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人教版新目标初中英语九年级下册By the time I got outside, the bus had already left说课稿5篇

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  • 作者:陈杰出品
  • By the time I got outside, the bus had already left说课稿5篇

    By the time I got outside,the bus had already left. SectionA:1a—2c说课稿


    Unit10中心话题是过去的事件并对其进行听、说、读和写的练习达到学习语言的目标,包括从Section,1a---2c的听说课,围绕Tina的morning展开;3a—3c的读、写和对话课都是谈论过去发生的尴尬事情;Section B1a-2c的用所给单词口述近来的难堪事和听说Dave,Nick and Joe过去的愚人节故事;3a-4读写愚人节的故事等无不是在叙述过去发生的事情。

    (1)知识和技能目标:1、掌握oversleep,by the time,get outside,get to school,start doing,be late for等四会词及词组;2、通过说、读、写过去发生的事情,让学生理解和掌握过去完成时态的使用,并使学生能用过去完成时态叙述过去的事件。














    教师在创设的语境中导出并介绍by the time ,学生参与说写活动加深理解

    理解by the time 的意思,并为理解和使用过去完成时态做准备。








    My brother got in the shower,then I got up./By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.

    The bus left,then I got outside./Bythe time I got outside,the bus had already left.

    I left my backpack at home,then I got to school and realized it./When I got to school,I realized (that)I had left my backpack at home.


    By the time I got outside,the bus had already left. Section A 2a,2b,2c说课稿


    本课是新目标语九年级上册第10单元,section A 的2a,2b,2c 及Grammar focus部分。教材以 Tina’s morning 为中心话题,围绕着描述“过去发生的事情”展开,学习和运用过去完时态。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。在学习活动中,学生通过交换对Tina’s morning的描述及自己早晨发生的事,学习运用过去完成时。















    4、情感目标:通过描述Tina’s morning使学生树立守时的观念。


    词汇:by the time,already,realize,leave-left, get-got-gotten, go-went-done,start,等。

    句型: By the time I got outside,the bus hadalready left

    When I got home, I realized I had left my key in the backpack



    难点:2c Tina’s morning 结尾的续写。






    本节课我将始终引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过2完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验,让学生在用中学,在学中用(Learning by using, learning for using)。














    Teaching procedures

    Step 1: Revision and lead-in

    1. Review what happened to Tina in the morning by asking one or twostudents to tell the story.

    2. Ask some students to do like this:

    T: What happened when you got upthis morning?

    S1: I overslept. And by the time Igot up, my brother had already finished his breakfast.

    S2: Well, I got up late. By the time I finished my breakfast, my mother hadleft home.

    S3: By the time I got up, my mother hadalready cooked the breakfast.

    S4: By the time I got up, my brother hadalready gotten in the shower.

    3. Ask the students to discuss inpairs.

    Step 2: Section A 2a and 2b

    T: Well done. As we know, Tina’s getting up latebrought her a lot of trouble. We’d better get upearly, so that we can get to school on time. Now let’s listen toanother material about Tina and see what happened later. Before we do this, let’s look at thepictures on page 77 first. What can you see in the pictures?

    S1: I can see Tina is looking for her keys.

    S2: I can see she is rushing to school. I think she will be late.

    S3. By the time she got to school, class had alreadybegun.

    T: Now listen and find out what happened to Tina. For the first time, just listen andget a general idea.

    ( Play the recording for the first time. )

    T: Listen again and number the pictures in the correct order.

    ( Play the recording for the second time. )

    T: S1, what’s your order?


    ( Check the answers. )

    T: You’ll listen to the conversation again. This time fill in the blanks in 2bwith the correct verb forms.

    ( First ask the students to read the instructions in 2b together, then play therecording again. After the Ss fill the blanks, check theanswers. )

    Step 3: Section A 2c

    T: After listening, we know that theteacher had already started teaching by the time Tina walked into class. Nowmake up an ending for the story and share it with the class. Tell what happenedto Tina when she entered the classroom.

    (Ask the students to discuss thestory in groups, and then write the ending of the story. Make a competition, choose the bestending to display.)

    Sample endings:

    When Tina walked into class, the class hadalready begun. The teacher looked at Tina and asked why she was late. Her faceturned red and told the teacher that she got up late and missed the bus and shehad to walk to school. The teacher told her to get up earlier and never to belate again.

    Step 4: Grammar Focus

    1. Call students attention to the sentences on the left.Ask four differentstudents to read the four sentences and point out where had plus a pastparticiple is used.Write the sentences on the blackboard. Ask the students to make sentencescorrectly using each form. of the verbs in the box.

    2. Explain the differences between Present Perfect tense and Past Perfecttense.

    Step 5: Post-task

    Put these sentences into English:

    1. 到他离开时,他已经交了一些朋友。

    2. 当她赶到车站的时候,车已经走了。


    4. 在我回家时妈妈已经做好了饭。

    Step6: Summary and homework

    Blackboard Design

    Section A (2a-2c)

    Target language:

    When I got home, I realized I had left my key in the backpack.

    By the time she got back to school, the bell hadrung.

