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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 5 Music-Listening&Speaking&Talking教案

  • 页数:5页
  • 字数:约 6210 字
  • 大小:431.56KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:Riordon设计
  • Unit 5 Music-Listening&Speaking&Talking教学设计

    Listening andSpeaking introduces the topic of "talk about music references". Talkingabout music preferences is a common topic for middle school students. They likeall kinds of music: some like western classical music, some like popular music,and some like traditional Chinese music. As long as the content of music ispositive, students hobbies should be respected and appreciated.

    Text analysis: thelistening text contains three short dialogues. It is a reporters interviewwith three students about the types of music they like and the reasons.

    Listening andTalking introduces the theme of "planning a music festival".

    Listening text is anannouncement, which can be divided into two forms: face-to-face and oral. Hereis an oral notice, with some specific structure.

    Notifications havesome linguistic features, such as the general present tense and the generalfuture tense. The oral notice also contains expressions that attract theaudiences attention, such as "Hi, everyone! Can Ihave your attention,please?" At the end of the announcement, there will be incentives toencourage others to speak up such as: “Everyone, come and join us to make thisyear’s music festival the best ever”.

    1. Guide students to understand the content of listening texts in termsof the whole and key details;

    2. Encourage students to discuss with their peers how to talk aboutmusic preferences and plan a music festival.

    3. Instruct students to use some functional sentences to strike up aninterview such as “What kind of music do you like ? why?”

    4. Instruct students to use incentives to encourage others to speak upsuch as: “Everyone, come and join us to make this year’s music festival thebest ever”.

    1. Encourage students to discuss with their peers how to talk aboutmusic preferences and plan a music festival.

    2. Stimulate students to use some functional sentences to strike up aninterview such as “What kind of music do you like? why?” and use incentives toencourage others to speak up such as: “Everyone, come and join us to make thisyear’s music festival the best ever”.

    Part 1: Listening and Speaking

    Step 1: Lead in

    Music is theuniversal language of mankind.

    How do youunderstand the sentence above?

    After their small talk, the teacher can askstudents to predict what the listening text is about by looking at thepictures.


    Predict what the listening text is aboutby looking at the pictures.

    The listening text is probably about various popular types of music.

    Step 3: summary of the main idea

    Then play the radiowhich is about an interview about students’ opinion about music.And afterfinishing listening for the first time, the students need to solve thefollowing tasks.

    A reporter from the school newspaper is interviewing students aboutmusic. Listen to the interviews.

    The first student likes to

    dance to

    Chinese traditional songs

    The second student likes to

    listen to

    classical music

    The third student likes to


    hip-hop music


    country music

    After finishingthe task above, the teacher plays the same material again and after finishinglistening, the students need to solve the following task.

    Step 4: Thereporter paraphrased some of the answers the students gave him. Listen to theinterviews again and complete the sentences with the words you hear.

    A: Country musictouches my heart.

    B: So you likemusic thats __________of ___________

    A: When I listento hip-hop, I just have to move!

    B: So it makes youwant to___________ ?

    A: Classical musicmakes me feel like lm sitting beside a quiet stream and enjoying nature.

    B: So to you, its___________and_________

    Listening tip:


    •When you want to explain somethingdifficult to somebody, it is helpful to use easier words with the same meaning.This will help you make it easier to understand

    Speaking Project

    Work in pairs or groups and role play a conversation.

    • Talk in pairs. Interview each other aboutmusic. Use the pictures below for ideas.


    • Reasons for liking music:

    • touches my heart/soul
    makes me happy/want to dance gives me energy/hope
    helps me exercise/study

    • sounds peaceful beautiful
    reminds me of home/people I love

    • Examples:

    • A:What kind of music do you like?

    • B: I like techno music.
    A: What makes it so special to you?

    • B: I like to listen to it when I exercise.
    It gives me energy.

    Part 2: Listening and Talking

    Step1: Listen to an announcement about a school music festival. Tick the kindsof volunteers the festival needs.

    people to givemusic lessons

    choir members

    people to run foodstands

    people to sellfestival tickets

    people to sellmusic CDs

    people to set upequipment

    musical performers

    Step 2: Listen to the announcement again and answer the questions.

    • 1.What kind of songs will Grace Davis sing at the festival?

    •2. Who can try out as a performer?

    •3. What can those who think they do nothave musical talent do?

    •4. How can students volunteer to takepart?

    •Talking about preferences:

    •Would you prefer doing ..?

    •What would you prefer to do?

    •Would you rather do .... or ….?

    •What would you rather do?

    •Id prefer .... to ..

    •Id rather have ... than ..





