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人教版新课标PEP小学英语五年级上册In a Nature Park说课稿6篇

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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:曼达林演示
  • In a Nature Park说课稿6篇

    In a Nature Park 第一课时说课稿


    我说课的内容是PEP小学英语五年级上册 In a Nature Park第一课时。


    There be的句式询问并应答.。内容上由浅入深,循序渐进。本课时是一节词汇课,主要是一些自然界的单词, 如sky, cloud等。




    学生能够听、说、读、写单词:flower, grass, river, lake, forest, Path;能够听、说、认读单词:sky, cloud, mountain及句子:There is a forest in the nature Park.;能够做play a game中的游戏,并通过这个游戏进一步巩固所学的新短语和锻炼学生的记忆能力。







    1、重点:Let’s learn 部分四会单词的听、说、读、写。

    2、难点:forest, mountain, river等单词的发音。












    ⑴ Let’s sing 唱一唱

    教师播放C部分的Let’s sing的录音,让学生听几遍后逐渐跟唱。教师在播放录音时,出示一些有关mountain, forest, Panda, bamboo等图片的视频资料。



    教师出示第五单元Let’s try部分的挂图。教师用问句提示:

    What’s in the room? What’s near the closet?

    What’s behind the door?What’s over the bed? 待学生回答后,教师示范There is a mirror in the room.介绍房间,之后请学生用There be的句型来描述该部分的房间图。




    教师指着外边的天空说What’sthe weather liketoday?学生回答:It’ssunny. 教师说:Yes. It’s a sunny day. Let’s go to the nature Park.从而引出nature Park这个新词的教学。

    之后,利用CAI呈现一副自然公园的图片,天空中有三个鸟在飞,老师说:“Where are the birds?”,顺势引出sky这个单词的教学。通过sky再引出cloud的教学,一环扣一环,并联系蓝天白云,让他们说一说。接着课件出示花和草,引出flower和grass的教学,让花和草放在一起,让他们感知植物,感知英语。利用水的声音,让学生们听一听,然后来猜一猜接下来的是什么图片,引导学生展开自己的想象力来猜一下,可以复习以前所学过的单词。通过课件出示river,并教授此单词。再通过图片展示,让学生感知river和lake的不同,River是河流,是带形的。Lake是湖泊,是环形的。最后还是利用课件来教授最后三个单词:forest, mountain, Path.。在教授每个新词的时候,都用句型There is a/an ----in the nature Park. 以此来训练本节课的主要句型。






    ②What’s missing

    通过一个游戏What’s missing,让学生们一起来说一说到底是哪张单词卡不见了。


    ③Let’s chant

    通过Let’s chant,把本课所学的单词都串起来,巩固了所学的知识和单词。



    小小设计师:最后,我设计了Design your nature Park这一环节,让学生自己设计一座自然公园,以小组为单位先说一说自己的设想,然后用英语介绍,比一比谁设计的公园最好。可以参考以下句子:Look at the…. There is a river in the nature Park.The water is clean.Its so beautiful.









    There is a……in the nature Park.

    sky / cloud / flower/ grass / river/

    lake / forest / mountain / Path


    In a Nature Park Park ALet’s learn说课稿

    今天我执教的内容是PEP Book Ⅴ In a Nature Park A Let’s learn




    ②知识目标:学生能够听、说、读、写单词:flower, grass, river, lake, forest, Path;能够听、说、认读单词:sky, cloud, mountain及句子:There is a forest in the nature Park。

    (1)重点:Let’s learn 部分四会单词的听、说、读、写。

    (2)难点:There be肯定句型的正确表达,单复数的区分。




    本课教学依托CPDC教学模式,呈现There be句基本用法,在使用该句式同时习得词汇并适当拓展。教学过程中,借助多媒体呈现语言情景,由教师带领学生乘着热气球游览祖国大好河山为主题,展开一系列的说话联系。通过观察与欣赏激发学生热爱祖国的情怀,同时培养学生用There be描述自己所见所闻,使语言得以在真实的情景中自如运用。本课教学过程中,教师引导学生通过语言的表达,掌握该课时的四会及三会单词。本课由于单词词汇教学量教大,同时教学设计中又要求学生通过学习能够表达所见所闻,因此时间较紧凑,在新授后的操练时间安排较少,意在教学过程中帮助学生扎实掌握语言,而在操练部分适当回忆与运用。通过实际情景的运用引发There be句型,在各词汇教学过程中进行巩固操练,最后进行看图说话运用。最后通过完成作业进行课堂反馈,以便教师及时了解学生习得语言的情况。进一步加强CPDC教学模式在教学中的辅助作用,使学生扎实掌握语言知识点,巩固There be句语言的运用


