to the picture. Say, Michael and Ali are talking about some of the things in the room. Listen and write down three things they are talking about.

    2.Check the answers

    3. Work on 2b

    Step 4 Reading

    1. T: What kind of clothes do you like to wear in summer?

    T: What kind of places do you like to go to in summer?

    S: I like to go to places that are not too hot.

    T: So you can go to places such as Qingdao, Dalian, Hong Kong, etc.

    Have you ever been to Hong Kong? Do you know anything about it?

    Present some pictures of Hong Kong and let the Ss say something about it.

    2. Let the Ss read Self check 2, the e-mail from Lingling and answer some questions:

    1) What does Lingling think of Hong Kong?

    2) Why is she there?

    3) What kind of music does she prefer?

    4) What did she do before the concert?

    5) What is she going to do next weekend?

    3. Let the Ss write a reply to Lingling

    Pay attention to the questions she raised in the e-mail. They can write something about language, music, food and films, etc.

    Homework:Write a reply to Lingling in the exercise books.

    The design of the Bb

    以谈论music复习前两节课学过的定语从句并引出本节课要讲的bands, books and movies.






    Unit6 I likemusic that I can dance to

    Period 4 (Section B: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4)

    Teaching aims:

    Knowledge aims:

    1. Review how to express preferences and causes.

    2. Understand the three reviews well.

    3. Write a review of a book, a movie or a C D.

    Ability aims: 1. Master how to express preferences and causes.

    2. Learn to write a review ofa book, a movie or a C D.

    3. Improve the ability of reading.

    Emotion aims: Enable the students to understand some strict rules they haveto follow.

    Key points: 1. Understand the three reviews well.

    2. Write a review ofa book, a movie or a C D.

    Difficult points: How to write a review of a book, a movie or a C D.

    Teaching tools: Somepictures, CAI,a tape recorder.

    Teaching design:

    Teaching steps


    Step1. Revision

    1. T: Are you happy today? What did you do last night?

    Did you go out with your friends?

    Do you have a lot of friends?

    What kind of friends do you prefer?

    S: I prefer friends who are outgoing/ smart/ modest

    love sports/ get good grades/ can keep secrets

    I don’t like friends who are

    T: Do you like music? What kind of music do you prefer?

    S: I prefer music that I can sing along with.

    has great lyrics.

    is quiet, loud, gentle, energetic,

    slow, fast, exciting, crazy, not noisy,not too loud

    I don’t like the music that

    What kind of movie do you prefer/ you don’t like?

    What kind of band do you prefer/you don’t like?

    Step2:Groupwork (4)

    T: What do you like to do next week?

    In our city, there will be a lot of special events. Now discuss in groups and decide what you and your friends prefer to do together next week?










    boxing match

    boxing match

    music concert



    My friend and I prefer to go to …on…Because we like …that

    Step 3. Reading

    1. Have you ever written a review after you watched a movie or read a book or listened to a CD? Today, we will learn three reviews. They are reviews of a movie, an exhibition of photography and a band. First, please read these three reviews and circle the things the reviewers like and underline the things the reviewers don’t like. (3a)

    2. Read the passage after the tape again and explain some new words, phrases and grammar points.

    3. Use the information from the reviews to complete the chart.(3b)




    The fisherman’s wife was funny.



    Step4. Writing

    Do you want to write a review? How to write a review?

    If we want to write a review of a book we have read, a CD we have listened to or a movie we have seen, we should write about the following four parts:

    1. What’s the name of the book, the CD or the movie?

    2. What do you like in it? Why?

    3. What do you dislike in it? Why?

    4. What does it remind you of?

    A sample:

    Recently I listened to a CD named Dance, Dance, Dance.

    The music is great because you can dance to it. You can take this to a party. Also, these musicians write their own lyrics.

    Some songs are too long. Some of the singers don’t sing the words clearly.

    The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.

    Stept5. Practice Finish Self check 1

    Step6. Homework

    Write a review of a book you have read, a CD you have listened to, or a movie you have seen.

    Bb design

    Unit6 I like music that I can dance to

    1. I prefer …that / who

    2. I don’t prefer… that / who

    3. What’s the name of the book, the CD or the movie?

    4. What do you like in it? Why?

    5. What do you dislike in it? Why?

    6. What does it remind you of?











