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人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册What should I do说课稿8篇

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  • What should I do说课稿8篇

    What should I do? Period1说课稿


    运用直观教学法,实施任务型教学,给英语教育教学注入了新的活力和动力。依据任务型教学理念,我们先找出本单元中每个课时的中心话题或任务是什么,然后围绕这个中心话题或任务展开任务型教学。本单元中第一课时的中心话题是: What’s wrong?

    Maybe you should ------.




    2、话题: A: What’s wrong?

    B: I ------ .

    A: Maybe you should ------ .




    What’s wrong? Maybe you should ------ .




    图片(4张)、卡片( 7张)、录音机一台。


    Step1 Sentences and phrases learning

    1. Show four pictures and a card .

    (My clothes are out of style; My brother plays his CDs too loud; Myparents wants me to stay at home every night; I argued with my best friend; Idon’t have enough money.)

    Read after the teacher these problems ,then read together.

    Let the students speak out the sentences one by one according to thepictures or the card.

    2. Show some other cards in Chinese, learn these phrases: (buy some newclothes, write him a letter, call him up , you’re sorry, go to his house, givehim a ticket to a ball game.)

    Read after the teacher, then read together.

    Speak out the phrases one by one according to the cards.


    工 Step 2Presentation

    Write the dialogue on the blackboard:

    A: What’s wrong?/ What’s the matter?/ What’s the problem?

    B: ------ .

    A: Maybe you should ------ .

    Point out: should+ 动词原形


    Step 3 Discussion

    Let the students discuss the dialogue above in pairs for a few minutes.

    They can open the textbook of page 10-11,1a and 2a.

    Step 4 Performance

    Ask some pairs to perform in front. They can use the pictures or cards tohelp them if necessary.

    ( 以活动为中心的任务型教学,培养了学生的合作学习精神和一定的竞争意识;让学生体验到乐趣贯穿于学习之中,体现了以学生为主体的新课程观。)

    Step 5 Check

    Let the students make sentences one by one according to the cards orpictures. Just like these:

    S1: ------.

    S2: Maybe you should ------ .


    Step6 Reading

    S B. P10. 1a and 1c. Read the sentences together.

    Finish the exercise of 1a.

    Check the answers.

    Step7 Listening

    S B. P10. 1b. Give instructions about the listening exercise.

    Listen to the tape about three times.

    Check the answers.

    Step 8 Homework

    Memorize the new words and practise the dialogues after class.



    What should I do? Section A说课稿

    我说课的内容是义务教育课程标准实验教科书《新目标英语》八年级下册第二单元Section A,课题是“What should I do?”





    第二单元承接八年级上册What’s the matter?中有关情态动词should 的用法,并作进一步的扩展和综合运用;本课是本单元的第一课时,集中呈现了本单元的基本词汇和语言结构,因此,本课教学有着承上启下的重要作用。





























    课前歌曲播放 growing pains 为这节课做铺垫。

    按照以下步骤完成:1常规报告 2激发情趣,导入新课,3自主探究,理解新知4 Pairwork操练对话,5听力训练,验收成果,6联系实际,巩固运用7布置作业


    1. 常规报告


    设计这一环节的目的,是为了激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的写作及口语能力,以及应变能力。这也是我平时上课一直在做的。一般TOPIC的设置是随学习进度而来的,因为今天的课是第二单元的第一课时,所以做的DUTY REPORT 是第一单元的主题,这也起到了复习的作用。



    3. 自主探究,理解新知

    让学生自己自由的说出他们的烦恼,同时给出建议。这一段完全由学生自己说,自己生成,我做补充,适当解释重难点词汇。在这个环节中,导入What’s the matter?What’s wrong? What should I /He/She/they do? I /He/She/they should...


    在活动过程中,表现优秀的学生,我会马上表扬:Very good , you’rewonderful. 回答不太好的学生我会及时鼓励:Don’t worry, Ithink you can do the best next time, yes?


