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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations教学设计三

  • 页数:7页
  • 字数:约 10328 字
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:雨森设计
  • Unit 1 Festivalsand Celebrations教学设计

    Period 2 Readingand thinking

    该板块的活动主题是“探究节日与庆典的缘由”( Discover the reasons for festivals andcelebrations),是前面听说板块主题内容的延续,从展示几个不同节日的场景过渡到探讨人们为何欢庆节日、对世界各地的人们庆祝节日的现象追根溯源,进而谈论节日的传承与发展变化,日的在于启发学生的深层思考,体会节日文化的内在实质,感悟世界各国人民共同的精神追求和美好愿望。

    1. Read the essayswith the theme of "why we celebrate festivals", analyze the discoursestructure and textual logic of the essays, understand the development andchanges of festival customs, and understand the connotation and significance offestivals;

    2. Guide studentsto find the topic sentence quickly and accurately according to thecharacteristics of the text;

    3. Can summarizeand accumulate related vocabulary used to express emotions;

    4. Guide studentsto understand the festival culture of different countries and nationalities,sort out, analyze and refine the spiritual connotation of festivals, andunderstand the common emotional and spiritual pursuit of people all over theworld.


    1. Guide studentsto find the topic sentence quickly and accurately according to thecharacteristics of the text;

    2. Guide studentsto correctly understand and master the new vocabulary in the reading text;

    3. Guide studentsto understand the festival culture of different countries and nationalities,sort out, analyze and refine the spiritual connotation of festivals, andunderstand the common emotional and spiritual pursuit of people all over theworld.


    1. To analyze thediscourse structure and textual logic of argumentation, understand thedevelopment and change of festival customs, and understand the connotation andsignificance of festivals;

    2. Guide studentsto understand the festival culture of different countries and nationalities,analyze and refine the spiritual connotation of festivals, and understand thecommon emotional and spiritual pursuit of people all over the world.

    1. Read the textin advance and understand the meaning of new words in the text according to thecontext or the dictionary;

    2. Find the topicsentence of each paragraph according to the text content, and understand thecontent of the article;

    3. Find out thelong and difficult sentences, analyze the sentence structure, and make notes ofthe sentences you dont understand.

    Step 1 Pre-reading

    Activity 1

    1.In groups,Ssdiscuss the celebrations of festivals with family , answer the followingquestions and fill in the table.

    Q1: What festivalsdo you celebrate with your family each year?

    Q2:Why do youthink people celebrate different festivals?

    Names of the festivals

    Reasons for celebrating the festivals

    2. Ss look at the twopictures in the passage.Students say the English name of the festival and thebasis of their judgment according to the situation, objects and words presentedin the two pictures.

    Q: What festivalsare the two pictures about? How do you know?

    3. Based on the titleof the article and the illustrations in the passage, the students can guesswhat the author may be talking about. The teacher can ask individual studentsto express their opinions and list the points mentioned on the blackboard.

    Step 2 Reading

    Activity 2

    1.Students with"Why do we celebrate festivals?"The teacher can present the followingsentences for the students to fill in after reading:

    People all overthe world celebrate different festivals because:

    *they would liketo______________________________.


    2.After the studentshave filled in the blanks, the teachers and students check the answers.T: lookat the passage again. Lets find out all the reasons and factors forcelebrating the festival.The teacher can guide the students with the followingquestions:

    Now we have already found the main reasonswhy people celebrate festivals. However,there are five paragraphs in this text and eachparagraph includes some information that could answer the question: Why do wecelebrate festivals? Now please read the text again and find out all theinfluencing factors that encourage people to celebrate festivals. Here are somequestions for you to think about:

    ①Why do people celebrate the harvest festivals?

    ②What role do customs and traditions play in festivals? Do you think theyare also the reasons for celebrating festivals? Why?

    ③Why did the writer mention the commercialisation of festivals? How is itinfluencing peoples way of celebrating festivals?

    ④What are some other reasons for celebrating festivals?


    ①People celebrate the harvest festivals to express their gratitude tonature.

    ②Customs and traditions are very important and they are also the reasonsfor celebrating festivals. ③People follow customs and sometimes even establish new traditions tocelebrate the festivals.

    ④The commercialisation of festivals can influence peoples decisions tospend more money on festival, which can be considered as an encouragement tocelebrate festivals.

    The other reasonsfor celebrating festivals can include peoples religious beliefs, personalinterests, or hobbies, etc.

    Activity 3

    1.Look for topicsentences.The reading strategy in the box on the right of student readingactivity 3. The teacher can check whether the students understanding of thestrategy is accurate or not by the following questions.

    *Do you know howto identify the main idea of each paragraph?

    *Where can weusually find the “topic sentence”?

    Ss read the textagain and complete the activity independently.When checking the answers,students should read the complete topic sentence.

    Activity 4

    1.Explore the rootsof the festival.Students have a group discussion around the first question inactivity 4. Teachers can inspire students to think and express their opinionsthrough a series of questions, such as:

    When we talk about festivals, we may thinkof many different kinds of festivals around the world.Their names, origins,celebration activities can be quite different. However, since festivals existin every country and culture, there must be some similarities. What are they?Please discuss these questions with your partner and share your ideas.

    * What do youthink most festivals seem to have in common? Can you give some examples toillustrate your opinion?

    * What do youthink are the most important things in most festivals?

    *Why do you thinkpeople around the world find these things important? Do they have something todo with the human history/social life/people’s spiritual needs?

    After finishingthe discussion,T asks different group to tell their opinions.

    2.Discuss thechanges of festival customs.Teachers question "What festival customs havealready faded away?"Let the students brainstorm about the festivals andtraditions that are gradually withdrawing from modern life. Then write downwhat the students have said on the blackboard.


    Customs that have already faded away

    Reasons why they have disappeared

    Your feelings

    After thediscussion, the teacher may call in different groups to report.When studentsreport, teachers should use courseware or blackboard to present someexpressions for students reference, such as:

    *People in…usedto…during…,but now…

    *Nowadays peopleno longer…

    *I think it isbecause…

    *People have givenup the custom of…in order to…

    *As for the customof…,I…

    *I think I wouldlove to…

    Activity 5

    1.Comment on thecommercialization of festivals.Students discuss the third question in activity4 in small groups.Before the discussion, the teacher should remind the studentsto find relevant statements from the text and draw a conclusion by analyzingthe authors wording.In addition, teachers can also let students express theirtrue feelings and views on the commercialization of festivals.

    2.T share theirviews on this issue: During Festival, the happiest moment for my parents iswhen all the children and grandchildren come back home, chatting and preparingthe big family dinner together.These years, we often have our family dinner inrestaurants. However, the splendid dishes in a restaurant do not bring so manyjoyful and sweet memories to all the family members.

    On Mothers Day,my child’s special gift hand-made with love and care is always my favourite.Soyou see, sometimes the best gifts dont cost much.

    Step 4 Analyzing discourse structure

    Activity 6

    1.Students discussin pairs, analyze the structure of the discourse by drawing a mind map, anddemonstrate the textual structure and logical level of the discourse.

    Step 5 Understanding difficulties

    Read the textagain and find some sentences or expressions that you find difficult tounderstand.Teachers can also ask students to find some subtle sentence patternsand expressions in the text and encourage them to use them in writing.Accordingto the students feedback, the teacher will write some typical sentences on theblackboard.Such as:





