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人教版高中英语必修3Healthy Eating说课稿4篇

  • 页数:12页
  • 字数:约 14014 字
  • 大小:328.00KB
  • 格式:.doc
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:陈杰出品
  • Healthy Eating说课稿4篇



    大家上午好,我是外语组号和晓鸥。今天我说课的题目是“Healthy Eating”,接下来我会从教材分析、教学目标、教学重难点、教法学法、教学过程、教学反思六个方面来展开我的说课。









    依据本节课的教学目标,我把本节课的教学重难点界定为以下几点:教学重点:重点短语ought to、lose weight、get away with、tell a lie、win„„back的含义以及基本用法

    教学难点:语言的运用,ought to用法归纳;几个情态动词must、may、might、should、can辨析










    通过前面的快速阅读,学生们已经对文章有了大致的了解,接下来仔细阅读课文。开始之前我会给学生留下一个问题“what do you think Wang Peng will provideto win his customers back?”让学生带着这个问题精读课文。阅读完成后我会提问之前留下的问题,并且让学生完成PPT上的六道判断正误题和四道选择题,完成后我揭晓答案并解答学生的疑问。这一部分主要培养学生在阅读过程中认真仔细的好习惯。

    1. Usually Wang Peng’s restaurant was full of people.

    2. Yong Hui could make people thin in twoweeks by giving them a good diet.

    3. Wang Peng’s regular customers often became fat.

    4. Yong Hui’s menu gave customers more emery-givingfood.

    5. Wang Peng’s menu gave customers more protectivefood.

    6. Wang Peng decided to compete with YongHui by copying her menu.

    1. Why did Wang Peng go to Yong Hui’s restaurant? He wanted to___.

    A. know where his customers had gone B.spy on the slim lady Yong Hui

    C. have lunch with Li Chang D. havesomething special

    2. Wang Peng found the following EXCEPT___ in Yong Hui’srestaurant.

    A. There were only raw vegetables, meatand water.

    B. There were a lot of customers.

    C. The prices here were higher.

    D. The only drink here is water.

    3. What’s wrong with Yong Hui’s menu? The following statements are rightEXCEPT ___.

    A. The food here was too limited.

    B. It did not give enough energy-givingfood.

    C. The food on the menu was moredelicious.

    D. It offered slimming food only.

    4. Which of the following is TRUEaccording to the passage?

    A. Wang Peng’s customers often became fat after eatingin his restaurant.

    B. Wang Peng provided a balanced diet.

    C. Yong Hui could make people thin in 2weeks by giving them a good diet.

    D. Wang Peng’s menu gave people food containing enoughfiber.



    Wang Peng felt 1____ in an emptyrestaurant because no eaters have came to his restaurant 2_____ since he got upearly in the morning. He wanted to find out why. He hurried out and 3____ LiChang into a newly-opened restaurant. He found that the owner 4____ Yong Huiwas

    serving slimming foods to make peoplethin. Driven by 5_____, Wang Peng came 6____ to take a close look at the menu.He could not even 7_____ his eyes. He was 8_____ at what he saw. He hurriedoutside and got 9_____ to do some 10_____. After a lot of reading, he 11_____that Yong Hui’sfood made people become 12_____ quickly because it was no 13_____ food.Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign.

    (Key:1.frustrated 2.ever 3.followed 4.named5.curiosity

    6.forward 7.believe 8.amazed 9.online10.research 11.realized

    12.tired 13.energy-giving)


    在对课文有了深入的学习之后,我会问学生这样一个问题:How do you think the story will end?这个故事并没有结束,如果你是作者,你认为事情会如何发展下去呢?让学生分成小组讨论3分钟,挑选代表站起来发言。我会就发言的情况做出陈述性的总结,鼓励发散思维。






    Interpretation unit2 Healthy Eating

    Unit2 Healthy Eating

    Name :温莹

    Student number: 40904180

    College of Foreign Languages

    Unit2 Healthy Eating

    Good morning, everyone. Today it is mygreat honor to share my interpretation with you. My interpretation covers 8parts in all, including the analysis of the teaching material, the analysis ofthe students, the analysis of the objectives, the analysis of the importantpoints and difficult points, the analysis of the teaching method, e teachingprocedures, blackboard design and reflection.

    Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching material:

    The content is New Senior English forChina Students’Book 3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating published by People’s Education Press. It is the first classperiod of this unit, and I will cover lead-in and pre-reading.

    Ⅱ.Analysis of the students:

    The grade 1 students at Senior High havelaid a good foundation for a certain amount of vocabulary, English skills andknowledge. Since the topic in this unit is familiar to students, so there isnot too difficult to stimulate their interests.

    Ⅲ. Analysis of the objectives:

    A. Knowledge objectives:

    1. Enable students to expand theirvocabulary relating to food;

    2. Enable students to get useful knowledgefrom the text.

    3. Enable students to accumulate somebasic knowledge of restaurant


    B. Ability objectives:

    1. Enable students to get usefulinformation from a text;

    2. Enable students to analyze the text bythemselves;

    3. Enable students to predict somethingreasonably.

    C. Affective objectives:

    1. Enable students to keep a good eatinghabit;

    2. Enable students to learn something fromWang Peng, in particular,

    the strategy of restaurant management.

    Ⅳ.Analysis of important points anddifficult points:

    There are a large number of vocabulariesrelating to food, so it is

    time-consuming and energy-consuming toacquire them. It is the difficult and important point.

    Ⅴ. Teaching method:

    Task-based teaching method

    Ⅵ.teaching procedures:

    Step1:Lead-in: Present several pictures tostudents, among which one is a

    overweight couch potato, who is too heavyto move, the other is a skinny model,

    第2 / 3页

    who is so thin that people can see herskeleton clearly. By analysis, I will let students to realize the importance ofhealthy eating.

    Step2: Reading: Come and Eat Here

    In this part, firstly we will scan thetext to get the main plot of the story. Next, we will fill a chart together tocompare the two restaurants. Finally, we will overview the text to deepenunderstand what we have learnt.

    Ⅶ. Homework:

    A. Predict what will happen about thisstory, and write a follow-up.

    B. Each group of four has a discussion ofhow to keep a healthy eating. Next

    class, the representative of each group isrequired to give a presentation.

    Ⅷ. Blackboard design:

    Part 1:

    Part 2: Part 3:

    Ⅸ. Reflection:

    At the very beginning, I present severalpictures to grab students’ interests in learning, which isinteresting. But when it comes to the reading part, I more like an authority;in this case, students are not fully involved in the meaningful learning. And Ithink the multimedia facility might be a little bit overused, which a littlebit constrains students thinking space. Therefore, I should take such thingsinto consideration and make some corrections next time.


    Teaching plan for Unit 5 book 2

    Good morning, professors, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing mylessons with you. The content of the lesson is Senior English for China Student’s Book 3 Unit 2 Healthy eating. I’ll begin the lesson from the followingfive parts, the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods,the teaching procedure and blackboard design. First, let me talk about theteaching material.

    Firstly,let me introduce the teaching material.This unit is to introduce to us different types of band. The reading passage isthe center of this unit. It is made up of 3 parts, that is,. The text is themost important teaching material in this lesson, which extends the main topic “” and contains most of the vocabulary andgrammar points that students should learn in this unit.

    Secondly, I want to tell something aboutthe students. Although the students have the basic abilities of listening,speaking, reading, and writing, they still need many opportunities to practicewhat they have learned, to express their ideas, feelings, and experience and todevelop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning abilityThirdly, I’dlike to talk about teaching aims and demands

    1 Knowledge aims:

    (1)to help students to understand and masterthe words, phrases and sentence patterns.

    (2)to know some basic information about music

    2 Ability aims:

    (1) To improve the students’ organizing and using skills of English asthe second language

    (2) To understand the main idea, to scanfor the needed information and to grasp the details

    3 Emotional aims:

    (1) Help students understand

    (2) Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning

    Fourthly, teaching key points is

    1. To help the students get a general ideaof the whole passage, and some detailed information and language points aswell.

    2. To understand

    Teaching difficult points is





