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  • He said I was hard-working教案2篇

    He said I was hard-working.教案一


    I.Language Goals




    II.Key Words

    1.mad adj.极为愤怒的;十分恼火的

    She was mad withme for losing my keys.她为我丢了钥匙而生我的气。

    2.anymore adv.再;还(用于否定句)

    He doesnt comehere anymore.他再也不到这儿来了。

    3.however adv.无论如何

    He can answer thequestion however hard it is.不管问题有多难他都能回答。

    4.suppose v.假定;认为;料想;期望

    What do yousuppose you will do after school? 你放学后想干什么?

    5.nervous adj.紧张的;神经质的

    I felt verynervous when I went into his office.


    6.semester n.一学期;半年

    We will have tensubjects in this semester.这个学期我们将学十门功课。

    7.disappointing adj.令人失望的

    Maybe this news isdisappointing .也许这是一个令人失望的消息。

    8.be supposed to 认为必须;认为应该

    You are supposedto be successful.你应该成功。

    9.get mad 变疯;变得着迷

    She gets mad aboutgoing to dance.她对跳舞着了迷。

    10.get over 恢复,克服困难

    Can we get overthis difficulty? 我们能克服这个困难吗?

    III. Key SentenceStructures

    Direct speech

    Reported speech

    I am mad at Marcia.

    She said she was mad at Marcia.

    I am having a party for Lana.

    She said she was having a party for Lana.

    I go to the beach every Saturday.

    He said he went to the beach every Saturday.

    I will call you tomorrow.

    He told me he would call me tomorrow.

    I can speak three languages.

    She said she could speak three languages.


    1.Listening Comprehension

    (A)Listen and number the pictures.

    (B)Listen to the conversations, first fill inthe chart and then choose the right answers.




    What did B do this What are they going to dospring?

    What are they going to do this weekend?













    6.The first speaker likes best, butis the second speakers favorite season.

    A.spring, spring B.autumn, spring C.spring, autumn


    7.It is oftenin summer in London.

    A.rainy B.windy C.cold


    8.In the dialogue it isnow in Beijing.

    A.summer B.winter C.autumn


    9.This spring the second speaker went to plant trees with.

    A.his classmates B.his parentsC.John


    10.The first speaker is going tothis weekend.

    A.water the trees B.plant trees C.the Great Wall


    Choose the wordsto fill in the blanks with proper forms, according to the sentences.


    1.I had awith my friend, and he didnt talk to me.

    2.I didnt think it was a goodfor her to copy my homework.

    3.Yesterday Jack told me he washed got mad.

    4.I wait was much better if I did my ownwork.

    5.The good news is that my teacher said Ihard-working.

    6.My science teacher said Ido better.

    III.Choose the correct answers.


    1.I have somenews for you.Mary cant come to see the movie with us.

    A.disappointed B.disappointing C.interested D.interesting


    2.I am not good at Chinese so I have atime when having Chinese classes.

    A.hard B.good C.nice D.easy


    3.My mom said it wasbetter than having a meeting.

    A.moreB.some C.fewer D.much


    4.I am happy you are well and in good.

    A.healthy B.health C.balance D.place


    5.What do I have to doI want to be thinner?

    A.if B.since C.while D.until


    6.When Bill got home, he said to his mom hereally hungry.

    A.is B.was C.will beD.be


    7.─ What did Gina say?

    ─ She said shea surprise party for her mother.


    8.The teacher said Lisado all her homework.

    A.doesnt B.wont C.isnt D.didnt


    9.Please remember tothe lights when you leave.

    A.turn up B.turn downC.turn off D.turn on


    10.Again and again the doctorthe crying girl, but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her.

    A.looked for B.looked after C.looked over D.looked out

    IV.Choose the right words to fill in theblanks.

    Dear Grandma,

    Hows it going? Ihope that Grandpa is 1 now.I was sorry tohear that he had a cold last week.I hope you are ingood 2 .

    Things are finehere.I finished my end-of-year exams last week,and got my report card today.I always getnervous when I see the envelope 3 school in the mail, but luckily I didOK this time.I 4 areally hard time with science this semester, and I wasnt 5 to find thatmy worst report was from my science teacher.She said I waslazy, 6isnt true.Its just that Ifind science really difficult.Anotherdisappointing result was in history.My history teachersaid I could do 7 , The good news is that my math teacher said I 8hard-working.And my Spanish teacher said my 9wasgood.Well, 10about all the news I havefor now.Mom and Dad sendtheir love.



    ()1.A.good B.well C.nice D.health

    ()2.A.ways B.healthy C.health D.voice

    ()3.A.of B.to C.at D.from

    ()4.A.had B.gave C.took D.made

    ()5.A.excited B.ExcitingC.SurprisingD.surprised

    ()6.A.which B.what C.when D.why

    ()7.A.worse B.best C.better D.worst

    ()8.A.has been B.were C.was D.am

    ()9.A.ListeningB.listens C.listen D.listened

    ()10.A.theyre B.its C.therere D.thats

    V.Form sentences.

    1.said, was, at, Marcia, history, mad, she

    2.last week, cold, Grandpa, had, a

    3.she, would, to, house, Lisas, on, night,Friday, go, she, said

    4.asked, to, why, her, wanted, that, do, I,she

    5.Linda, she, upset, report, about, card,her, said, was

    VI.Reading comprehension


    Long ago, peoplein Rome talked to one another in Latin.Pupils in schoollearned to read and write in Latin.Books were inLatin too.Some Romans wentto other parts of the world so they took their language with them.Soon Latin was used in many countries andit became a world language.

    People in othercountries did not talk in Latin the same way.In each land, theychanged the language a little.As time went by,they made more changes.At last they didnot talk in Latin any more.New languages hadcome from the old one.

