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新人教版高中英语必修1Welcome Unit-Discovering Useful Structures教案

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  • 作者:南域PPTer
  • Welcome Unit–Discovering Useful Structures教案






    识别并分析下面的句子结构:SV; SVO; SP; SV IO DO; SVOC; SVA; SVOA; There be …









    Period 1

    I Learn the technical terms-1.

    1. S (subject) 主语

    2. V (verb) 谓语动词

    3. O (object) 宾语

    4. P (predicative) 表语

    5. A (adverbial) 状语

    6. DO (direct objective) 直接宾语

    7. IO (indirect objective) 间接宾语

    8. C (objective complement) 宾语补足语

    9. There be … there be结构





    Period 2

    II Learn the technical terms-2.

    1. What can be used as “Subject, Object, Predicative, Direct Object, Indirect Object and objective complement” in a sentence?

    2. What can be used as “adverbial” in a sentence?

    3. What can be used as “verb” in a sentence?

    Answers to questions 1-3:

    1. Nouns, pronouns and appellations can be used as “Subject, Object, Predicative, Direct Object, Indirect Object and Objective Complement”. Besides, adjectives can be used as “Predicative and Objective Complement” in a sentence.

    2. Adverbs and prepositional phrases can be used as “Adverbial”.

    3. Verbs with actual meaning can be used as “Verb” in a sentence. Auxiliary verbs alone cannot be used as “Verb” in a sentence.

    III Learn to recognize the sentence structures.

    1. SV structure. For Example:

    (1) A bird flies.

    S V

    (2) A monkey jumps.

    S V

    (3) A fish swims.

    S V

    √ In SV structures, verbs are “intransitive verbs”.

    2. SVO structure. For Example:

    (1) A sheep eats grass.

    S V O

    (2) They like bananas.

    S V O

    (3) He wants candy.

    S V O

    √ In SVO structures, verbs are “transitive verbs”.

    3. SP structure. For Example:

    (1) This is great.

    S P

    (2) He looks well.

    S P

    (3) She became a teacher.

    S P

    √ In SP structures, Predicatives are formed by “link verbs” and “adjectives or nouns”.

    √ link verbs: be, become, grow, look, feel, taste, etc.

    4. SV IO DO structure. For Example:

    (1) He asked me a question.

    S V IO DO

    (2) Danny wrote me a letter.

    S V IO DO

    (3) Billy brought Sam a kite.

    S V IO DO

    √ In SV IO DO structures, the verbs are transitive and are followed by two objectives – pronouns or nouns as Indirect Objective, and nouns as Direct Objectives.

    √ verb pattern: tell sb. sth.

    5. SVOC structure. For Example:

    (1) The war made him a hero.

    S V O C

    (2) They found the snake dead.

    S V O C

    (3) We call him Mr. Wood.

    S V O C

    √ In SVOC structures, the verb is transitive and is followed by an objectives and a complement. The complement here is used to show the situation of the object.

    √ In SVOC structures, Objective complements can be nouns, adjectives, –ing phrases or –ed phrases.

    6. SVA structure. For Example:

    (1) It rained heavily.

    S V A

    (2) He coughed badly.

    S V A

    (3) The rabbit ran fast.

    S V A

    √ In SVA structures, the verb is intransitive and is followed by an adverbial.

    7. SVOA structure. For Example:

    (1) A sheep eats grass over there.

    S V O A

    (2) Mum makes lunch in the kitchen.

    S V O A

    (3) They liked the film very much.

    S V O A

    √ SVOA structure is formed by SVO structure plus an adverbial at the end.

    8. There be structure. For Example:

    (1) There is an apple on the table.

    V S A

    (2) There are 7 days in a week.

    V S A

    (3) There is milk and bread on the table.

    V S A

    √ In “There be…” structure, subject and verb “be” is inverted.

    √ The number of “be” is decided by the very first subject followed.

    IV Questions to think:

    1. Look at the picture below and examine the sentence structures. What parts are shared by all of them?

    2.In the eight basic structures, what is the more stable element and what is the most unstable element in a sentence?

    V Read the sentences and analyse the structures.

    1. The 100-year-old school lies in the center of the city.

    S V A

    2. We must act.

    S V

    3. The maths homework looks easy.

    S P

    4. The teacher found the classroom empty.

    S V O C

    5. My mum bought me a new dictionary.

    S V IO DO

    6. Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange studnent.

    S V O

    7. There is an English corner at our school.

    V S A

    8. We had chemistry in the newly built lab.

    S V O A

    VI Read the passage and analyse the structures of the underlined sentences.

    1. That dream has come true!

    S P

    2. Tim and his classmates are living on a ship.

    S V A

    3. They also learn about ships and the sea.

    S V O

    4. Tim writes his parents every week and tells

    S V O A V

    them what happened on the ship.

    IO DO

    5. There’s always something exciting to do.

    V S

    6. Studying and doing homework seem much more fun.

    S P

    VII Answers to “IV Questions to think”

    1. Each sentence shall have an “S” and a “V”.

    2. “S” is relatively stable, compared to “V” - the most unstable part in English sentence.

    1.学生逐个举例子分析,穷尽可以充当“S,V,O, P, A, DO, IO, C”等句子成分的词性。

    2.列表,判断并总结可以作“主语,宾语, 表语,直接宾语,间接宾语,宾语补足语”等成分的词性。












    Period 3


    In this period, we’ve learned about some important concepts of syntax.

    1. The definitions of “S (subject), V (verb), O (object), P (predicative), A (adverbial), DO (direct object), IO (Indirect object) and C (object complement)”;

    2. The morphologic features corresponding to “ S (subject), V (verb), O (object), P (predicative), A (adverbial), DO (direct object), IO (Indirect object) and C (object complement)”;

    3. “V”, as the most unstable part in English sentence, decides all the varieties of the basic sentence structures.

    4. The importance of learning verb patterns.

    Home work:

    1. Recite the meanings of the capitalized initials “S (subject), V (verb), O (object), P (predicative), A (adverbial), DO (direct object), IO (Indirect object) and C (object complement)”.

    2. Think about the significance of distinguishing “transitive verbs” from “intransitive verbs”?







