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人教版新目标初中英语八年级上册What’s the matter教案2篇

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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:肖迪Ppter
  • What’s the matter教案2篇

    What’s the matter教案一

    Teaching goals:

    1. 词汇.让学生熟记这些单词,能够很熟练地指出表示身体部位的某些单词.

    2. 能够用所学的单词谈论身体并且能给出中肯的建议.

    3. 通过听力练习,争取能够提高学生的听力能力.

    4. 文化欣赏,中国文化.

    Important and difficult points:

    1. words .

    2. How to talk about the health and give the advice .


    Teaching procedures:

    Step 1Leading in

    1.T :How many parts of the body can you name ?

    What’s this ?(head , mouth etc.)

    Today we’ll learn some parts of the body .

    2.This is my head .Oh ,I have a headache .

    Step 2Pre-task

    1. Read the new words by the Ss first .

    2. Then check the Ss if they can read the new words bythemselves correctly .if there is a mistakes ,correct . 3. Practice reading thenew words .Give them 6 minutes .

    4. Have a competition between boys and girls .Write thewords you remembered just now on the blackboard . 5. Page7,1a.Do this part by theSs first. Write the correct letter after the name of each body part on the list. 6. Check the answers .

    7. Play a game .All the Ss close your books ,we’ll havea instructor to say :Touch your nose /head /right ear … .Let’s see which studentdo it correctly and quickly .First all the Ss do this game .Then have competitionsbetween boys and girls .5 boys and 5girls to the front to do what the instructorsaid .if you are wrong ,please go back to your seats ,the last one who stands atthe front is the winner . Step 3While-task

    SB Page 7, 1b .Listen and check the answers .

    SB Page 7,1c .Work in pairs and act out .

    SB Page 8, 2a .

    1. Point out the eight items in this activity .Read theitem to the class .Ss repeat .

    2. There are different conversations .Listen carefully. people are talking about health problems they have and getting advice .

    3. Match the problems with the advice .

    4. Play the tape twice .

    5. Check the answers .

    Step 4Post-task


    Step 5Homework

    1. Remember the name of your body part .

    2. Write conversations between the doctor and the patient.


    Teaching procedures :

    Step 1Leading in

    1. Free talk .

    2. Revise playing the game .

    3. Practice reading the dialogues .

    Step 2Pre-task

    SB Page 8, 2b .

    1. Pay attention to the four pictures .Each of these picturesillustratesone of the conversations .

    2. Play the tape ,write the missing words on the blanklines .

    3. Play the tape again and check the answers .

    4. Pairwork .Practice reading the dialogues in the pictures.Take turns having the problem and giving the advice .

    5. Practice reading the dialogue in 2c ,and make theironw conversations .

    6. Act out the dialogue .

    Step 3While-task

    SB Page 9, 3a .

    1. Point out the picture and ask Ss to describe it .(Thereis a boy sitting on a bench .He’s sick .A teacher is talking to him )

    2. Pay attention to the dialogue and the blanks in thedialogue .

    3. Fill in the blanks in the conversation .

    4. Go over the answers.

    5. Practice reading the dialogue with a student, then workin pairs .

    Step 4Post-task

    SB Page 9 , 3b .

    1. Look at the picture with activity .

    A: What’s the matter ?

    B: I’m not feeling well . I have a toothache /fever/sorethroat /sore back .

    2. Pairwork.

    Make your own dialogues setting 3a as an example .

    3. Act out the dialogue .Ask some pairs to come to thefront to act out their onw dialogues .

    SB Page 9, Part 4.

    1. Read the instructions and demonstrate what a “mime”is .

    2. Read the dialogue by the Ss .

    3. Ask a student to come to the front and mime an illness,the other Ss guess what the illness is .

    4. Ask one student to give advice .

    5. Give several students an opportunity to come to thefront and mime an illness .

    Step 5Homework

    1. When you had some problems.please remember what thedoctor said .

    2. Remember the new words .














































    What’s the matter?教案二

    PeriodOne (Section A:1a-1c)



    1)Sscan use the following words: head , ear, eye, mouth, nose, throat , neck, back,hand, arm, leg, tooth-teeth, foot-feet , matter, have a cold, stomachache, ,backache, headache, toothache

    2)Sscan use the following sentence patterns:

    What’sthe matter? I have a stomach./I have a sore back./I have a cold.