    课前准备阶段,学生欣赏动画《The Forest》,为新授内容作铺垫。


    (1)T: We live in China. I love China. China is big and beautiful. We all loveChina, I know. So please say: I love China. / Oh, China. I love you. / I loveChina very much.在课堂一开始,教师就表明祖国美丽又富饶,表明自己的爱国心,同时引导学生表达自己的热爱祖国的心声。

    (2) 借助歌曲营造的欢快气氛与学生展开简单的英文交流,由It’s a nice day. There is a rainbow in the sky. It’s colourful. Let’s singthe《Colour Song》,通过一曲《Colour Song》活跃课堂气愤,同时呈现热气球,并告诉学生今天老师带着大家去看看美丽的祖国。T: Look, it’s me. I’m in the balloon. I’m going to visit China. Let’s gointo the sky. 引出新课教学



    第一组:三个三会单词sky, cloud, mountain

    ①由Look, we are in the sky.直接引入sky这一单词,通过教师设问What colour is it? 引导学生填写The sky is blue.

    ②由sky自然引入T: The sky is blue. Theclouds are white.教师通过看图讲解引导学生自由体会clouds一词,同时通过单词图卡cloud引出单数cloud教学,在这一过程中,教师渗透There is a cloud in the picture.There are many clouds in the sky.并板书There is many clouds in the sky.句,将单词sky与 cloud融合进语言中,进行适当朗读表达。同时教师帮助学生描述The sky is blue. The clouds are white. Beautiful day. Beautiful day.并引导学生进行有感情的朗读,表达对美好日子的喜爱之情。

    ③第三步通过一路游览看到不同形状的云朵进行语言的拓展描述The cloud looks like a …引入mountain的教学,同时带领学生游览真正的mountain,the Hua Mountain. 并就Path进行教学。并帮助学生描述在山中看到的那条小路There is a Path in the mountain.

    第二组:river, lake, grass, flower教学

    ①继续乘带领学生去游览奔腾的河流,同时领略浪滔沙尽的the Huanghe River与源源流长 the Changjiang River。 T: This is a long river. It’s the Changjiang River. 欣赏碧波荡漾的西湖与美丽的南北湖,引出lake教学,又由Near the lake, there is some grass. There is green grass.并由chant: The grass is green. The grass is nice. What’s in the grass?使学生自动输出语言There is a flower in the grass. There are some flowers in the grass. 教师在学生回答后呈现2个there be句,帮助学生区分单复数there be句的用法。

    第三组:nature Park, forest

    T: China is big andbeautiful. Let’s go again. We are going to a nature Park? What’s a nature Park? Look, it’s a nature Park. It’s big and nice. 教师带领学生游览自然公园,并介绍公园里的景色。There are mountains in the nature Park. There is a Path. There is a river.And there are many many trees. Look, it’s a forest.引出forest教学,同时帮助学生表达There is a forest in the nature Park. 并使学生明白The forest is big. There are many trees in the forest. There are manyanimals in the forest.


    ①It’s a nature Park. It’s big andnice. There are mountains in the nature Park. There is a Path. There is a river.And there are many many trees. Look, it’s a forest.教师通过再次介绍这个自然公园的情景后呈现另一自然公园,将本课所有的单词和句型统一在这一幅画中,统一而完整,为学生提供表达的平台。在说的基础上再通过练习训练对语言的阅读与理解,从而培养学生对语言的综合运用能力。


    ③在强化操练后,加入一个Guessing Game,使学生能够根据朗读提示,根据听力提示,猜出物体grass, mountain, river等,提高学生的语言的辨别能力。


    欣赏了祖国大江南北,教师又带领学生领略了祖国的山山水水,对本课教学中的语言点进行扩展,让学生了解不同的地名与风景。同时完成本课时写的任务。完成作文 Beautiful China 使得语言的学习回归生活。


