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人教版新目标初中英语七年级下册Don’t eat in class教案2篇

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  • 作者:Vincent演示
  • Don’t eat in class教案2篇




    语言结构:祈使句、情态动词can表示许可的用法和情态动词have to 及其各种句式的变化。


    SectionB是让学生在掌握了Section A的基础知识后进行拓展和延伸。


    Words:rule, arrive, classroom, dining hall, hallway, outside, fight, uniform, sportsshoes, gym, have to

    Sentences:Don’t eat in class.Can we listen to music in class? No, we can’t. But we canlisten to it outside. Do you have to wear a uniform in school? Yes, we do.

    Wehave to wear sports shoes for gym classes.

    •SectionB 由学校生活过渡到家庭生活,制定家规、了解标识,并引导学生展开思维与想象,进行与现实生活相联系的再创作。





    •情态动词have to





    2 认知目标

    .词汇: rules, arrive late for class, go out , practice,

    inclass, classroom, halllways, outside, uniform, fight, etc.



    熟练运用have to 表达必须遵守的规则。


















    Period1 :Section A 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b, 2c

    Period2: Section A3a,3b,4,Section B:3b

    Period3: Section B 1,2a,2b,2c,3a, 3c, 4

    Period4: Self check

    Period One

    SubTopic:Talk about the school rules

    Languagefocus: Imperatives ,Can for permission

    Vocabulary:rule, arrive, classroom, dining hall,hallway, outside, fight

    LanguageStructure:Don’t eat in class. Can we listen to musicin the classrooms or in the hallways? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.

    Tasks:Listing, discussion & Making a survey



    Tellthe students that we will learn rules today by showing the picture ofrules.(Teacher can decide how to present the topic according to the actualsituation, for example, you can tell the students that you are unhappy becausesome of the students are not ready for class. Then present the topic :rules,tell the students everyone must keep the rules, etc.)

    Showpictures and ask the students about some rules, then present the sentencestructure: Don’t ------ . You can do it as the following:

    A:Can we arrive late for class?

    B:No, we can’t.

    A:so, don’t arrive late for class.

    A:Can you fight?

    B:No, We can’t. We can’t fight.

    A:So, don’t fight.

    Showother pictures and go on talking about the rules like the following:

    Wecan’t eat in the classrooms.Don’t eat in the classrooms.

    Wecan eat outside We can eat in the dining hall.

    (meanwhile,teach the new words :outside and dining hall.)

    Wecan’t talk in class.Don’t talk in class.We can talk after class.

    Showa picture of the hallway, teach in the hallways and say:

    Don’trun in the hallways.

    Goon showing other pictures which may not from the unit but very useful.

    We can’t draw on the wall.

    Don’t draw on the wall.

    Wecan’t spit(吐痰) here.

    Don’t spit here.

    Step2 while- task

    Task1 Listing competition

    T:There are many school rules in our school. Let’s list what we can’t do and takesome notes as quickly as you can.Then report them.

    School rules

    What we can’t do

    What are our school rules?

    We can’t ------.

    Thenask the students change the sentences into imperative as the models.

    Presentand check the rules by showing the board

    School rules

    1. Don’t arrive/be late for class.

    2. Don’t run in the hallways.

    3. Don’t eat in the classroom.

    4. Don’t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.

    5. Don’t fight.

    Task2Match the pictures with the rules

    Show pictures and let the students match in order to consolidatethe new words and sentence structure.

    ( ) Don’tarrive late for school.

    ( ) Don’teat in class.

    ( ) Don’ttalk in class.

    ( ) Don’trun in the hallway.

    ( ) Don’tfight.

    ( ) Don’tdraw on the wall.

    ( ) Don’tspit here.

    Showa picture from Section A. Ask the students the following questions and let themtry to answer:

    Arethey good students?

    Whatrules are they breaking ?

    Task3Listen.What rules are these students breaking? Write the number after the names.

    FinishSection A 1b.

    Task4 Listen

    FinishSection A 2a and 2b.

    Task5 Report

    Findout what Alex and Christina can do and what they cannot do.

    ByTask 5, we can make the students listen and note the content very carefully .

    School rules

    What they can’t do

    What they can do

    listen to music in the classrooms or hallways.

    listen to it in the music room

    eat in the classrooms

    eat in the dining hall

    wear hats in class

    fight with anyone

    Step 3

    Task6Add more school rules.

    According to the above steps, let the add more school rules sothat they can express the rules as they like.

    Don’tlisten to music in the classroom or hallways .

    Listento music in the music room.

    Don’teat in the classrooms.

    Eatin the dining hall.

    Don’twear hats in class.

    Don’tfight with anyone.

    Thentell the students the following phrases.


    keep the rules 遵守规则

    break the rules违反规则


    •Ask students to find out some signs around them and try to drawthem out.

    Period Two

    Sub Topic: Talk about the school rules

    Language focus: Do we have to ---? No talking, no wet umbrellas

    Structure: We have to clean the classroom every day.

    Dowe have to wear a uniform?

    Youdon’t have to ---.

    Tasks:•Listing•Making a survey



    Watcha segment of “逃学威龙” and see what rules they are breaking ?(他们违反了哪些规章制度)let the students answer :

    Don’tplay balls in class. Don’t smoke. (吸烟)。Don’t drink. Don’t wear hats. Don’t run.

    Don’tsleep. Don’t fight…

    Step2 Discuss

    1.What do you think of the students in the movie?

    2.Canyou keep(遵守) the rules?

    3.How can you be a good student?

    Step3 Present

    Askthe students what they can or can’t do as a good student.

    Showa model girl to the students and ask:

    Canwe have a gym class like the girl?

    Dowe have to wear sports shoes in gym classes? Yes, we do.

    Wehave to wear sports shoes for gym class.

    (Teachsports shoes)

    Step 3 Practice

    Makethe students practice the following sentence structure by showing the schoolrules.

    Dowe / you have to …? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

    School rules

    1. Clean the classroom every day.

    2. Get to school before 7:20.

    3. Wear sports shoes for gym class.

    4. Keep quiet in class.

    Step4.While –task


    1.askand tick the things they have to do at school first, then make a report.

    Finish homework on time()

    Help each other()

    Clean the classroom()

    Wear a uniform every day()

    Keepall school rules ()

    Study hard ()

    Be polite()


    2.Make a report : At school, my friends have to …

    Task2.ShowSs a picture of the school library.Let them talk about it.

    S1: Can we …? S 2: Yes, we can. / No, we can’t.

    Task3Group work

    Askstudents to show the signs they found before class and explain their meanings.

    Say: there are some signs in English in ourdaily life. What other places do you think need English signs and rules oncampus? Let’s work out together.

    Ask them to work in groups of four and makerules for the library. Choose the best group. Ask them to write out.

    Model:Rules in the library

    Isthere a library in the school? Do you know the rules in the library? There is alibrary in our school. Let me tell you its rules.

    You can study and do your homework there, butremember to be quiet. There are many kinds of books and magazines in thelibrary. You can read them there, or you can borrow them home. But please keepthem clean and don’t make them dirty. You can use the computers in the libraryto look for information, but you can’t play games there.

    Whatabout the rules in your library? Can you write them down?

    Task4.Readthe signs and explain their meanings.

    Doyou know the rules for the school library?

    Showthe pictures of the rules for the school library.

    Task5 Make the library rules , then exchange their ideas.


    Don’twrite on books, magazines, desks, or walls.

    Don’teat or drink in the library.

    Don’trun or fight inside.

    Don’tlisten to music inside.

    Don’tuse the call phone inside.


    •Nowet umbrellas!

    •Nolistening to music!


    •Noschool bags!

    Task6.Groupwork Discuss about the rules for the public places and make the rules.

    Showeach picture for the lab, the computer room , the dining room and the swimmingpool ,make the rules for the public places .(each group can choose one publicplace )

    Task7do you know these signs.

    Showmore signs and make the students discuss and express .


    •Tosum up some rules of the public places

    •Tofind out some signs around us and try to draw them out.


    SubTopic: Talk about the house rules

    Languagefocus: I have to ---He /she has to ---

    Vocabulary:Practice, go out on school nights,

    LanguageStructure: I have to practice my guitar every day. I have to be in bed by teno’clock.

    Tasks:•Listing •Comparing•Sharing



    Makethe students ask and answer the following questions:

    Doyou have to get up at 6:00?

    Canyou watch TV on weekdays?

    Doyou have to wash your clothes?

    Canyou go out on school nights?

    Doyou have to clean your bedroom?

    Doyou have to be home at 5:00?

    Canyou play computer games?

    Step2.Pre-taskand while-task

    Tellthe students what they can do to be a good child at home.