    He/Shehas a sore throat.

    2.Abilityaims: Learn how to talk about health problems

    3.Emotionaims: Let the Ss know keeping healthy is important

    Important& difficult points:

    Learnhow to talk about health, use have to talk about health problems

    Teachingaids: recorder, computer


    Teachingsteps Suggestions

    Step1 Warming-up

    Singan English song: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.

    Step2 Word study

    1.T: Are you happy? S: Yes, we are. T: When we’re happy, we can clap our handsand stamp our feet. Hands and feet are parts of our body, do you know otherparts of our body in English?

    2.Teach the parts of the body one by one by touching it. While teaching one, letthem touch or show it.

    3.Presenta picture of a baby and Yao Ming. let the Ss say the parts of the body.

    4.Workon Section A 1a

    5.Play a game: Touch the parts of your body

    1)Let the whole class touch the parts of their body when teacher say: Touch your…

    2)Askeight Ss to come to the front and do as the teacher tells them: Touch your…ifone does wrong, let him or her go back, the last one who in the front is thewinner.

    Step3 Presentation and practise

    1.T: Are you happy? Ss: Yes, we are.

    T:When there’s something wrong with your body, are you still happy?


    T:Look at the picture, is he happy?

    Ss:No, he isn’t.

    T:Why?(Help the Ss to answer: He has a stomachache.)

    2.Presentother pictures, talk about health problems of the persons in the pictures.

    What’sthe matter? He/She has a headache/ toothache /a sore back/ a sore throat/a coldand a cough.

    3.Let the Ss practice in pairs

    4.T: Suppose there is something wrong with your body, please use gestures to showit .You may say: I have a headache. I have a sore throat.

    Makea model dialogue with two Ss.

    T:What’s the matter?

    S:I have a headache.

    T:Oh, that’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that.

    Letthe Ss practice in pairs.

    Step4 Chant

    Head,head, I have a headache. I have a headache,

    Stomach,stomach, I have a stomachache. I have a stomachache,

    Ear,ear, I have an earache. I have an earache, Tooth, tooth, I have a toothache. Ihave a toothache.

    Back,back, I have a sore back. I have a sore back, Throat, throat, I have a sorethroat. I have a sore throat.

    Oh,dear! Do more exercise, please and keep healthy!

    Step5 listen and say

    1.Work on Section A 1b, listen and number the names 1-5.

    2.Talk about the health problems of the persons in the picture. Eg: Nancy has atoothache, Sarah has a cold,…


    1.Listen to the tape of 1b and repeat.

    2.Copy the new words in Period1.

    3.Finish the exercises in this period.





    以happy这个单词自然地引出the man who’s not happy because he hasa stomachache.为下面引出其他人的种种不适做铺垫。






    Period2 (Section A 2a-2c)


    Knowledgeaims: 1. Review the names of each part of the body and the names of


    2.Continue to learn the names of the illness: toothache, fever and headache.

    Abilityaims: 1. Learn some advice to keep healthy.

    2.Learn to give others some advice according to their matters.

    Emotionaims: 1. Learn to live in a healthy way.

    2.Learn to take care of others and themselves.

    TeachingKey Points & Difficult Points:

    1.How to teach the Ss to learn the names of the illness: toothache, fever andheadache.

    2.How to give others some advice according to their matters.

    3.Learn how to take care of themselves and others.

    Teachingdesign: Suggestions


    Step1.Warming up

    Enjoyand sing an English song: Head and shoulders knees and toes

    Headand shoulder knees and toes

    Kneesand toes, knees and toes,

    Headand shoulder knees and toes

    Eyes,ears, mouth, nose

    (Repeat4 times)

    Step2.Greeting and revision

    1.Greetthe whole class as usual.

    T:What’s the date today?/ What day is it today?/ How’s the weather?/ How was yourweekend?/What do you usually do on weekends?/ Do you like exercising?/ Howoften do you exercise?/ That’s great! To do exercise can keep us healthy, butif we don’t pay attention to our health, there will be something wrong with ourbody. Now , look at these people.