    By the time I walked into class, the teacher hadstarted teaching already.

    过去完成时: 主语 + had done

    get got gotten

    go went gone

    leave left left

    By the time I got outside,the bus had already left. Section B说课稿

    1.Knowledge Objects

    (1)Target Language

    By the time she got to class,the teacher hadalready started teaching.

    When she got to school,she realized shehad left her backpack at home.

    When I got home,I realized I had left my keys in the backpack.

    (2)The Three Forms ofthe verbs.

    2.Ability Objects

    (1)Train the students listening skill.

    (2)Train the students writing skill with the target language.

    (3)Train the students speaking skill.

    (4)Train the studentsto use the three forms of the verbs.

    3.Moral Object

    Try to be a careful person and do everything carefully.Remember not to beas careless as Tina.

    Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points

    1.Listening practice with the target language.

    2.Use the correct verb forms to fill in the blanks by listening.

    3.Make sentences using the Past Perfect Tense.

    4.The three forms of the verbs.

    Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points

    1.Write an ending for the story in Activity 2c.

    2.The three verb forms in Grammar Focus.

    Ⅳ.Teaching Methods



    Ⅴ.Teaching Aids

    A tape recorder

    Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures

    Step Ⅰ Revision

    1.Revise what happened to Tina in the morning by asking one or two studentsto tell the stroy on page 68.

    They may say like this:

    Tina had a bad morning.First of all sheoverslept.By the time she got up,her brother hadalready gotten in the shower.And by the timeshe went outside,the bus had already left.She had to run allthe way to school.When she got to school,she realized shehad left her backpack at home.All these made herlook stressed out.After that,ask the whole class to work in pairs.telling the stroyand helping each other in turns.Remind them to usethe correct verb forms.

    2.Ask students to check each others homework in pairs,pointing out allthe mistakes they might have made.

    3.Revise the Past Perfect Tense by asking the children when to use it andwhat its verb structure is.

    Step Ⅱ 2a

    This activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.

    We have known Tina had a bad morning.But somethingworse happened to Tina later.Lets go toActivity 2a on page 69 and see what happened to Tina later in the morning.

    Read the instructions to the class.Be sure that allof them know what to do.Call the students attention to the four pictures.Get them to guessthe correct order of the pictures first.The first one isgiven as a sample.Ask one or two children to tell their stories by describing the picturesaccording to their own order.

    Then,we will hear Tina talking about what happened to her after she got toschool.We can see there is a small box in each picture.Please write anumber from 1 to 4 in each box to show each pictures correct order.The first one hasbeen given as a sample.Get the children to get ready to listen to Tina continue her story.

    Play the recording the first time,students onlylisten.Play the recording again and ask the children to number each picture.Check the answerswith the class and see who have ever got the correct answers without listening.


    The pictures should be numbered in this order:

    3 1 2 4

    Tape script

    Boy:So then what did you do,Tina?

    Girl:Well,I ran home to get my backpack.But when I gothome,I realized I had left my keys in the backpack.

    Boy:Youre kidding!

    Girl :So I ran back to school without my keys or my backpack.And by the time Igot back to school,the bell had rung.


    Girl:And by the time I walked into class,the teacher hadstarted teaching already.She asked for ourhomework,but of course I didnt have it.

    Step Ⅲ 2b

    This activity gives students practice in understanding and writing thetarget language.

    Ask the students to read the instructions together.Point out theblanks in the sentences and the verbs in the brackets.

    This activity has two parts.First lets fillin the blanks with the correct verb forms.We can see someverbs in the brackets.They are the base forms of the given verbs.For example,get and got,Get is the baseform of the verb.Your job is to write the correct forms of these verbs in the blanks.Look at number one.A sample answer isgiven.

    Let the students fill in the blanks with the correct forms individually.

    Move around the classroom collecting the common mistakes they may make.

    After they all finish writing,tell them to getready to listen to the conversation and check their answers.

    I will play the recording again.Please check youranswers and correct any mistakes you might have made while listening.Play the recording.Students listenand check their answers.Correct theanswers by asking seven different students to say theirs to the class.


    1.got home 2.realized 3.had left 4.got 5.had rung 6.walked 7.had started

    Step Ⅳ 2c

    This activity gives students oral practice with the target language.

    Ask the whole class to read the instructions together.

    We have a new task now.We know Tina waslate for class.What do you think happened after Tina was late for class Work with apartner.Make up an ending for the story by continuing it.The beginning hasbeen given.

    Get students to discuss in pairs,Complete theending.Make sure they are talking in English.Move around theclassroom,offering language support if needed.After ten minutes,ask students tostop discussing.Get some pairs of students to tell the class how they think the storyended.And let the whole class decide whose ending is the best.Tell each pair towrite down their ending,or do it afterclass if time is not enough.

    Sample ending of the story

    The teacher looked at Tina and said,“Why are you lateand where is your homework,Tina?”

    “I had a bad morning today.”Tina said sadly.

    “Im sorry to hear that,but may I knowwhat happened?”said the teacher.

    Then Tina told the teacher and the whole class her story.All her classmateslaughed loudly after it.Some of them said,“Poor Tina!”

