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新人教版高中英语必修3Unit 3 Diverse Cultures教学设计四

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  • 作者:Riordon设计
  • Unit 3 DiverseCultures教学设计

    Period 4 Reading for writing

    该板块的活动主题是“介绍一个有显著文化特征的地方”( Describe a place with distinctivecultural identity)。该板块通过介绍中国城继续聚焦中国文化。本单元主题图呈现的是旧金山中国城的典型景象, Reading and Thinking部分也提到中国城,为该板块作铺垫。介绍中国城的目的主要是体现中国文化与美国多元文化的关系,它是美国多元文化的重要组成部分。中国城也是海外华人的精神家园和传播中国文化的重要窗口,外国人在中国城能近距离体验中国文化。

    1. Read the text to understand the culturalcharacteristics of Chinatown in San Francisco and the relationship betweenChinese culture and American multiculturalism;

    2. Through reading, learn to comb the maininformation of the article, understand the authors writing purpose and writingcharacteristics;

    3. Learn to give a comprehensive, accurate,and organized description of the city or town you live in;Learn to revise andevaluate your writing.


    1. Guide the students to read theintroduction of Chinatown in San Francisco and grasp its writingcharacteristics;

    2. Guide students to introduce their city ortown in a comprehensive, accurate and organized way;

    3. Learn to comb the main information of thearticle, understand the authors writing purpose, and master the corevocabulary.


    1. Guide the students to read theintroduction of Chinatown in San Francisco and grasp its writingcharacteristics;

    2. Guide students to introduce their city ortown in a comprehensive, accurate and organized way;

    1. Read the text in advance according to thesequence of activities designed by the text, and understand the meaning of thenew words according to the context;

    2. Grasp the general idea, genre and purposeof the article, and grasp the main information of the article;

    3. Understand the four steps in the writingprocess and clarify your writing ideas.

    Step 1 Learning new words

    The teacher shows the pictures or uses thestick figure to draw the new words or phrases in the teaching text: climate,mild, settle, construction, material, suit, item, contain, neat, tai chi,clothing, herbal.

    Step 2 Reading

    Activity 1

    1.Read the full text quickly to grasp thegeneral idea, genre and purpose of the article.Teacher asks:

    Who are the target readers?

    What is the writers purpose of writing thistext?

    2.Let the students think.Guide students inreading the word pay attention to the frequent visitor and other words relatedto tourism, tourist visit, experience, site.

    3.Guide the students to grasp the main ideaof the passage through the topic sentence in the reading.

    Paragraph 1: Itis a very popular tourist draw that receives more visitors each year than eventhe Golden Gate Bridge…meaning it is always a good time to visit.

    Paragraph 2:This allows visitors to experience a real taste of China.

    Paragraph 3:Traditionally, visitors enter Chinatown…Other famous sites include … Visitorscan also… a key site…

    Paragraph4: …visitors can taste and buy…

    Paragraph 5:But perhaps what many tourists and San Franciscans treasure most…

    Paragraph 6: Theyallow visitors…to…

    Activity 2

    1.Read the full text quickly, grasp the keyinformation of the article, and answer the questions in activity 1.

    ①What are the famous tourist sites in theChinatown of San Francisco?

    ②What else can you do there?

    The requirements of student browsing activity1 and the two questions clearly define the key information to be obtained fromthe text: the famous scenic spots in Chinatown and what can be done in additionto browsing scenic spots.

    2.Teachers can ask students to use the scanningstrategy to find the answer. For example, proper nouns of the place arecapitalized to indicate that the activity is mostly a phrasal verb.

    Step 3 Analyzing articlestructure

    Activity 3

    Read the full text, grasp the structure ofthe article.

    The teacher guides the students to completethe following table, helps the students to analyze the paragraphs of thearticle, summarizes the general idea of each part, and sorts out the relevantdetails.

    Step4 Understanding

    Activity 4

    1.Focus on the themeof the text and writing ideas.First, the teacher raises questions for thestudents to discuss in groups.

    ①What is the theme ofthis passage?

    ②What does the writerwant to show us in this passage?

    ③What examples doesthe writer use to support this idea

    2.The teacher guides the students to thinkabout the internal logic of the article and find the words that embody themeaning of the topic.Such as: a center for Chinese culture, a real taste ofChina sights, smells, and sounds of China, traditional Chinese culture in real life.

    3.To understand that the author aims tohighlight the typical Chinese cultural characteristics of Chinatown in SanFrancisco and demonstrate its unique existence in the multicultural America,the details selected by the author are therefore supporting this theme.

    4.Evaluate the text.Ask the students toevaluate the reading text and remind them to refer to the evaluation form inthe third part of activity 3. Analyze the text one by one according to thelisted criteria and try to write comments.

    Step 5 Writing task

    Activity 5

    1.Have students brainstorm about theirhometown:

    ①What is unique aboutyour city/town?

    ②Is it a city/townwith diverse cultures?

    ③What examples can yougive to illustrate its unique feature?

    Remind students to write down valuable ideasduring the discussion.Finally, ask the students to discuss how to organize theinformation, build a structure, and write a simple outline.

    2.Guide the students to learn the language ofthe city or town provided in the second step of Activity 3.Teacher can providekey words first, let students say the corresponding sentence pattern andexpression, such as: location→→ be located in/on…. history-has a history of….years,etc.

    In addition, teachers can add more relevantexpressions for students, such as lie in, in/on/to the cast/west/north/southof, at the foot of, be surrounded by, be known for, be rich in, and somepersuasive language, such as "Go ahead, let your hair down, and enjoy yourtrip!"You just have to come and experience the city yourself.""There is such a variety of adventures You can have here."Teacherscan also remind students to flexibly use adjectives, especially superlatives,in the introduction to enhance the attractiveness of the city or town, such as:the most popular tourist destination, the citys most powerful draw. One of themost diverse places, the largest population of.Students can also apply thelanguage expressions in the reading discourse arranged in the previous table totheir exercises.

    3.Write a first draft and revise it.Ask thestudents to write an article about their hometown based on the outline theyhave completed and the language they have accumulated.After finishing the firstdraft, ask students to exchange the first draft with their partners and writecomments to each other according to the evaluation form in activity 3.Finally,ask students to take back the first draft and revise and finalize it at thesuggestion of their partners.