    通过这样的设计,使知识由浅入深,由易到难,层层展开,既学习了新单词,又复习巩固了情态动词should肯定和否定的用法,并学习了可用来提出建议的又一个单词“could”。另外,在解释argue with 这个词组的时候,也对学生进行了思想教育,使他们学会反思自己,体谅父母。

    在交流的过程中,老师进一步引导学生们对每条建议加以评价。如:That’s a goodidea! I don’t think so, because … 在这种开放、和谐、互动的语言氛围中,充分调动了学生的参与热情,感受语言魅力,体验知识的实用性,培养了学生的合作精神和自省能力。

    4.Pairwork 操练对话





    6. 联系实际,巩固运用








    What should I do? Section A说课稿二

    Good morning, everyone!

    I’m(). I come from ()Middle School.今天我说课的内容是人教版《新目标英语》八年级《Unit2 What should I do ? Section A》。下面我将从教材分析、教法运用﹑学法指导、教学过程、板书设计﹑教学反思这六个方面对本节课的做具体阐述。






    1. 语言目标:

    词汇:play, argue, wrong, style, out of style, could, call sb. up,ticket, surprise, keep out, on the phone. What’s wrong? What’s the matter?。

    句型:What’s wrong? / What’s the matter?

    What should I do?

    You could / should …

    2. 能力目标

    A: 让学生学会在现实生活中既会用英语去谈论自己在身体、学习、生活上遇到的不同问题,又会给别人提建议,还要会合理评价。培养学生自我解决问题的能力。


    3. 情感目标



    A: 词汇及重点句型。

    B: could 和should 的用法。




    1. 在现实情景里,灵活运用句型,真正敢开口用英语交际,去提出和解决实际问题。

    2. 听力的提高。






    Step 1 :Preparation 准备

    1. 上课前几分钟,播放一首学生熟悉的英语歌,学生可跟唱。这样做的目的是帮助学生尽快进入到英语氛围中来,并缓解他们的紧张情绪,为接下来的课做好铺垫。

    2. Free talk. 可谈论日期、身体、天气等。这样是为了给学生多创设一些英语交际情境,复习以前学过的内容。

    3. 播放一曲很大声很强劲的音乐,然后问大家:How are you feelingnow? Are you feeling comfortable now? 学生会答:No.接着提示:你们遇到这种情况,会怎么处理呢?鼓励学生说出自己的看法,这样自然导入新课。

    Step 2 :Presentation 新授

    1. 老师套上一件非常不合身的过时了的衣服,然后问:Am I smart?

    学生会说No. 老师接着以一种非常难过的口气说:Oh, I’m very sad. But you are right, this coat is out of style, it’s not in style.So it makes me not smart. Can you tell me what I should do? 新授style, instyle, out of style. 然后学生开始提建议。

    和学生一起讨论总结出could 和should 的差别。

    2.出示四幅图片。第一幅图片:Lily , Mary 两人在争吵。出示 argue with sb.(与……争吵)。问学生:What’s wrong with them? 要求学生用一句话来描述图片内容。E.g. Lily is arguing with Mary.

    板书目标语言: What’s wrong (with sb.)? / What’s the matter?

    出示另外三幅图片及提示词。第二幅:keep out不让进教室。第三幅:邻居播放的音乐声很大。第四幅:晚上只能呆在家里。按第一幅图的方法去教。


    3. 1a. 指导学生读懂不同的问题,然后讨论这些问题是否严重。叫几名学生跟大家分享他们的意见。这部分可以让学生的口语表达及英译汉的能力得到提高。

    4. 听力训练。

    1b. 指导学生对照1a的问题听录音,将所听到的问题圈出来。请一名学生说出答案。

    2a. Say: Peter argued with his bestfriend. Now, his friend is giving him some advice. Listen and circle could orshould. 用小黑板展示:

    2b. Listen again. 将朋友的建议与Peter不喜欢的理由连起来。一起核对答案。新授call sb. Up, ticket, surprise 和 on the phone. 让学生带着具体的目标去听录音,可帮助他们找到特定信息,增强自信心。

    Step 3 : Practice 练习



    Step 4 : Production 产出

    竞赛游戏(也称为“夺星大战”)Star wars wins


    Step 5 : Progress 发展

    给出一个话题: I want to learn English better, what should I do?







    What should I do? Section B说课稿

    Teaching objects

    By the end of the class, students will be able to talk"problems" freely and reasonably.

    Languages focus: should \original\style\the same as

    Listening skills: students will be able to get the main idea and detailedinformation.

