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人教版新课标PEP小学英语三年级下册Recycle 1教案2篇

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  • Recycle 1教案2篇

    Recycle 1教案(英文版)

    Let’s act

    TeachingAims :

    1.Be able to understand and say “What’s in your box?” “Chocolates? Cookies?” “Let’s share.”

    2.Be able to act the dialogue and make a similar dialogue, act it fluently. 3.Bring up their creative abilities.

    FocusPoints & Difficult Points :

    Makea similar dialogue.


    1.a wallmap 2. some headgears of Chen Jie, John and Amy. 3. Chocolates, Cookies,plastic bag.

    Designingfor the blackboard:

    What’sin your box?

    Guess!Chocolates? Cookies?



    Step1.Warm –up

    1.Greetings. 2. Let’s do. 3. Free talk T: Good morning/afternoon. May I have yourname? S1: My name’s … May I have your name? T: My name’s … Where are you from?S1: I’m from Hang zhou. T: Oh, me too. Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you,too. T: Boys and girls. We have a new friend today,… S1: Welcome. T: Hello, S2.Who’s that boy? S2: He is S3. T: Can you introduce him to me? This is myfriend, S3. This is my teacher, Miss Jin. S2: This is my friend, S3.This is myteacher, Miss Jin. T&S3:Nice to meet you.


    1.1)T: Boys and girls. I’ve got a box. Do you want to know what’s in my box? S:Yes. T: You can say “What’s in your box?” ( T writes it down on theblackboard.) S1: What’s in your box? T: Open it and see. Shhhhh! Be quiet! S2:What’s in your box? …… 2) T: Who can tell me what’s in my box? S: Chocolates! Tteaches the pronunciation of “chocolate”. T shows cookies: What are they? T:They are cookies. Cookie means 曲奇饼,一种小甜饼。 也可以指某一特定类型的人。He is a tough cookie. He is a smart cookie. 3) T: How many cookies do I have?Guess! S: 12?…… T: Let’s count! T & Ss: 1,2,3,4……20! 4) T: Now, let’sshare! Share means you can eat them, he can eat them, everybody can eat them.Ok? S1: Great! S2: Ok! S3: Good idea!

    Step3. Practise. 1.Text a. Watch the VCD. b. Read after the tape. c. Guess the nextsentence. d. Practise in 3-person group. e. Act it. f. Make a similar dialogue.Step4. Assessment.

    1).Texplains the meaning of the task. 2) Ss do it after the class.

    Thinkit over任务型教学要以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。

    Recycle1Lesson 2

    Let’schant; Let’s play

    TeachingAims :

    1.Be able to chant the new chant.

    2.Be able to recognize and read all the letters weve learnt. 3. Stimulate theirinterests to learn English.

    FocusPoints & Difficult Points :

    Thepronunciation of"Lets all be a family".


    1.Letter cards, family member words and number cards. 2. Tape and VCD. 3. Cartoonabout family.

    Designingfor the blackboard:

    13 15 20 177 12

    HIj KF M

    89161410 9

    ADEb G J


    Step1.Warm –up

    1.Greetings. 2. Watch the Disney movie. 3. Free talk T: Good morning/afternoon.May I have your name? S1: My name’s … May I have your name? T: My name’s …Where are you from? S1: I’m from Hang zhou. T: Oh, me too. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too. T: Who’s that boy? S1: He is S2. T: Can youintroduce him to me? This is my friend, S2. This is my teacher, Miss Jin. S1:This is my friend, S2.This is my teacher, Miss Jin. T&S2:Nice to meet you.T: Look! I have a new box. S2: How nice! What’s in the box? T: Guess! S1:Chocolates? S2: Cookies? T: Open it and see. S1: Chocolates!T: Let’s share!S:Thank you!/ Good idea! 4. Review the words about family. Step2.Presentation andPractise.

