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新人教版高中英语必修1Unit 3 Sports and Fitness-Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking教案

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 5177 字
  • 大小:32.77KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Murphy
  • Unit 3 Sports and Fitness-Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking教案


    In this period, thetheme is “sports and health”. Students will have a general understanding of howto invite a friend to a sports event and voice one’s own opinions aboutsportsmanship by listening and ultimately can form a healthy lifestyle and goodattitudes towards sports.

    Listening and Speaking introduces thetopic of sports events with posters advertising them, along with relatedvocabulary and grammar, and is a warm-up for the activities which follows.

    Listening and Talking introduces idea ofsportsmanship by listening to a conversation, matching speakers’ opinions andgiving and discussing one’s own opinions.


    1. Instructstudents to get main facts by listening and motivate them to talk about thetopics about how to invite a friend to a sports event, voice one’s own opinions aboutsportsmanship by listening.

    2. Developstudents’ sense of cooperative learning and individual thinking capability.

    3. Developstudents’ different listening skills to solve different listening comprehensiveproblems.


    1. Teach studentshow to focus on key words, not on single words or grammar.

    2. Prompt Ss totalk about the related topics, such as how to invite a friend to a sports eventand voice one’s own opinions about sportsmanship.


    Part 1: Listening and Speaking

    Lead in

    The teacher isadvised to talk with their students about sports events.

    Boys and girls,look at the posters on p36, what sports events do you like to watch? Whichsports would you like to try? After their small talk, the teacher can move onby finishing the following listening task:

    Play conversation1 which is about Shen Qi’s main purpose for talking to Amy and after finishinglistening for the first time, the students need to solve the following tasks.

    1. Purpose________________________________________________________

    2. Listen toconversation 1 again and write down the words that the speaker stresses: ______________________________________________________________

    Listening tip:

    Listen for main ideas.

    Try to catch the main ideas instead of trying to remember and translate each word you hear.

    After finishingthe task above, the teacher is expected to play conversation 2 which is aboutAdam’s inviting Julie to a sports event and after finishing listening, thestudents need to solve the following task.

    Listen toConversation 2. Then answer the following questions:

    1. When will the event happen?

    The event willhappen___________________________________________________

    2. Whats a "Blue Paint" run?

    A "Blue Paint" run is a fun runthat_________________________________________

    3. Why is it called a "BluePaint" run?

    Because people can buy water ballons flledwith __________ and __________ the runners.

    4. If 200 people take part in the run and400 balloons are sold, how much money will they collect?


    Finally, afterfinishing the task above, the teacher is expected to instruct students to workin groups to finish the following project:

    Speaking Project

    What event oractivity would you like to invite your friend to? Make a conversation with apartner.

    Ski Race: Zhangjiakou, a beautiful city in northernChina, will host the Youth Ski Race in December.

    Track Meet: a great event for track –and –fieldlovers on 26 October.

    Gym Class: come and work out at a gym! You can makeit.

    Part 2: Listeningand Talking:

    The teacher isadvised to talk with their new students about the related topic:

    Boys and girls , whatdo you think of sportsmanship? Let’s listen and find out:

    Play the listeningand match each opinion with the right speaker. Who do you agree with? Why?

    Cao Jing_____________ Lily _____________ Max _____________

    A. An athleteshould do his/her best to win.

    B. The girl shouldstop and help the other girl. Good sportsmanship is more important than wining!

    C. An athleteshould think about honor and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/hercountry.

    Listen again and circle the expressionsthat you hear in the conversation.





