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人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册It’s a nice day, isn’t it教案2篇

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  • It’s a nice day, isn’t it教案2篇

    It’s a nice day, isn’t it?教案一


    "Hello! Welcome to English class!Introduce yourself. Meet your new classmates." Thats what the teachersays. What do you say? "Oh no!" It can be difficult talking to newpeople. But it can be fun, and you can make friends. How do you do it? Makesmall talk. Small talk is polite conversation. "Wang Nan is a greatpingpang player, isnt she?" "Id love to meet her, wouldntyou?" "Its been raining a lot, hasnt it?" Tag questions are aform of polite speech. To make small talk successfully, you should know how tomake them. You should also know what topics to talk about. Try to learn thisunit carefully. The next time youre in English class, youll find out. Makingsmall talks easy, isnt it?










    go swimming去游泳

    wait in line排队

    hate doing sth.讨厌做某事

    It looks like rain看上去要下雨了

    wait for the bus/ train等车

    I hope so/not.我希望如此/我不希望这样

    so am / do I我也是

    be late for/to迟到


    预习:Section A 1a,1b




    Sample one:

    on a bus, wait in a movie line, at the bus stop or trainstation, at the concert, in a restaurant, at the park, etc.

    A: It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

    B: Yes, it is.

    A: The train is late, isn’t it?

    B: Yes, it is.

    A: It looks like rain, doesn’t it?

    B: Yes, it does.

    Sample two:




    A: It’s really cold today, isn’t it?

    B: Yes, it is. I hope the bus comes soon.

    A: I do, too, but it’s always late on Sunday.

    B: Oh, I didn’t know that. I usually take the bus on weekdays.

    A: Well, do you take the bus to school?

    B: Yes, I do.

    Sample 3: Complete the conversation. Writesentences in the blanks.


    A: This is great weather, isn’t it?

    B: It sure is. But it’s a little hot for me.

    A: Oh, I love hot weather._______________________________________.

    B: Which beach are you going to?

    A: I’m going to Today Beach. __________________________.

    B: I usually go to Sandy Beach.


    B: No, it’s never crowded. Well, have a good day!

    A: __________________________.

    B: Goodbye.

    Possible answers:

    A: This is great weather, isn’t it?

    B: It sure is. But it’s a little hot for me.

    A: Oh, I love hot weather. I’m going to thebeach today.

    B: Which beach are you going to?

    A: I’m going to Today Beach. Where do youusually go?

    B: I usually go to Sandy Beach.

    A: Is it very crowded?

    B: No, it’s never crowded. Well, have a good day!

    A: Thanks. Goodbye.

    B: Goodbye.

    Sample 4:

    1. 请同学们看78页4,图中的这些人分别是谁?你们通常在什么地方能够遇到他们,请想一想什么样的话题比较适合与他们进行交谈。完成下列表格。(possible answers are given below.)

    2. 请选择表中的一个人物写一段你与他之间的对话。

    I want to make a conversation with an old man.

    (possible conversation given by teacher)

    (At the park)

    I: It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

    The old man: Yes, it is. It’s good for a walk, isn’t it?

    I: Yes. Do you often take walks in the park?

    The old man: Yes, I take a walk everyday in thepark.

    I: Great. Have a good day.

    The old man: You too. Goodbye.

    I: Goodbye.


    1.完成P78 3b

    2.完成sample 4中的一个对话。

    3.听P79 Section B 2a 和2b



    Sample 1

    Every year

    there are some new students in your school. Thinkof things they can talk about in the hallway, in the classroom, in thecafeteria, or on the playground. Finish the article below to offer help andgive advice.


    Small talks for new students:

    Dear new schoolmates,

    Welcome to our school. I’m so glad that you are hereand are you shy meeting new people? …

    Sample 2

    Plan for your journey


    1.Now, please make a list about things you wouldlike to know about Britain.



    (possible answers: weather, transportation,geography, history of the city you are going to live, popular sports in France,etc.)

    2.Think about what kind of topic you wouldprobably like to talk about with the following Englishmen.

    3. Please choose a topic and make a dialogue fromthe above chart.

    Sample answer:

    You: David Beckham is really good, isn’t he?

    Kid: Yes, and he’s quick.

    You: Do you like sports?

    Kid: Yes, I do. What about you?

    You: I do too. What kind of sports do you like?

    Kid: I like soccer.

    You: Oh, I like basketball.

    作业: 完成Workbook 中的练习题



    Thank-you letter note for a gift: 3

    Thank-you letter note for a party: 1

    Thank-you letter note for help: 2


    1. Write a thank-you note

    Step 1 When do you send gifts?

    When my friends’ birthday is coming.

    When it’s a holiday.

    Step 2 What are the kinds of parties you knowabout?

    Birthday party, new year party, Christmas party,weekend party, etc.

    Step 3 What do you write a thank-you note for?

    Thank-you note for a gift, for a party or for help.

    Step 4 Please read the three situations givenbelow and think about what kind of thank-you note you could write. Choose oneto write a thank-you note please.

    Situation 1 Your friend Jimmy has invited you tothe party and you have had a good time during the party.

    Situation 2 You are a new student in a new school.Your classmate Sally has helped you a lot. With her help, you get used to theschool soon.

    Situation 3 It’s new years day. You have receiveda gift from your grandma. What a lovely koala! You love it so much.

    Situation 1 __________Situation 2_____________

    Situation 3 ______________

    Sample letter given by teacher: (Situation 1)

    Dear Jimmy,

    Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party. Itwas great. I had a lot of fun and it was good to see all the old friends duringthe party. I have made some new friends, too. I am looking forward to the nextparty.