    1.Chant 1)T hands out the word cards: Who plays mother? S with the card “mother”:Me. T: Who plays father/brother……? Ss: Me. T: Let’s all be a family. T with thecard “sister”: I am the sister. S: I am the father…… …… T: This is my family. Ilove my family. 2) Text a. Read after the tape. b. Explain the meaning of thischant. c. Boys: Let’s go, boys. Girls: Let’s go, girls. Ss: Let’s all be afamily.Who plays father/ mother/ brother and sister? S1: I am father. S2: I ammother. S3&S4: We are brother and sister. Boys, girls, Ss. d. Practise in4-person group.2. Let’s play. 1) Slap the flies. 2) T pastes the letter cardson the blackboard, then write down the numbers. T: 3. S:H. 3) Play in pais. 3.Make an interview. (Activity bookP20) Step4. Assessment.

    1).Texplains the meaning of the task. 2) Ss do it after the class.

    Thinkit over: 任务的设计要尽量贴近学生的生活和经历,能引起学生的共鸣,兴趣越浓求知欲越强,参与意识越高,越能发挥学生的主体性,学生越能主动进行任务的学习。





    Let’s act部分通过给学生展示出一个熟悉的对话情景来再现1-3单元中所学的会话,使学生能够更自然、更好地对Who’s...? He/She is...Where are you from? I’mfrom...How many...? 等句型进行复习和巩固。对话中What’s in your box? Let’s share. 是没有学过的,教师可在实际的情景中让学生加以理解,单词chocolate, cookie是首次出现,教师可以用实物让学生学会说这两个单词。总之,在这节课中教师要注意培养学生在实际情景中综合运用语言的能力。


    教师可先通过演唱歌曲、师生对话、让学生小组操练和回答问题等方式复习1-3单元所学的会话并使其综合运用来呈现前四幅图的对话内容。在呈现后四幅图的内容时,教师可先出示一个空盒子,让一名学生往里面放东西,让其他学生去猜的这种游戏方式来导入对话内容:What’ in your box? Guess! 之后,教师再拿一个里面装有巧克力和曲奇饼干的盒子,让学生猜:What’s in my box? 导入单词chocolate和cookie和How many?这一句型。



    Let’s chant部分是通过歌谣呈现学生所学的单词:boy, girl及有关家庭成员的词汇。使学生在说唱歌谣中,增强他们的语感,进一步巩固这些词汇。教师可以角色扮演的形式,加以表情和动作,使歌谣更加生动、有趣。

    Let’s play 部分要求学生听录音、边指数字和字母,并且大声朗读,教师还可把这一活动当成游戏来做。


    教师可先复习Unit 2/A和B部分的Let’s chant.来活跃课堂气氛。然后把收集上来的学生的照片通过实物投影给全体看,复习句型:Who’s that boy/girl/man/woman? He/She is ... 最后通过演唱歌?quot; Father and mother"导入新课。在呈现新课时,教师用一张全家福的照片让学生回答问题来复习有关家庭成员的词汇。教师手指着照片说:This is a family. Let’s all be a family. 教师指着照片中的妈妈说:I play mother. I am mother. 教师分别指着照片中的爸爸、男孩和女孩问:Who plays father? Who plays mother? Who play brotherand sister.导出chant的内容。当学生学习了chant之后,可让学生借助道具分组到前面表演这首歌谣

    在做Let’s play部分时,教师可先把字母卡和数字卡混在一起,让学生认读。然后再听Let’s play部分的录音,边听,边指,边跟读。



    Make a window card部分主要是通过教师的示范,让学生学会制作卡片。教师可在示范过程中适当用英文做讲解,让学生熟悉一些较常用的词汇。Assessment部分是让学生自己对前3个单元所学的知识进行评价,教师可在课堂中用多种形式和学生一起复习和巩固这些知识,然后让学生根据自己的掌握情况进行自我评价,鼓励学生要实事求是。Let’s sing部分可让学生通过学习歌曲来活跃课堂气氛。


    教师可通过游戏和chant复习本单元所学的数字和有关家庭成员的词汇。再通过游戏和看图说单词、看图做对话等形式复习本单元所学的词汇和会话部分的内容。然后让学生根据自己所掌握的情况做Assessment部分的自我评价。在Make a window card部分,教师可先给学生看一看已经制作好的卡片,学生对此产生兴趣后,教师再示范并带着学生学做window card。对于歌曲,教师也可在学之前,先让学生听一听,然后再学唱。


    【课题】Recycle 1 第一课时


    【教学难点】新出现的句型:What’s in your box? Guess. Let’s share.







