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新人教版高中英语必修2Unit 5 Music-Discovering Useful Structures教案二

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  • Unit 5 Music-DiscoveringUseful Structures教案

    The Past Participle as Adverbial教学设计

    In the Reading andThinking, there are three sentences with the past participle as adverbial. Itis important but difficult to understand. To solve the problem, we can combineit with omitting sentences. Thus, students are easily guided to understand thepast participle and their functions.

    1.Understand theadverbial clauses and the omitting sentences;learn the functions of adverbial clauses.

    2.Observe the sentencesand structures and try to get rules and functions.

    3.Understand thepast participle as adverbial can be used to express feelings and describesituations.

    1.Understand theadverbial clauses and the omitting sentences; learn the functions of adverbialclauses.

    2.Understand thepast participle as adverbial can be used to express feeling and describesituations.

    Step 1 Lead in

    Observe the three sentences from the Readingand Thinking. Read them and translate them into Chinese.

    1.Born in the USA on 2 January 1970, Whitacre began studying music at the Universityof Nevada in 1988.

    2.Moved by this music, he said, “It was likeseeing color for the first time.”


    3.Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos.

    Step 2 Read them and change the underlineinto adverbial clauses.

    1.Bornin the USA on 2 January 1970, Whitacre beganstudying music at the University of Nevada in 1988.
    _____________________________________, Whitacre began studying music atthe University of Nevada in 1988.

    2.Movedby this music, he said, “It was like seeing color for thefirst time.”

    ____________________________________, hesaid, “It was like seeing color for the first time.”

    3.Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos.
    ____________________________________, he asked his fans to make videos.
    From above examples, we can find the clausesare omitting sentences. The subjects and the predicates of the clauses are thepassive relationship.

    There are some special situations. They arenot passive relationship, but are just fixed collocation, such as: be lost in,be based on, be devoted to, be located/situated in/on…, be worried about, betired of, be dressed in, be satisfied with, be faced with, etc.

    1.Worried about the journey, I was unsettledfor a few days.

    2.Lost in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound.

    3.Faced with the difficulties, they didnt giveup.

    Step 3 Understand the functions

    1.Bornin the USA on 2 January 1970, Whitacre beganstudying music at the University of Nevada in 1988.
    When he was born in the USA on 2January, Whitacre began studying music at the University of Nevada in 1988.
    The clause is used to be as thetime adverbial, so the past participle is also used to express time, that is,the time adverbial.

    2.Movedby this music, he said, “It was like seeing color for thefirst time.”

    After he was moved bythis music, he said, “It was like seeing color for thefirst time.”

    The clause is used to be as the timeadverbial, so the past participle is also used to express time, that is, thetime adverbial.

    3.Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos.
    Because/When he was inspired,he asked his fans to make videos.
    The clause is used to be as thetime or reason adverbial, so the past participle is also used to express timeor reason, that is, the time or reason adverbial.

    4.Grownin rich soil, the seeds can grow fast.
    If the seeds are grown in richsoil,the seeds can grow fast.
    The clause is used to be as thecondition adverbial, so the past participle is also used to be the conditionadverbial.

    5.He stood there silently, moved to tears.
    He stood there silently and wasmoved to tears.
    The clause is used to be asthe accompany adverbial, so the past participle is also used to be theaccompany adverbial.

    6.Defeatedagain, he didnt lose heart.

    Though he was defeated again,he didnt lose heart.

    The clause is used to be as the concessionadverbial, so the past participle is also used to be the concession adverbial.

    Step 4 Practice
    Rewrite the story using past participles asthe the adverbial.
    Example: The Silver Hall is usually used for singing performances and is fullof cheers and energy.

    PP(past participle)as adverbial: Usually used for singing performances, theSilver Hall is full of cheers and energy.

    Function: as the reason adverbial

    1.Henry was highly interested in music andbegan to write original compositions when he was in high school.

    PPas adverbial: _________________________________________________________________.

    Function: _______________________________________________________________________.

    2.They were pleasedwith his music and songs and finally invited him to perform in the Silver Hall.

    PPas adverbial: _________________________________________________________________.

    Function: _______________________________________________________________________.

    3. Though he wasaffected by gradual blindness soon after the performance, Henry was stillcapable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a reliefand cure for his illness.

    PPas adverbial: _________________________________________________________________.

    Function: _______________________________________________________________________.

    4. When he gotabsorbed in his world of music, he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of theworld around him, like he had in his previous life.

    PPas adverbial: _________________________________________________________________.

    Function: _______________________________________________________________________.

    Step 5 Solid

    Complete thepassage with the words in brackets in their correct forms.

    Well known as a successfulband, the Impact members show quite a few striking qualities.