    由于新授词汇较多,所以在教学新授中我非常注意前后词汇的融合与间接回顾。如在教学cloud时,将sky一并在语言描述There are many clouds in the sky.中进行体现,在flower与flowers教学中,融合There is a flower in the grass. There are some flowers in the grass.并在板书上体现,回顾grass的拼读与书写。在nature Park 教学中,引申出There is a river in the nature Park. There are…in the natrue Park.而课前的欣赏又为新授forest降低了教学难度,摆脱了更多的朗读操练,又使学生对于forest一词加深了印象。一举多得。由于在新授中的经常性回顾,因此在新授后的操练部分我的教学实际简单而又快速,一来考虑到时间的不够,二来摆脱重复枯燥。

    在板书的设计上,我以there be 句为重点,将本课教学内容分There is …与There are…两本分,意在简单明了呈现该句型的单复数形式。


    第一次在公开课上尝试故事教学,尝试PEP教学模式与故事教学的整合,由于语音的突发状况使得教学进度拉慢了许多,以至教学中的课堂练习被迫置于课后,深感遗憾。但是我觉得教学过程中的正音是值得的,至少大部分学生在我的教学下改正了所学知识的拖音现象。虽然没有得到我预期的效果,但是我一点也不后悔。在磨课的过程中,痛并快乐着,从第一次试教,到第二稿,到今天的这堂完稿,从备文本,备学生,备作业(包括课堂作业本中出现的语言知识点如in the grass, near the lake等),锻炼了自己的教材处理能力,因此感受颇深。对于语言的处理,有一点自我认为过于胆小,开放性作业过于少。不敢放手让学生自己描述景色。一来考虑到学生说不出,二来考虑到9个词汇的容量过大,且词汇教学的过程中本身就进行了大量的说话练习,于是就安然的认为这个开放性说话练习放与后一课时会比较好。但是在听了叶老师的课后就感觉其实不然。学生的接受能力是不能低估的。希望自己在以后的教学中,能再接再励,更上一新台阶。

    In a Nature Park Park ALet’s talk说课稿


    我说课的内容是PEP BOOK 5In a Nature Park.的第二课时,主要学习There be 句型的一般疑问句的单数形式:Is there …及其两种回答:Yes, There is./ No, there isn’t.并能够在情景中灵活运用。


    本节课是对话教学。它是在学生初步学习了A部分单词和句型“There is…之后进行教学的。通过学习对话,感知一般疑问句Is there…的用法,本课时看似难点不多,但自然公园里涉及到的自然景观只能通过想象或课件图片交流学习,缺乏真实性,不能身临其境有感而发。



    知识目标:能够听懂、会说 “Is there …?Yes, there is. / No, thereisn’t. 并能在情景中运用




    1、重点掌握句型:“Is there …?Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.










    1、Free talk

    2、Let’s chant

    Do you like chant? Let’s listen.




    通过谈论室内的物品引出本节课的重点句子:Is there …?

    Yes, there is. / No,there isn’t. 然后谈论房子在哪里引出自然公园,运用猜谜游戏说说自然公园里有什么?吊起学生的胃口,驱使学生运用新句型。

    Hi! Boys and girls. nice to meet you.

    nice to meet you,too.I’m your new Englishteacher.I like you Do you like me ?Look,this is my house.(课件出现小房子) What is my room like ? let’s go and have alook.(课件出示房间,室内物品不全) Guide the Ss describle it.


    T: Is there a picture over the bed ?Guess.If you think so you answer “Yes, there is.”(板书) If you don’t think so you answer “No,there isn’t.”(板书)

    T:Is there a picture over the bed?

    S1/S2: No, there isn’t.(点击出现镜子)

    T: Is there a closet under theair-conditioner?

    S1/S2:Yes,there is. (点击出现衣橱)

    T: Is there a book on the desk?

    S1/S2 : No,there isn’t. (点击出现书包)

    (我在这个环节和学生讨论房间内的物品,不仅复习了There be 句型,同时在讨论中自然地导出一般疑问句Is there…?,这样学生在一个平等轻松的氛围中,他们的思维也是放松的,敢于说、敢于参与教学。把学生当成学习的主人,尽可能地给学生多一点思考的时间,多一点活动的余地,多一点表现自己的机会,这样才能使课堂氛围充满活力。)


    1、T:(点击课件出现一片草地)Where is the house? Oh,It’s in the nature Park.

    The nature Park is beautiful. Guess ? What’sin it? (引导学生运用一般疑问句询问:Is there a… in the nature Park ?) 点击出现自然公园的全景。

    2.play a guessing game in groups

    T:What else ? Look,Maybe there is a lake /tree/...(老师出示图卡,抽调一张引导学生猜)Can you guess ?

    First the teacher makes a modle .Then make agroup of four to practise in Pairs.Last check two groups.(每个小组一套图卡)

    (利用学生手中的词卡进行游戏式两人操练,学生比较喜欢,能激励学生主动学习一般疑问句的表达方法,而且复习了A 部分的词汇,激发学生的参与热情,活跃了课堂气氛,同时也为新知做好铺垫。通过小组练习面向全体学生,使每个学生都能参与到活动中来并且培养了学生的合作意识。)


    Let’s try

    1、T:Here are two pictures.(课件出示try 部分的两幅图) I like one ofthem. Can you guess Which one is my favourite ?You ask and I answer .Thenchoose .

    Ask the Ss ask and the teacher answers Thenchoose teacher’s favourite picture.

    S1/S2:Is there …?

    T: Yes,there is./No, there isn’t.

    2、Listen to a tapeand choose picture 1 or picture 2

    (设计意图:听力练习可以用来帮助学生在进入Let’s talk 新句型的学习之前先从听觉上感知新语言点。所以这部分放在talk 的前面)

    四、呈现新知, 学习新知。

    Let’s talk

    Ok ! you did goodjob. Who are they? (课件出示zhang peng 和 John头像)What are they talking about ? Open yourbooks of Page 71 and have alook at the dialogue quickly.Ss answer :Nature Park

    Yes,There is anature Park in Zhang Peng’scity .Do you know city ? Learn the word “city”,Dongying is a city. Beijingis a city.

    1. let’s listenWhat’s the nature Park like ?师提问题: Is there ariver/ farm in the nature Park ?

    2.Let’s listenagain and follow it.

    3. Read thedialogue with your Partners. Then check in groups.

    4.There are threepictures here.(课件呈现课本对话图片三张 ) You choose one and make a new dialogue.Then act 。



    Pair work

    T:Listening,Who iscalling ? (出示Zoom 和Zip 打电话图片) Oh, there is abeautiful nature Park in zoom’s city .He is inviting Zip.

    Then the T makes amodel with the Ss.

    T:If there is anature Park in your city.Invite your good friends to your home. Make a new phone with your friends.

    Practise in Pairs first,then act.



    The nature Park isbeautiful.Our city is beautiful, too. (课件呈现东营美景) We shouldpretect it. Don’t walk on the grass . Don’t pick up the beautiful flowers.OK !This class you didgood job.That’s all .Bye.



    Homework :Collect yourfavourite pcture of the nature Park and talk about it with your Partners.




    In a Nature Park Park A-read and write说课稿

    Today I will talk about in PEP primary school English book 5 ,the topic is this is thethird period of Park A -read and write.

    First I analyze materials. This lesson is a dialogue that is around aphotos ,aims to consolidate the question type of "there be " Throughreading the dialogue,students can review the vocabulary and singular form of"There be "then put to use in the real situation. "There be"Pattern is veryimportant in the whole primary English ,it will providefoundation for the plural form of" there be ",thus it can beseen ,the lesson is a connecting link between the preceding and the following.

    English curriculum standards points out that the overall goal of Englishteaching is: to cultivate students comprehensive application cap ability of language.Based on the above understanding, to teaching materials grasp and to studentsanalysis, Im sure the following teaching aims :

    Knowledge Aims:

    1. Enable the Ss to read and understand the dialogue.

    2. Enable the Ss to listen, say, read and write the 4-skilled sentences:Is there …? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.

    Ability Aims:

    Enable the Ss to use the drills “Is there …? Yes, there is./ No, thereisn’t.” in daily life.

    Emotion Aims:

    1. Train the Ss’ sense of loving nature and protecting the environment.

    2. inspire students interest in English study, and make students to buildup the confidence of learning English.

    Based on the teaching aims and the characteristic of students,the keypoint and difficult point is using the drills in daily life:Is there a …? Yes,there is./ No, there isn’t and writing the sentences correctly.

    Next ,analyse the student

    students in grade 5 have been learning English for two years ,so theyachievedcertain ability oflistening, speaking,reading and writing. "there be " isdifficult points in the whole primary school English, although thestudentscontact with thegeneral questions ,but they can not grasp the usage of "there be ",and have some difficulties in writing, they need to further study in thiscourse .

