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  • How often do you exercise教案2篇

    Howoften do you exercise?教案一


    1.能够谈论自己、朋友或他人平时的活动,如:I often go tomovies. He sometimes watches TV.等。

    2.能够谈论自己、朋友或他人平时活动的频率,如:I shop once amonth. He watches TV twice a week..等。

    3.能听、说、读、写课后但此表中的黑体重点词汇和Grammar Focus 的重点句型。



    6.能够理解比并且完成Groupwork 和 Survey 。

    7.在Self-check 中完成综合运用,检验对本单元的掌握程度。



    第一课时:Section A (1a—2c)

    第二课时:Section A (3—4)

    第三课时:Section B (1a—2c)

    第四课时:Section B (3a—4)

    Period 1


    Œ教学内容:(Section A 1a—2c)


    a. 能够听、说、读、写平时的活动:exercise, go skateboarding。

    b.能够听、说、认读句子:What do you usually do on weekends?I often go to the movies.What does she do on weekends? She sometimes watches TV.并能运用这些句型来描述自己和他人的平时活动。

    c. 能够听、说、认读句子:How often do you shop? I shop once amonth并能用这些句型谈论自己、朋友或他人平时活动的频率。











    Step 1 Greetings

    Greet with Ss

    T:Welcome back to school,boys and girls.How are you?

    How time flies!Our summer vacation was over.

    How was your vacation?

    Did you enjoy your summer vacation?

    Was it interesting,exciting or relaxing?

    Would you like to tell us?

    Encourage Ss to share their vacation with the whole class.

    Step 2 Presentation and Practice

    Ask Ss:Well,do you still remember your last vacaton?

    How did you spend it?

    Was it the same as this summer vacation?

    So what do you often do in your summer vacation?

    Then show some phrases for Ss to practice. Then present as following:

    always>usually>often>sometimes>hardly ever(几乎没有) >never

    and let them understand their differences at the first time.

    After that ask Ss try to answer the question above,according to their own situation,using always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever(几乎没有) or never.

    Step 3 Guessing Presentation and Practice

    First show a boy,cover some parts of him,ask Ss

    What’s he doing?

    Let Ss guess like that:

    Is he running?Is he…ing?…

    Then let Ss talk about themselves.

    For example:I often play the guitar.

    Encourage Ss to tell us about themselves,using always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever(几乎没有) or never.

    .Do it like that with some activities.

    And during this part,present surf the net exercise and go skateboarding.

    Step 4 Make a survey

    Ask Ss:What do you usually do on weekends?

    First show some examples as following,let Ss drill them

    Do you often exercise on weekends?

    No. I sometimes exercise.

    Do you usually surf the internet?

    Yes. I usually surf the internet.

    Do you sometimes go skateboarding?

    No.I hardly ever go skateboarding.

    No.I never go skateboarding.

    Then let Ss make a survey like that:

    Do you often exercise on weekends ?

    Yes. I often exercise ./No. I … exercise.

    Let Ss ask and answer in pairs,using always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever(几乎没有) or never.

    Step5 Make a report

    After the survey,ask Ss to make a report about themselves.

    Step 5 Make a report

    After the survey, ask Ss to make a report about themselves.

    On weekends, I always ….I usually ….I often … . I sometimes.I hardly ever….And I never ….

    Step 6. Make a more survey about your partner

    Step 6 Make more survey about your partner

    Ask: How often do you exercise, Cathy?

    I exercise once a day/twice a week

    Present once a day/twice a week /three times a month/every day etc. by asking and answering.

    Then practice with does

    Present once a day, twice a week, three times a month, every day etc. by asking and answering.

    Then practice with does:

    eg. How often does Jack read books, ?

    He reads books every day .

    After that ,make a report about your partner,showing the form as following.

    After that make a report about your partner, showing the form as following.

    Step 7 Students’ Book

    Let Ss look at 1a,look at the picture and write down the activities in the blanks.

    Listen to the tape for twice,fill in 1b.

    Finish the Exs. in 2a &2b

    Step 8 Homework

    Interview one of your family members how often he/she does something, and then make a report.






    通过进一步的深入调查,引出once a day/once a day, twice a week, three times a month,etc.




    Period 2

    Teaching aims:

    1. Learn the words:shop once twice timesurf Internet programhighschoolmostno result activefor asfor about

    2. Learn common English talkings:

    What do you usually do on weekend? Iusually…

    What do they do on weekends? Theyoften…

    What does he/she do…? He/She sometimes…

    How often do you shop? I shop once amonth.

    How often does Cheng watch TV? Hewatches TV..