    T:(Show pictures) How is he/she? ( He / She is not fine.)

    What’sthe matter?

    He/She has a cold (flu) / stomachache/ sore back.



    Tshows some part of the pictures to the Ss and let them guess .

    T:What’s the matter with him/her?

    S:Does he/she have a …?

    T:Yes, he/she has a sore throat (Teach the new word) Can you give him/ her someadvice? What should he /she do? (Teach the new word)

    S:He /She should drink hot tea with honey/ shouldn’t speak more/ go to see adoctor… (Ss can give different advice as they like)

    T:What’s the matter with him/her?

    S:Does he/she have a …?

    T:Yes, he / she has a / an toothache /fever / headache / earache…(Teach the newwords) What should he /she do?

    S:He /She should go to see a dentist / shouldn’t eat ice cream/shouldn’t drinkcold water /lie down and rest / shouldn’t play basketball/ should drink a lotof water./should see a doctor…


    1.Do 2a. Listen. Match the problems with the advice.

    Playthe tape for the Ss and let them do it by themselves. Then check the answer.

    2.Do 2b. Listen again . Fill in the blanks.

    Playthe tape for the Ss. At the first time, let them do it by themselves. Then playit again and check the answer.

    3.Do 2c. Pairwork.. Role play the conversations in 2b. Let the Ss read theconversations in 2c first. Then work in pairs, make a new conversationaccording to 2b.

    A:What’s the matter?

    B:I have a …

    A:Maybe you should …

    B:That’s a good idea.

    4.Show more pictures and let the Ss make more conversations.

    ProblemsShould Shouldn’t

    A:What’s the matter?

    B:I have a …

    A:Maybe you should …but you shouldn’t…

    B:That’s a good idea.


    Workin groups and discuss how to keep ourselves healthy.



    Tokeep healthy, we should… we shouldn’t…


    1.Copy the new words.

    2.Write the report on the exercise books.

    3.Search on the internet about more advice of keeping healthy.







    Period3 (Section A 3a-4)


    Knowledgeaims: 1. Review the names of the matters: cold, headache, toothache,stomachache, sore throat and so on.

    2.Learn the words “ ago, illness, advice, so”.

    3.Continue to learn how to give advice to others.

    4.Continue to learn the knowledge of keeping healthy.

    Abilityaims: 1. Learn to use the sentences: “-When did it start?


    “Yes , I think so.” “ I hope you feel better soon.”

    “-Do you have a /an…?

    -Yes,I do./ No, I don’t.”

    2.Continue to learn how to give others advice.

    Emotionaims: 1. Continue to learn how to live in a healthy way.

    2.Learn to be kind to others and give others more cares.

    TeachingKey Points & Difficult Points:

    1.How to learn the new words and master the words that have learnt.

    2.How to master these sentences to communicate with others fluently.

    3.How to make the Ss live in a healthy way and help each other when they are introuble.

    Teachingdesign: Suggestions


    Step1.Warming up

    Chant:I have a headache

    Head,head, I have a headache.

    Ihave a headache,

    Andmy eyes hurt!

    Stomach,stomach, I have a stomachache.

    Ihave a stomachache,

    AndI have the flu!

    Ear,ear, I have an earache.

    Ihave an earache,

    AndI have a fever! Tooth, tooth, I have a toothache.

    Ihave a toothache,

    Anda sore throat!

    Back,back, I have a backache.

    Ihave a backache,

    Andmy knee hurts!

    Ihave a headache, I have an earache,

    Atoothache, a backache,

    Anda sore throat.

    Myeyes hurt, my knee hurts, I have a stomach ache.

    Ihave a fever,

    AndI have the flu!

    Oh,dear. Next, please!

    Step2.Greeting and revision

    1.Greet the whole class as usual.


    T:Oh! They all have matters. What about you ? What’s the matter with you ?

    S1:I have a …

    T:Maybe you should …but you shouldn’t…

    S1:That’s a good idea. (Turn to S2) What’s the matter with you?