    Attitude: to know that problems are common in daily life, everyone shouldtry to face them

    and solve them to make life better.

    Lead in

    Students translate two sayings into Chinese, and then have a discussion.

    Clothes make the man.

    Clothes dont make the man.

    (讨论两句有关衣服的谚语,引入本节讨论的主题problems about appearance,并引发学生思考,自己在穿着、发型等方面是否存在问题。)

    Before listening

    1.Show two pictures about different clothes, let students describe them.

    (主要学习和总结 original\comfortable\the same as\ inexpensive等词汇,并尝试用英语解释部分词汇,以加深理解,original means new, interesting, different from\style

    means the way that something is done or built\inexpensive means cheap)

    2.Students answer the following questions with the sentences.

    What is important for you?

    What isnt important for you?

    1) They are original.

    2) They are comfortable.

    3) They are the same as my friends clothes.

    4) They are in style.

    5) They are inexpensive.

    6) They are colorful.

    (巩固上面词汇的用法及表达,为学生思考my problems with clothes做准备)

    3.Students answer two questions.

    1) Do you have problems with clothes? If yes, what’s it?

    2) Do you have problems with haircut? If yes, what’s it?

    If some students have the problems, teacher can guide others to discusssome advice.

    (Prepare for the listening)

    While listening

    Erin is a girl, she also has a problem, and she is calling “teen talk” forhelp, let’s listen to

    the tape and learn more about her.

    1. Students read the sentences in the book quickly then have a guess.

    What’s her problem about?


    2. Students listen to the tape and choose the true answer. After this, workin pairs to

    discuss the question.

    Do you have the same problem as she does?

    Why dose she have the problem?

    Can you give her some advice?

    (验证猜想,明确答案。通过问题的讨论,尝试培养学生的英语思维能力,同时可呈现新的语言知识,she copies everything as I do ,I want to be original.)

    3. Students listen to the tape and fill in the chart.







    3. Students listen to the tape completely then complete the conversation.


    After listening

    1. Show two problems, le students give me some advice.

    1) I am always tired; I think I’m kind of unhealthy, what should I do?

    2) One of my students always plays computer games too much , he can’tfinish his

    homework on time, what should I do?


    2. Group work

    Students work in a pair of four, write down their problems(especiallyabout appearance),then

    have some advice with the help of the group.


    Task share your joys

    In our life, we have some problems, but we have more joys, such is truelife. Let’s share

    your joys.


    1. Are you taller than last year?

    2. Are you healthier than before?

    3. Did you get a beautiful gift?

    4. Did you have a good trip?

    5. Do you have more friends?

    6. Do you have good grades now?

    Summary and homework

    1. Collect five students’ problems and give them your advice.

    2. High—level students write a composition about “my present problems”.

    What should I do?说课稿











    本单元的核心教学项目是“讨论问题及给出建议”,各部分围绕这核心项目设计安排了听、说、读、写活动。各部分内容均取自于学生的日常生活,实用性强。学生们会因为此话题的趣味性及实用性而感兴趣, 故能在学中用,用中学,印象深刻。

    Section A是语言训练课。第一部分(1a—1c)提出了一系列的问题,同时也为学生提供了语言训练的样板。第二部分2a—2c是对存在的问题给出建议。第三部分是所学语言知识的自然延伸,让学生对提出的建议作出自己的判断。

    Section B 是A部分内容的拓展及延伸,扩展词汇,强化听力,培养阅读和写作,给出你对问题的建议。

    Self-check 进一步练习了本单元的主题内容,让学生能对存在的问题给出合理的建议。

    Reading 部分培养学生的阅读能力及分析解决问题的能力。





    (2)能力目标:谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的麻烦和问题,培养交际能力; 为他人找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议。




























    Period 1: Section A

    Period 2: Section B 1a-2c

    Period 3: Section B 3a-4

    Period 4: Self-check

    Period 5: Reading practice

    Period 6: Reading practice


    Period 1Section A

    In this unit we will talk aboutproblems people have and learn how to give these people advice →1a. introduces some key vocabulary. →1b. practice target language (listen ) →1c. oral practice →2a&2b. Listening practice (read theinstruction→play the recording→check the answers) →2c. oral practice →Grammar focus →3a. reading and writing practice →3b.oral practice →4.pairwork: give advice

    Period 2 Section B 1a-2c

    1a. introduce some new words → 1b. oral practice →2a. &2b listening and writingpractice (first, read the instructions. Then, point to the three items. Next,play the recording twice. Check the answers.) → 2c. oral practice using the targetlanguage, working with a partner.