    Talkwith Ss about the house rules on weekdays and weekends.


    •Amy:Hello, Ian.

    •Ian:Hi, Amy. What are your rules?

    •Amy:Well, I can’t watch TV in the evening. And I can’t go out on school nights.Then I have to do my homework every night. What about you?

    •Ian:I can’t play football at noon. I have to have a good rest at noon. And I can’twatch TV in the evening and I have to do my homework every night. Then I haveto practise guitar every day.

    Task1Make the students ask and answer about their house rules.

    Task2 Interview: Go around the classroom and interview four of your friends thefollowing questions.



    What you can’t do?

    What you have to do?


    Task3 The signs for rules Show the pictures from Section B 1.

    Whatdo these signs mean?

    whatcan’t he do ? And what does he have to do ?He has to ---.

    FinishSection B 1

    RulesEmily Dave

    _______Don’t watch TV after school_______

    __a____Don’t go out on school nights_______

    _______Doyour homework after school._______

    _______Practiceyour guitar every day._______

    Task4 .Talk about their family rules (listen and note)

    Therules for Dave and Emily


    What they can do

    What they can’t do

    What they have to do


    Go out on school nights

    Hang out with my friends after school

    Watch TV after school

    Do homework

    Clean her room every weekend


    Go out

    Watch TV after school

    be home by 10 o’clock

    Do homework

    Practice the guitar

    Clean his room every weekend

    Emilycan’t ---. She has to do her home on school nights.

    FinishSection B 2a and 2b.

    Task5 Making some rules

    Listenand Find the rules for Zhao Pei’s house.

    ZhaoPei’s Rules

    getup at 6 o’clock

    can’tmeet her friends after school

    hasto take her dog for a walk after school

    can’twatch TV on school nights

    hasto be in bed by ten o’clock

    hasto clean her room and wash her clothes on weekends

    hasto help her mom make dinner

    hasto learn the piano

    FinishSection B 3a

    Task6.Writea letter to your parents to give them some advice.



    Itisn’t fair. We have too many rules at home. We want freedom. Freedom! Freedom!Now, here are the rules for you:

    1.Nosmoking in the living room.





    Weknow you love us, though we sometimes have different opinions. You just want usto be good. But now we grow up and hope to do things in our way. We shouldrespect each other. Would you like to have a look at the suggestions?

    1.Please don’t smoke in the house.




    Step3.sing a song

    Can we wear hats in school?

    No, we can’t. No, we can’t.

    Can we listen to music?

    Yes, we can!

    Can you watch TV after school?

    Yes, I can. Yes, I can.

    Can you go out on school nights?

    No, I can’t.

    What else do we have to do?

    We have to eat in the dining hall.

    Do we have to wear a uniform?

    Yes, We do.

    What else do you have to do?

    I have to practice guitar every day.

    Do you have to clean your room?

    Yes, I do.


    Introduce your family rules.

    Ask the students to write the suggestions to their parents or teachers. forexample, “No smoking , dad.”

    Helpzhao Pei give some suggestions to her parents.

    Period Four

    Sub Topic: Talk about the rules

    Language focus:have to, don’t, can/can’t

    Vocabulary: All the words and expressions in the unit

    Language Structure: Don’t ---.We can’t ---.We have to ---

    Tasks: Listing •Imagination•Sharing


    Step1.warming up

    Singand fill in the blanks

    ____ we wear hats in school?

    No, we ____. No, we_____.

    Can we listen to music?

    Yes, we can!

    Can you watch TV after school?

    Yes, I can. Yes, I can.

    Can you ___ ____on school nights?

    No, I can’t.

    What else do we ___ ____ do?

    We___ ____eat in the ___ _____.

    Do we have to wear a ____?

    Yes, We do.

    What else do you have to do?

    I have to ____ guitar ___day.

    Do you have to clean your room?

    Yes, I do.

    Step2 Revision

    Task1.Recall the school rules.

    1.Don,tarrive late for class.

    2.Dontrun in the hallways.

    3.Donteat in the classrooms.

    4.Dontlisten to music in the classrooms or

    the hallways.


    6.Donttalk in class.

    7.Dontgo out in school nights.

    8.Pleasewear a uniform at school every day.


    10.No smoking!(不要吸烟!)

    Task2 Make our school rules


    Inorder that we can have a good environment (环境). We should have some rules in our school. Here is somesuggestion, we hope that all of us can have a look at them.

    1.Don’tsleep in class.