    In order to break through the key points and difficult points ,accordingto the characteristics of students in grade five. I mainly use multimedia andobject to present materials, stimulate the students learning interest andthirst for knowledge, I adopt the situational approach and the task-basedlanguage teaching approach.

    In teachers guidance, the students adopt the way ofperception, experienceand practice, participation and cooperation toimprovelanguage practicalusage capability .

    Before class, I prepare tape recorder,tape, four-wire case writing Pad, two charactersheaddress, multimedia, projectors, small prizes and holiday photos.

    I divided the the teaching process into five steps.

    Step 1: Warming up

    After the greeting ,I will show some scenic spots ,let the studentsintroduce the pictures using the sentence Pattern "there be ".Picture 1 is bigben clock in England,helpstudents to say "there is a clock in the picture " picture 2 isFujiyama in JaPan,picture 3 is disneyland in American,picture 4 is a zoo in shanghai

    These pictures can arouse the students interest ,attract their attention .

    Play a recorder ,it is the animals yell ,let the ss use the sentence Pattern "Is there a/an ...? to guess which animal it is .lead in the content in this periodnaturally.afterthey guess them ,Igive some animal cards as prize ,say to them "this is may friend tiger...."

    The pursue is cultivating the emotion of loving animals ,and practise thesentence "this is my..."

    Step 2: Presentation

    Show a beautiful scenery picture , point it and ask "what is this ?Do you like...Is this a ..."The aim is helping students consolidate thedifficult words.

    I will read the dialogue with a student, set a example for the students,then students practice in Pairs ,then ask some Pairs to act it out .

    Guessing: all students take out their photos, choose someone to come tothe platform ,others guess whats on his photos using "Is there a /an...".

    After the game ,I show a photo of mine ,introduce to students that it ismy holiday picture ,lead to the word "holiday" ,write it on theblackboard ,help them understand the word .students will remember the wordeasily.then look at the photo ,ask and answer some questions.

    Show the picture in the textbook ,introduce the picture then show thesentence "this is a ---Park "ask studentsto complete it,and read it out .

    Students look at the picture and make sentence .which canpromote studentsdivergent thinking

    Ask the question ,students listen to the dialogue ,then answer somequestions ,complete the sentences on the screen ,and do the oral practice .

    This can improve students listening and writing ability .

    Step 3 Practice

    In this step,students will practise what they have learnt in the class .Iwill ask students to finish these activities:

    Activity 1 :Students practise the dialogue in Pairs .it can not only improve their speaking ability but also foster theircooperative ability .

    Activity 2 :Listen to the tape and read after it .thus can correct theirpronunciation .

    Activity 3: Read the dialogue in role and ask some Pairs to act it out in thefront of class .which can enhance their self confidence .

    Step 4 Extension

    Take out their own photos ,make up the dialogue in group of 4 ,then chooseseveral students to act the dialogue .this activity can cultivate the studentscooperative spirit and creative spirit .

    Step 5 homework

    Let students design a dialogue with Partner,and make two sentences using "there be "

    Last Part is blackboarddesign

    I will writesome key words andphrases on the blackboard ,such as "holiday "

    "There is a/an....""Is there …? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. ",studentscan know what is the important content in this class .

    In a Nature Park Park B Let’slearn说课稿一

    今天我说课的内容是PEP BOOK 5In aNature Park.的第四课时,主要学习bridge, house,road, building, tree, village, city七个新词。并能够运用句型There are / is …in the city / village,描述城市、乡村的景物。


    本节课是单词教学。它是在学生初步学习了A部分的单词和句型“There is…之后进行教学的。通过学习新词,感知句子There are…本课时容量大,但难度不大,并受到学生的喜爱.



    1、能够听、说、读、写单词bridge, house,road, building, tree.

    2、能够听、说、认读单词city, village

    3、能够运用句型There are / is …in the city / village,描述城市、乡村的景物。


    1、掌握Let’s learn中的七个有关自然景物的单词bridge, house,road, building, tree, village, city ,其中前五个单词要求听、说、读、写四方面掌握。

    2、在情景中理解单词的同时掌握句型There is / are… ,能恰当地用此句型简单描述城市和村庄的景物There are … in thecity / village. ,结合句型教师引导学生代换单词,描述周围事物,如:教室、校园等,从而进一步运用句型。