    Teaching key points:

    1. Master the words and write themcorrectly

    2. Grasp the talkings and talk them outnaturally and fluently

    3. Know the times well .

    Teaching demands:

    1. Students can learn to talk about ActivitiesandHOW OFTEN to each other

    2. Students can listen, talk ,read andwrite these words correctly

    Teaching time:

    One period (45 minutes)


    1.A tape-recorder and tapes.

    2.Word cards.



    How often

    Watch TV


    Surf the Internet

    Read English books

    Go to the movies


    Teaching steps:


    Enjoy a nice English song which Ss like(choose one)

    Takeme to your heart

    Yesterdayonce more



    T: Hi ! Boys and girls!

    S: Hi !

    T: Are you happy ?

    S: Yes.

    T: I am happy, too . I am happy to see you

    (talk everything which you would like to talk with your children,

    then lead to Activities )

    3.Talking :(pictures)

    ⑴ what do you usually do on weekends? on vacation?

    What does he/she do …?…?

    Use the photos of a baby , a lovely mouse, a QQ, a short man …

    ⑵ Activities

    go to the movies wash faces

    watch TVclean the bedroom

    Shopbrush the teeth

    Exercisetake a shower

    Singdo some running

    ⑶ Talk in pairs/ in groups

    What do you usually do on weekend? I…

    What do they do on weekends? They ..

    What does he/she do…? He/She …


    ⑴How often do you watch TV?

    every day

    once a day

    twice a day

    three timesaday


    ⑵talk in pairs

    go to the movies wash faces

    watch TVclean the bedroom

    Shopbrush the teeth

    Exercisetake a shower

    Singdo some running

    How often do you watch TV?

    I …… every day

    once a day

    twice a day

    three timesaday

    5. Listening: 2a 2b

    ⑴ Cheng is talking about how often he does different activities. Number the activities you hears from 1 to 5

    the answer is 3,1,5,4,2

    ⑵Match his activities with the number of times

    watch TV twice a week

    Read every day a tschool

    go to the movies once a week

    exercise three times a week

    Shop twice a month

    6. Presentation:

    ⑴ what about you ? how often do you ……….?

    ⑵ how often do you do these activities?

    Fill in the chart and then make conversations!


    How often

    Watch TV


    Surf the Internet

    Read English books

    Go to the movies


    A: How often do you watch TV?

    B: I watch TV every day.

    A: what’s your favorite program?

    B: It’s Animal World.

    A: How often do you …….?

    B: ……..

    ⑶Talk in pairs then report

    Begin with: I watch TV……….

    My partner …… watches TV…….

    7. Consolidation:

    read the magazines article, use the information in the boxes below to help you.(Green High School )

    (1) Listen and read after the tape.

    (2) Retell it in your own words.

    (3) Questions Ss like to ask


    ⑴ Finish 4fill in the blank

    ⑵ Copy the words

    ⑶ A small composition <>

    (4)Recite the listening




















    Happy every day !

    Period 3

    Teaching procedures


    1.Enjoy an English song.

    2.Free talkTalk with Ss about the following questions:

    Do you like fruit/vegetables?

    Yes,I do .I love it/ them.It’s/They’re delicious.Andit’s/they’re healthy food.It’s/They’re good for our health. Or No ,I don’t.It’s awful.I can’t stand it.

    Ask Ss:How often do you eat fruit /vegetables?

    Step 2 Presentation

    1.Teach milk. Do you like milk? Do you drink milk every day? Why /Why not?

    2.Then teach chip /cola/chocolate/coffee in the same way.Don’t foget to ask them Are they/Is it healthy food /drink? They’re /It’s healthy/unhealthy/ junk food.Don’t eat /drink them /it too often.

    Step 3.Pair work

    Ss make a similar conversation by themselves.

    A:How often do you{ eat…?


    B :I eat/drink… every day/….

    A:Do you like it ?

    B:Yes ,I do. It’s good for my health. /No,I don’t. But my mother wants me to eat/drink it.

    Step 4. Presentation

    The teacher asks Ss other questions:

    How often do you exercise/watch TV/read English/play computer games?

    How many hours do you exercise/watch TV/read English/sleep/play computer games?

    Step 5.Pairwork

    Get Ss to make a long conversation by themselves,use the sentences they learned so far.

    Step 6.Listen (work on 2a)

    Get the Ss to listen and circle the answers to each question .Later check the answers.

    Step 7 Group work

    Role play . Student A is the interviewer .Student B

    is the Katrina. Student C is Bill. Practice the conversation again.


    Ask your classmatesasmany questions as you can.

    The questions in 2b can help you . Then give a report in front of the class.e.g

    My classmate Ginalikestoexercise. She exercises every day….

    Homework :1)Finish the homework in this period.

    2)Try to write your report in your exercise book.

