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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations教学设计二

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 5184 字
  • 大小:91.39KB
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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:DJW
  • Unit 1 Festivals andCelebrations教学设计

    Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures

    该板块的活动主题为“描述节日活动”( Describe festival activities)。丰富的节日活动往往会带给人们深刻的印象和不同的感受,无论是在口头表达还是书面表达中,人们对节日活动的描述都与亲历者的情绪交融在一起,而常用来表达人物情绪和感受的典型结构之一便是用作定语或表语的动词-ing形式,这也是本单元要学习的核心结构。单元主题语境与语言结构的契合能够确保语言使用的真实性和合理性,使学生充分感受和理解目标结构,并能自如地使用所学结构进行表达。

    1. Able to understandthe function and meaning of the -ing form as an attribute and a predicate;

    2. Can summarize andaccumulate related vocabulary used to express emotions, including -ing form andpast participle;

    3. Read about La Tomatina,a festival held in the town of bunol, Spain.


    1. Guide students tounderstand the function and meaning of the attributive and predicate of the -ingform in real context;

    2. Instruct studentsto correctly use the -ing form to describe different festival activities and personalfeelings.


    The use of the -ingform as attributive and predicative in context.

    1. Review the basicstructure of the -ing form, find out the sentences containing the -ing form fromthe listening and reading parts, and analyze the function and meaning of the structure;

    2. Read the contentof this section in advance, understand the new words in the text according to thecontext, and summarize the words that express emotions;

    3. Complete the relevantexercises in the guide plan.

    Step 1 Revision

    1.Ss read the threesentences from Reading text and discuss the meaning and grammatical function ofthe italic -ing form in the sentence, and summarizes the usage of the -ing formas attribute and predicate.

    *These lanterns areamazing.

    *During the Mid-AutumnFestival in China, families gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy deliciousmooncakes.

    *Families celebratingthe Lunar New Year can enjoy exciting dragon dances and carnivals together.

    2.T shares the meaningsand functions of the -ing form in each sentences.

    No.1: The -ing formis used as a predicate, usually after a tie verb, to indicate what or how the subjectis.

    No.2:The -ing formis an attribute, usually used to modify, qualify, or indicate the qualities andcharacteristics of a noun or pronoun.

    No.3: The -ing formis an attribute which modifies the preceding noun.

    Step 2 Learning new grammar

    Activity 1

    1.Work in pairs toidentify sentences from the unit that contain the -ing form as an attribute anda predicate. Explain the composition and meaning of the -ing form in the sentence.

    *I think the Rio Carnivalwould be the most exciting. (表语)

    *It’ll be too tiringto walk or dance for a long time in those shoes. (表语)

    *Another example isHalloween, which slowly became an exciting festival for children, in spite of itsreligious origins. (定语)

    *The first week wasa little confusing. (表语)

    2.In student activities,the teacher may make necessary supplement.

    Step 3 Practice

    Activity 2

    1. T asks Ss to read themessages(on page 6,Students’ book) posted by some exchange students on an Internetforum.

    2. T asks the followingquestions to guide Ss to focus on the theme, text features and the core contentof each comment.

    *What are they discussingin the forum? (Which festival is the best?)

    *How are the messagesarranged? (By time and date.)

    *What festivals arementioned in the discussion? (Rio Carnival, the Spring Festival, Thanksgiving Day,and Christmas.)

    Step 4 Summarizing

    1.Students read theonline comments carefully, find the -ing form of the verb that is used as an attributeor predicate and underline it. Then check with your partner.

    2.The teacher asksdifferent students to read the content of each post and say whether the -ing formis used as an attribute or a predicate.

    Step 5 Reading

    Activity 3

    1. Ss look at the pictureand scan the passage to understand the main idea while teacher is giving the followingquestions to inspire Ss to think.

    *Where are those people?

    *What are they doing?

    *Why are they so excited?

    2. Ss complete the passagewith the appropriate -ing form. Then discuss and check the answers with class.

    Answers: boring, interesting, taking,exciting, amazing

    3. The teacher raisesquestions for the students to discuss and encourages them to express their opinions.

    *Do you like La Tomatina?Why or why not?

    4. Each group representativereports the discussion result, the teacher gives feedback and the evaluation.