    1.师生一起唱第一册所学歌曲 “Hello”。

    2.播放本册Unit 1B部分Let’s sing歌曲 “Boy and girll”,把歌词改为:I’m…You are… Do you want to be my friends? (人名可更换)


    T: Hello, I’m…

    A: Hello, I’m…

    T: Nice to meet you.

    A: Nice to meet you, too.

    T: Who’s that boy/girl?

    A: He/She is …

    T: Where are you from?

    B: I’m from…

    T: Welcom.


    5.教师出示事先准备的图画,教师提问:How many… can you see? 让学生用完整句子回答:I can see…


    1.教师出示一个盒子说:Look! I have a box.(教读box)教师把盒子打开对学生说:Look, it’s empty.Who want to put something init?

    2.教师找一名学生往盒子里放东西,让其他学生闭上眼睛。当这名学生把东西放好后,在让大家把眼睛睁开,引导学生去问:What’s in your box? 再引导那名学生说:Guess.学生每猜一次,教师便和拿着盒子的学生说:Let’s open it and see.学生猜对了,要及时给与表扬。


    4.教师又拿出一个一模一样的盒子,对学生说:Here is a box, too. But it isn’t empty. Thereare something in it. Guess. What’s in my box?(教师一边摇盒子一边问)

    5.学生猜不到,教师就把盒子递给一名学生,并带领全班一起说:open it and see, please. 学生拿出里面的巧克力和曲奇饼。教师指着它们说:Oh, chocolates and cookies.并教读这两个词。

    6.教师手拿一袋巧克力问学生:How many chocolate? Guess.

    7.不论学生回答的对不对,教师说:OK. Let’s count together.全班一起数。

    8.教师说:Oh, so many chocolates! Let’s share! OK? 引导学生说:Good idea!



    Who’s that boy?

    Who’s that girl?

    What’s in the box?

    How many chocolates?

    11.播放动画课件Let’s act 的内容,模仿跟读课文对话。教师要注意纠正chocolate, cookie, Let’s share 和good idea的发音。


    1. Let’s act.


    2.Play a game.


    A: Look! I have a bag.

    B: What’s in your bag?

    A: Guess.

    B: Books.

    C: Pencils.

    A: Pencils. You are right. How many pencils?

    B: 12.

    C: 17.

    B: 15.

    A: Open it and see.

    B,C: Let’s count. Oh, … pencils.





    【课题】Recycle 1, 第二课时





    1.Jj, Gg; Bb, Dd; Mm, Nn几组字母在发音上易混淆。

    2.B, d;l, j;在书写时易写错。






    1.复习Unit 2/A和B部分的Let’s chant.

    2.教师把收集上来的学生的照片通过实物投影给全体看,让学生做问答: Who’s that boy/girl/man/woman?He/She is ..

    3.复习歌曲 “ Father and mother”



    How many people can you see? Who are they?

    学生回答:They are father, mother, brother, sister and …

    2.教师手指着照片说:This is a family. Ok, Let’s play a game. Let’sall be a family.教师指着照片中的妈妈说:I play mother. I am mother. 教师分别指着照片中的爸爸、男孩和女孩问:Who plays father? Who plays mother? Who play brotherand sister.

    3.当找到扮演这些人物的学生时,教师引导他们说:I am father. We are brother and sister.

    4.播放Let’s chant部分的录音,让学生先听再跟学说。教师注意教读句子Let’sall be a family.的发音以及play的第三人称单数的读音。

    5.教师把准备好的扮演以上人物的道具呈现给学生,并说:Let’s go, boy. Let’s go, gils. Let’s all be afamily.让学生分组到前面表演这首歌谣。


    7.听Let’s play部分的录音,边听,边指,边跟读。



    学生用硬纸制作一个骰子,用Let’s play部分的画面当棋盘。两位或四位学生分别掷骰子,并按上面的数字移动到相应一格并读出该格中的字母和数字,读对的前进一格,读错的后退一格,最快到达终点的为胜者。





    【课题】Recycle 1, 第三课时

    【教学重点】Make a window card.