    Bob,one of Tinas classmates,stood up and said,“Well,Tina,Id love to helpyou.Why not let me keep the keys for you?I would put yourkeys in my backpack.”

    Step Ⅴ Grammar Focus

    This activity introduces the target language of this unit.Call students attention to the sentences on the left.Ask four differentstudents to read the four sentences and point out where had plus a pastparticiple is used.Write the sentences on the blackboard.

    Draw a simple time line for each sentence to help students to understandthe grammar focus.For example:

    Then get the students to look at the box.Teach students toread the three forms of each verbs first.Then ask severalstudents to read the verbs to the class to see if they can read.Write the verbs onthe blackboard.

    Ask the students to make sentences correctly using each form of the verbsin the box.For example:

    I usually get up at 6:30.

    I got up at 5:30 yesterday.

    By the time I got up,my sister hadalready gotten in the shower.

    Tell the students when we talk about the first thing that happened.We use had plus apast participle (had gotten)and when we talk about the second thing that happened,we use the simplepast tense (got up).Ask some to read their sentences to the class.

    Ask the students to make their own lists of other verbs used in this unit.Tell them to putthe lists in their notebooks using a three-column format like the one in theLook! section.The lists have to include these verbs: leave,walk,start,oversleep,ring,be.

    Check the answers.

    Some sample sentences with the three verb forms

    1.I got up at 6:30 every day.

    I got up at 6:00 yesterday.

    By the time I got up,my sister hadalready gotten in the shower.

    2.We usually go to school at 7:30.

    We went to school at 8:30 yesterday.

    By the time we got to the classroom,the students hadgone to the chemistry lab.

    3.My father leaves home at 8:30.

    He left home at 9:30 this morning.

    When my father went outside,the bus had left.

    4.The teacher often starts teaching at 9:00.

    The teacher started teaching at 8:30 the day beforeyesterday.

    When Tina got to class,the teacher hadalready started teaching.

    The three forms of the verbs used in this unit:

    leave left left

    walk walked walked

    start started started

    oversleep overslept overslept

    ring rang rung

    be was/were been

    Step Ⅵ Summary

    Say,In this class,weve done much listening and writing practice with target language.Weve also donesome oral practice in pairs.And wevediscussed the Grammar Focus of this unit.

    Step Ⅶ Homework

    1.Write down the ending of Tinas story.

    2.Make sentences using each form of the verbs below:


    3.Review the Grammar Focus.

    Step Ⅷ Blackboard Design

    By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.复习课说课稿

    T: Good afternoon,class.

    Ss: Goodafternoon, Miss li.

    T: Sit down ,please.

    Ss: Thank you.

    T: Today we’llrevise Unit 10. Let’s read the title twice.

    The teacher showsthe title on the computer. The students read the title twice.

    T: As usual, wecan work in groups and tell your partners what other things you thoughtaccording to the main points in this unit.

    The students workin groups and discuss. The teacher walks around the classroom to offer somehelp.

    T: Let’s stophere. Look at the screen and we begin to check the main phases.

    The teacher showthe main phases on the computer. The students look at the phases and speak inEnglish. The first four answer together. Then ask some individuals to ask.

    1.闹响2.把…忘在… 3.忘记做… 4.成功做到

    5.等待某人做某事6.让某人搭便车 7.用车接

    8.穿衣给某人穿衣9.出席 10.成百上千的 11.结婚

    12.和某人结婚 13.激起14. 熬夜15.出故障16.经过

    T: Now let’s readthe phrases together.

    The students readthem twice.

    T: So much forphrases. Let’s revise the Grammar. What tense did we learn in this unit?

    Ss: 过去完成时

    T: Let’s revisesomething about it.

    1. 构成: had +V过分

    2. 过去完成时态的含义:





    ①By the end of lastyear, I had learned about one thousand English words. (时间提示)

    ② When I got there, they hadalreadyleft.(动作提示)


    ① He told me he had alreadyfinished his homework.

    ② I realized he had fooled meagain。


    I didn’t go to the movies yesterday because I hadseen it twice.

    The students lookat the screen and answer the teacher’s questions.

    T: According towhat we learned and make some sentences.

    The students standup and give their sentences. The other students repeat.

    T: Next we’llcheck what revised. Take out this book and do the exercises. First I’ll explainthree points. First, It’s all right=That’s all right. Second, equipment Un ,apiece of equipment. Third , I wish I were a bird.

    Then the studentsdo the exercises. And check answers by themselves.

    Then work ingroups to solve the problems.

    T: Please stop. Doyou have some questions?

    Ss: No.

    T: OK. You can putthis book away and take out the papers. Let’s do the 19th.

    The students dothese exercises. And check answers by themselves.

    Then work ingroups to solve the problems.

    T:. Do you havesome questions?

    Ss: Yes.

    T: Which one?

    Ss: 25,26,31,32,34.

    T: OK. Let’s dealwith them. If your group can, you can stand up .

    Then the teacherand the students work together and explain the questions.

    T: So much fortoday. Class is over. Thank you. Goodbye.