    People do not talkto one another in Latin today.But they still usemany Latin words.You do, too.Street, wall, city, and salt are some ofthe Latin words we use.You are a pupil inschool and you know pupil is also a Latin word.It means “littledoll”.

    ()1.Latin was used by people in.

    A.Rome B.the United States

    C.Greece D.Texas

    ()2.The word “they” in the second sentence oflast paragraph means.

    A.LanguagesB.Latin words.C.PeopleD.countries

    ()3.Which of the following does this storylead you to believe?

    A.It is not good to change a language.

    B.Pupils in schools today play with dolls.

    C.Not many people can read Latin today.

    D.All the Latin words have been changed.

    ()4.When Latin was taken to other countries,.

    A.in each land, people talked about eachother

    B.in each land, people changed the languagea little

    C.in each land, children had to speak someLatin

    D.in each land, people liked Latin very much

    ()5.The main idea of the whole story is that.

    A.Romans did not like to stay home

    B.people in old Rome talked a lot to eachother

    C.Latin is the first language in the world

    D.Latin changed as it moved from land toland


    A friend of minenamed Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of hisoffice, a street urchin (顽童)was walking aroundthe shining car. “Is this yourcar, Paul?” he asked.Paul answered,“Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy wassurprised.“You mean yourbrother gave it to you and it didnt cost you anything? Boy, I wish... ” hehesitated.Of course Paulknew what he was going to wish for.He was going towish he had a brother like that.But what the boysaid surprised Paul greatly.“I wish, ” the boywent on, “that I could be a brother like that.” Paul looked atthe boy in surprise, then he said again, “Would you like to take a ride in mycar? .... Oh yes, Id love that.” After a shortride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining said, “Paul, would you minddriving in front of my house?” Paul smiled a little.He thought he knew what the boy wanted.He wanted to show his neighbors that hecould ride home in a big car.But Paul was wrongagain.“Will you stop where those two steps are?”the boy asked.

    He ran up to thesteps.Then in a short while, Paul heard himcoming back, but he was not coming fast.He was carryinghis little crippled (残疾)brother.He sat him down on the step and pointed tothe car.“There she is,Buddy, just like I told you upstairs.His brother gaveit to him for Christmas and it didnt cost him a cent.And someday I am going to give you onejust like it... then you can see for yourself all the nice things in theChristmas windows that I have been trying to tell you about.”

    Paul got out andlifted the boy to the front seat of his car.The shining-eyedolder brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began anunforgettable holiday ride.

    ()1.The street urchin was very surprised when.

    A.Paul received an expensive car

    B.Paul told him about the car

    C.he saw the shining car

    D.he was walking around the car

    ()2.From the story we can see the urchin.

    A.wished to give his brother a car

    B.wanted Pauls brother to give him a car

    C.wished he could have a brother like Pauls

    D.wished Paul could be a brother like that

    ()3.The urchin asked Paul to stop his car infront of his house.

    A.to show his neighbors the big car

    B.to show he had a rich friend

    C.to let his brother ride in the car

    D.to tell his brother about his wish

    ()4.We can infer (推断)from the story that.

    A.Paul couldnt understand the urchin

    B.the urchin had a deep love for his brother

    C.the urchin wished to have a rich brother

    D.the urchins wish came true in the end

    ()5.The best title of the story is.

    A.A Christmas Present

    B.A Street Urchin

    C.A Brother Like That

    D.An Unforgettable Holiday Ride


    This is yourend-of-year report and please write a letter to your aunt in the US and tellher what your teacher says about you.


    Young people canhave problems with their minds.Some studentsbecome worried because they have to study very hard.Others have trouble getting on well withpeople like their parents and classmates.

    Jiu, a Junior twostudent from Hefei, could not understand his teacher and was doing badly inclass.He became so worried about it that hestarted to cut his finger with a knife.

    Another student,14-year-old Yan from Guangzhou, was afraid of exams.She got very worried in one, and when shelooked at the exam paper, she couldnt think of anything to write.

    A recent reportsays about 18 percent of teens have mental problems.Their troubles include being worried andvery unhappy, and having problems in learning and getting on with people.

    Many students whohave problems wont go for advice or help.Some think theywill look stupid if they go to see a doctor.Others dont wantto talk about their secret.

    An expert onteenagers has the following advice for teens.

    Talk to yourparents or teachers often.

    Take part ingroup activities and play sports.

    Go to see adoctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.

    He said I was hard-working.教案二

    I.Teaching aims and teaching demands:

    Inthis unit students learn to report what someone said and tell a story.

    II.Teaching key and difficult points:

    A. Vocabulary

    ever,mad, anymore, message, hard-working, surprise party, report card, first of all,lazy, soap opera, house, snacks, beach, history, science, Spanish,

    B. Target language

    Whatdid your math teacher say?

    Hesaid I was hard-working.

    Ican speak three languages.

    Whatdid she say?

    Shesaid she could speak three languages.

    C. Structures


    Simplepast tense

    Canfor ability

    III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods

    IV.Teaching aids:a tape recorder

    V.This unit is divided into eight periods.

    Period 1 Speak and listen

    Section A 1a---1c

    I.Teaching aims and demands:

    Studentslearn to report what someone said.

    II.Teaching key and difficult points:

    A. Vocabulary

    soapopera, surprise party, be mad at, on Friday night,

    B. Target language

    Whatdid she say? She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.

    Didyou ever watch soap opera?

    Whatare some things happened on soap opera?

    III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods

    IV.Teaching aids:a tape recorder

    V.Teaching procedure

    Activity 1. Revision

    Task1. Dictation

    Task2. Ask and answer.

    Questionsabout the past progressive.

    Activity 2. Presentation