    S2:I have a/an…

    S1:Maybe you should /shouldn’t…

    S2:That’s a good idea. ( Turn to S3) …


    T:Oh! I’m not feeling well, too. I have a sore back. It starts two days ago .What should I do ?

    Ss:You should …/You shouldn’t…

    T:Yes, I think so. And I hope we feel better soon. ( Teach the new words and thesentences)


    1.Do 3a.

    T:OK! Now, look at the picture on Page 9. Can you describe the picture? What arethey doing? (Ask the Ss to describe the two people in the picture)

    Fillin the blanks in the conversation.

    2.Read the conversation.

    3.Practice the conversation of 3a.

    4.Do 3b.

    T:Now look at the picture of 3b. There are a lot of patients in the doctor’sroom. Are they feeling well? What’s the matter with them? What advice shouldthe doctor give them? Use the picture below to make new conversations. You canmake the conversations according to the conversation in 3a.

    Givethe Ss some minutes to prepare and then ask some pairs to act it out.


    Asksome of the Ss to come to the blackboard to act like patients and the othersare doctors.

    Thepatients mimes an illness one by one. And the doctors guess: what s the matterwith him/her? And then give them some advice. Have a competition between thegroups.

    Asklike this:

    A:What’s the matter ? Do you have a …?

    B:No, I don’t.

    C:Do you have a…?

    B:Yes, I do.

    C:You should …/You shouldn’t…

    NameIllness Advice

    LiuPeng headache Lie down and rest


    1.Copy the new words.

    2.Make a new conversation according to 3a on their exercise books.








    Period4 (Section B 1a—2c,4)


    Teachingcontent: The 4th period section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c ,4



    ①To master the new words:

    thirsty,stress, (be) stressed out, early, problem, medicine, weak, late

    ②To master the new sentences:

    What’sthe matter with Gina?

    Sheis tired.

    Sheshould go to bed early. She shouldn’t go to the party.


    Studentscan tell their problems and find some ways to solve their problems.


    Agood health is much more important than anything. So everyone should

    takegood care of themselves and their families.


    Howto give advice about the problems of their body.


    Howto give advice when one’s unhealthy.

    Teachingtools: Tape and pictures



    Step1.Enjoy a song named “ Head, shoulders, knees and toes.”

    Thecontent: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

    Head,shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

    Eyesand ears and mouth and nose.

    Head,shoulders, knees and toes.knees and toes.


    T:What do you usually do on weekends?

    Doyou like watching TV?

    Howoften do you usually watch TV?

    Whatday is it today?

    What’sthe date today?

    Howis the weather today?

    Howare you today?

    Areyou happy today?

    (Ifthe student says no, we can ask her: What’s the matter with you? And then replywith: I am sorry to hear that.)

    Whatabout your father? How is your father? Is he fine?

    Ishe happy?

    T:Look! This is my friend Helen. Is she happy?

    What’sthe matter with her?

    S:She has a headache/stomachache/to/toothache/cold/sore throat.

    (Tshows them some pictures and get Ss to say them one by one.)

    Step3.Play a guessing game

    T:Look at this boy. Does he have a cold?

    Canyou give him some advice?

    S:He should…


    ThenT give them some pictures which they can only see in a limited time. Play aguessing game.

    e.g.Does he/she have….




    T:Does she have a cold/fever?

    What’sthe matter with her?

    S:She is hungry/stressed out/thirsty/tired.

    T:So what should she do?

    S:She should eat…

    Sheshouldn’t …

    Tget the Ss to give the advice, then show them some advice.

    Step5.Exercise P10 1a, 1b

    Finishthe exercises and then check them

    Step6.Listening comprehension

    ⑴Now there are four students. They areGina, Tony, Julie and Alan. All of them have some problems. Please listen tothe tape and fill in the blanks.

    ProblemShould Shouldn’t

    Ginatired Go to bed early Go to the party tonight




    ⑵Listen and repeat.

    ⑶Choose one of the students to make updialogues according to the form.

    A:What’sthe matter with Gina?

    B:She is tired.

    A:Well, she should……


    B:That’s a good idea.

    ⑷Report one or two of the students

    e.g.I have a friend. Her name is Gina.

    Sheis tired now.