    Suggestions &explanation







    Step 7. work on 2b

    Listen again and fill in the blanks in the survey. Then check the answers.

    Step8 Group work

    Role play. Student A is the interview. Student B is Katrina. Student C is Bill. Try to act the conversation out .They can use their own words.

    Step 9.Task

    Get the Ss to ask their classmates as many questions as they can about their lives. The questions above (2b) can help them. After that they can give a report in front of the class.

    Homework :1.Finish the exercise in this period.

    2.Write the report in the exercise book.



    Teaching Contents and Analysis

    ΠTeaching materials: Section B. (1a-2c)

     Teaching aims:

    a. To master the new words: junk food,milk ,coffee ,chip ,cola ,chocolate ,drink , health ,how many ,interviewer.

    b. Talk about how often you do things

    c.To master the following keysentences:

    How often do you drink milk, Liu Feng?

    How many hours do you sleep everynight?

    She says it’s good for my health.

    d. Make sure that Ss can listen, speak, read and write the keysentences and finishthe survey in the listeningmateriascorrectly.

    Ž Analysis of key itemsand difficulties of teaching:

    Key items:Reading and writing of key sentences.

    Difficulties: To use health and healthy correctly.


    ΠA tape-recorder and tape.


    Teaching Plan

    Period 4

    Teaching aims:

    1.Learn following expressions: eating habits,

    look after, healthy lifestyle,unhealthy lifestyle,

    good grades.

    2.Learn to write one’s own habits.

    3.Finish the exercises on Self-check.

    Difficult point:

    How to write a composition of one’shabits.

    Preparation: A recorder and tape

    Teaching plan:

    Teaching Procedures

    Step 1.Warm-up/Revision

    1. Free talk:

    2.Ask and answer

    ﹙1﹚ How often do you exercise?

    How often do you eat vegetables/fruit/junk food?

    How often do you drink milk/coffee/tea?

    How many hours do you sleep every day?

    ﹙2﹚ Use he/she/they ask and answer these questions.

    ﹙3﹚ Group works

    Step 2.Presentation/Practice

    1. Oh, S1 eats vegetables and fruit every day

    Andhe also drinks milk very often. I think

    his eating habits are very good. What about yours,S2?

    ﹤T can write eating habits and yours=your eating habitson Bb, then read them for several times.﹥

    2. T: Oh, we can also know S1 sleeps nine hours

    every nights, he does exercise every day, he

    doesn’t drink coffee, and he never eat junk

    food. What a healthy lifestyle.

    3. After that, T can show a picture with healthy

    lifestyle andunhealthy one:

    eat fruitnever eat vegetables/fruit

    Vegetablesdrink coffee/wine too much

    drink milknever drink milk

    sleep 9 hourssleep 5 hours

    do exercisenever do exercise

    healthy lifestyleunhealthy lifestyle

    4. T: And you know: Healthy lifestyle can help us get good grades. Good food and exercise help us to study better. My student Katrina has a good lifestyle. Let’s see it.

    Step 3. Read

    1. Listen and repeat.﹙Close their books﹚

    2. Open books and read after the tape, then read together.

    1. Work in pairs

    Ask and answer questions on 3a.

    2. Underline some important points

    Step 4.Read and fill

    1. T: Yesterday, we just ask Bill some questions about his habits. Look at the information in section B 2b,fill in the blanks on 3b.

    2. Check the answer.

    3. Ask Ss read the passage one by one. Each reads one sentence. Then read together.

    4. Have Ss ask and answer some questions according the passage.


    1. Work in groups, discuss which kind of life is healthy.

    2. Do a report according the discussion.

    We think we should eat fruit and vegetables…

    Step6 Self check

    Fill in each blank with the correct word given.

    Then make your own sentence with each word.

    1. wants2.exercises3.help4.try5.have

    Step7 HW

    1. Read 3a 3b for several times.

    2. Write about your own habits.

    Suggestions& Explanation






    此步有助于学生对生活方式进行必要思考,以寻找健康的生活, 让他们健康成长。

    How often do you exercise?教案二



    How often do you exercise ?

    Teaching goals:

    1. Words &phrases: how often , hardly , twice , once , difference , look after , although ,etc .

    2. Learn to talk about how often do you do things .

    3. 一些表示频率的副词: always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes .

    4. 句子结构: What do you usually do on weekends ?

    How often ?及回答.

    Important and difficult points :

    What does she /he do on weekends ?

    She often goes to the movies .

    How often do you shop ?

    Once a week / Twice a week .

    Teaching aids : cards , pictures and a tape recorder .

    Period 1

    Teaching procedures :

    Step 1Leading-in

    1.Greetings:Talk about something the students did on