    2.Cleanthe classroom everyday.



    Task3 .Show Ss some school rules, then let them practise “Do we / you have to …?”.


    1.Keep tidy and clean.

    2.Get to school before 7:20.

    3.Be polite.

    4.Respect each other.

    Task4 Fill in the blanks


    1.____arrive late for class/school.

    2.Don’t eat _________.

    3.______ fight.

    4.______ the school uniform.(校服)

    5._______ wear a hat in______.

    6.______ run in the ___________.

    7.______ __________ music in the classrooms/hallways.


    Havea competition between boys and girls, let them ask and answer questions about differentrules.

    Boy1: Do we have to wear uniforms at school?

    Girl1: Yes, we do. Can we run in the classroom?

    Boy2: No, we can’t. …

    Aftercompetition, get them to choose one of the rules and make a report about it ingroups of four.

    Task6 Discussion

    Discussthe following questions:

    1.Who made so many rules for you?

    2.Why did they make them?

    3.What do you think of them?

    4.Can you make better rules that everybody likes?

    Task7.Ask some students to read their report and ask the other students to give somemore advice.

    Task8. List the rules of the Fraser family. And imagine you are a child in theFraser family. Write a letter to Dr Know about the rules in your house.


    Don’ttalk loudly on the phone.

    Don’twatch TV in the evening;.

    Don’teat in bed.

    Don’tgo out on weekends.

    Don’tsleep late on Sunday morning.

    Practicethe guitar every night.

    Task9 solve the actual situation

    InJiaxing Grand Theatre, what do we have to do?

    Step3 Cosolidation



    ____________ loudly.


    I_____ _____get___ ____6:30every day.


    _________ arrive ______ ______work。


    He______ _____ to go to bed________11:00。


    _____we _____ hats _____school? --No,we ________.


    _____you_____ _____read English every day? —Yes, we_____.






    Don’t eat in class教案

    一. 教学目标



    rule, sneaker, in class,in the hallways, in the classrooms, have/has to do, for gym class, on schoolnights, Dr Know, take my dog for a walk, be in bed, by ten o’clock , wash myclothes, help my mom make dinner, no talking, turn off the lights, waste water,talk loudly.

    2). 让学生掌握下面的句型

    Can we eat in school?

    We can eat in the cafeteria , but we can’t eatin the classroom.

    Can students wear hats in school?Yes, theycan. / No, they can’t.

    2. 能力目标


    2).学习“can” 表许可的用法。

    3).掌握“have/ has to”的表达方式及提问和问答。

    3. 情感目标


    二. 教学重难点


    2.情感动词“have to”有第三人称单数的变化形式“has to”,还有时态的变化,如:“Do you have to …?/ Doeshe have to…?”。

    3.肯定祈使句是省略掉主语的原形动词开头; 否定祈使句则是在肯定祈使句前加上“don’t”。

    4.注意“No + doing”的表达结构


    Section A

    (1a)in class 表示“在课堂上”; in the classroom 表示“在教室里”;

    (2a)eat outside 表示“在外面吃”,其中“outside”是“在外面”;

    (3a)have to 有三单形式 “has to”,表示“必须”; 还有时态的变化。

    Section B

    (3a)I never have anyfriends. 其中“never”表达否定语气,但表达形式为肯定。例如:He never goes fishing.

    四. 教学建议

    1. 课时及内容建议


    第一课时Section A (1a-1c)

    第二课时 Section A (2a- 4)

    第三课时Section B (1a- 4)

    第四课时Section B (3a)

    第五课时Section B (selfcheck-3b)


    1). 教师可根据教学目的和学生情况对教材调整,组合甚至删除;




    (T:teacher, S: student)

    1) 第一课时 (1a~1c)

    步骤1 :warming up andrevision


    Please stand up/ sitdown.

    Close the door ,please.

    Look at me and listento me.

    Don’t open your books.

    Don’t talk.

    Let’s begin ourclass.


    步骤2 :presentation

    T: Where are you ? Are you in the videoarcade?S: No, we’re in the classroom.

    教师出示书上1a 的图片,向学生提问。

    a. 指着图上奔跑的男孩提问

    T:What’s the boy doing? S: He’s running.

    T:Where is he running?S: He’s running in thehallways.(板书,教读)

    T:Can you run in the hallways? S: No, Ican’t.

    T: So please don’trun in the hallways.(板书,教读)

    =You can’t run in the hallways.