    Now, you are studying at home because of SARS, butthe teachers are still busy working in the campus. Your parents are stillworking. And all the adults are still working in different areas, especiallydoctors and nurses, they are fighting against SARS. Do you feel grateful tothem? Do you want to write a letter to any of them? Please write a thank-younote.

    Sample letter:

    Dear teachers,

    Long time no see. How are you? I miss you so much.We’re …

    It’s a nice day, isn’t it?教案二

    1 单元教学内容分析

    本单元以描述与陌生人聊天时应注意的事项为话题,学会如何选择话题、展开话题,进行流畅沟通的主题,最后落实到把握如何成功地与陌生人交流,并且熟练掌握各种不同内容的感谢信的写法。Section A 部分重在从听、说、写三方面强化对在不同场合下和陌生人聊天的表述,感知反意疑问句结构;Section B部分则进一步深化了这个主题,从识别、对话、书写等方面提出了更高的要求。由口头的闲聊到正式的格式文体——感谢信的书写,引导学生思考如何由和陌生人闲聊到在真实的交际礼仪中了解、关心、感谢别人并增进友谊的方法。

    3 单元教学目标


    (1)重点词汇:noon, bookstore, elevator, traffic, cross, low, slow, fan , note, comealong, get along, at least, look through


    It’s really windy today, isn’t it?Yes, it is.

    You’re Ben’s sister, aren’t you?Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

    The NO.5 bus stops here, doesn’t it?Yes, it does.




    1. 重点:(1)在特定场合中选择适当的话题与人搭讪




    period 1: Section A 1a-2b

    period 2: Section A 2c、3a、3b、4

    period 3: Section B 1a-2c

    period 4: Section B 3a、3b、3c

    period 5: Section B 4a, Self-check

    Period 1(Section A 1a-2b)

    2 教学目标


    It’s really windy today, isn’t it?Yes, it is.

    You love violin music, don’t you?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

    The NO.5 bus stops here, doesn’t it?Yes, it does.








    4 教学步骤

    Step 1. Lead in by introducing Labixiaoxin’s small talk!

    T: Labixiaoxin is traveling in England. How does he talk with foreigners,the people he doesn’t know? Let’s look.

    Situation 1: Wait for the subway

    T: Now he’s at the subway station, waiting for the subway. He meets aforeigner,what does he say?

    S1: Hi. How are you?

    S2: Nice to meet you.

    S3: What’s your name?

    T: But in England, when people meet, they often talk about the weather.

    Eg: It’s really windy today, isn’t it?Yes, it is.

    It looks like rain, doesn’t it? Yes, it does.

    It’s a nice day, isn’t it?It sure is.

    Ok, are you clear? Now let’s practice. Act as Labixioaxin and theforeigner.

    Situation 2: The subway is late.

    T: Labixiaoxin has been waiting for a long time. But the subway doesn’tcome.

    So the foreigner says,“The subway is late, isn’t it?”

    How should Labixiaoxin answer?

    S: Yes, it is. / It sure is.

    T 引导学生展开话题:It is always late, isn’t it? No, but sometimes.

    The line is moving slowly, isn’t it?

    Situation 3: In the subway

    T: There are many people in the subway. It’s very crowded. So he says:“The subway iscrowded, isn’t it?”

    Situation 4: On the concert

    Labixiaoxin: You love violin music, don’t you?

    Foreigner: Yes, I do.

    L: He plays really well doesn’t he?

    F: He sure is.

    教师引导学生展开话题:Do you have his new CD?

    Step 2. Pairwork

    Practice all the situations above.

    Step 3. Practice

    Situation: Two people are waiting in line for the bus.

    It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

    The bus is late, isn’t it?

    This line is moving slowly, isn’t it?

    Do you think it’s going to rain?

    (…have been waiting for twenty minutes, forgot to bring umbrella…)

    Step 4. Listening 1b

    After listening , the students practice the conversations.

    Step 5. Listening 2a、2b

    T: To have successful small talk , both people need to ask questions.

    1. Listen to three conversations.Are they successful or unsuccessful. Write“S”or“U”.

    2. Then listen and do 2b.

    3. Point out the new phrase: bynoon

    Step 6. Make successful small talks

    Situation 1: Two people are watching NB A.

    Useful expressions:

    It’s really exciting, isn’t it ?

    You love basketball, don’t you?

    You like Yao Ming, don’t you?

    I watch NBA every week.

    How often do you watch NBA?

    Situation 2: Two people are waiting for the bus at the bus stop. (Section A3a)

    Step 7. Homework



    Step 8. 教学反思

    Period 2(Section A 2c、3a、3b、4)

    4 教学目标






    4 教学策略

    以在车站等车的场景为例,指导学生在大胆说的基础上,进行书面表达,选择一些贴近学生生活的情境(如:waiting in line to buy ice cream, two people alone in an elevator)指导学生如何选择话题编情景对话,从而在实际应用中真正掌握与人闲聊的技巧。


    Step 1. Review

    Step 2. Play a game

    Work in pairs, choose a number. Then make a small talk .

    Situation 1: Looking through(浏览) books in a bookstore(书店).

    Situation 2:waiting to cross(穿过) a busy street.

    Situation 3:Two people alone in an elevator(电梯).

    Situation 4:Waiting for rain stopping

    Situation 5:Waiting for a train

    Situation 6:Waiting in line to buy ice cream.

    Situation 7:Visiting an exhibition