    Period 3 Section B 3a-4

    Have a check about the contents on p13.→ 3a. reading practice (first,read the instructions. Then, read theletter to class. Next, ask students to say what words and phrases they circled.Then, repeat the vocabulary that students circled. Then, ask students tounderline the problem. Finally,check the answer.) →3b. writing practice ( Ask students tosay some advice they might give. Then, ask students to write the letters ontheir own. Next, read their letters to the class.) → 3c. writing practice(ask and offer advice for the others →ask students to complete the work in groups)

    Period 4 Self-check

    1. Practice the vocabulary and askstudents to make their own sentences with the words, then check the answers.

    2. An opportunity for students to engagein open-ended writing. First, read the instructions. Then, ask one or twostudents for advice. Next, ask students to read the letter. Then, complete thework.

    3. Just for fun. Reading practice with thetarget language.

    Period 5-6 Reading

    Section1 Before you read

    1a.Studentsthink about life outside school hours. Then, ask students to complete theboxes.

    1b.Look up the words in a dictionary.

    Explainthat a dictionary can help students learn independently. Discuss the pointsmade in the Reading Strategy about using a dictionary. Let the students do thesame with the other words.

    Section2 While you read

    Askstudents to read and notice the words they have looked up in theirdictionaries. First, read the article quickly. Then, read the second time.

    Section3 After you read

    3a.ask students to read the statements , then discuss them with their partners andgive their opinions.

    3b.practice new words, ask students to write their own sentences.

    3c.Free writing.

    Section4 Go for it! Do a survey. 1. When do you feel under pressure?2. What should youdo to relax?

    What should I do?说课稿二


    I.Language Goals




    II.Key Words

    1.argue v.争论;争吵

    argue with sb.与某人吵架

    I argued with my best friend.我和我的好朋友吵架了。

    2.either adv.(用于否定句)也

    He doesnt have any money, and Idont, either.他没有钱,我也没有。

    too 也(用于肯定或疑问句)

    Im a teacher.He is a teacher,too.我是老师,他也是老师。

    3.ask (sb.)for sth.向某人寻求某物;要……

    Dont ask for food every day.Go and find somework.别天天要饭,找点儿工作做。

    I dont think you should ask yourparents for some money.我想你不应该向父母要钱。

    He didnt want to ask his teacherfor his book hack.他不想向老师要回他的书了。

    4.the same as... 与……相同

    The clothes are the same as myfriends.这些衣服与我朋友的一样。

    Tom is the same age as Anna.= Tom is as old as Anna.汤姆和安娜一样大。

    5.except 除……以外;(不包括……在内)

    My class has been invited except me.= Only I havent been invited.


    All the students went to the parkexcept him.= Only he didnt get to the park.

    besides 除……以外(包括在内)


    We all went there besides him.= He went there.We went there, too.


    6.wrong adj.错误的;有毛病的;不合适的

    ─ Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?(你哪里不舒服?)

    ─ Ive got a headache.我头痛。


    He answered wrong.他答错了。

    7.get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽

    The students will get on well withthe teacher.学生会和老师相处得非常好。

    We get on well with each other.我们彼此相处融洽。

    8.have a fight with sb.= fight with sb.与某人打架

    I dont want to have a fight withmy cousin.我不想和我的堂兄打架。

    III. Key Sentences Structures

    What should I do?

    You could write him a letter.

    What should he do?

    Maybe he should say sorry to him.

    What should they do?

    They shouldnt argue.


    I.Listening Comprehension

    (A)Listen and matchthe correct pictures.

    1.() 2.() 3.() 4.() 5.()

    (B)Listen carefullyand write “T” (true)or “F” (false)before each statement.

    ()1.Jim wants to goshopping for a new shirt.

    ()2.Jim cant wearsize six shoes.

    ()3.Jims mother sawsome nice shops the other day.

    ()4.Jim prefers whiteto blue.

    ()5.They will buy theshoes on Saturday afternoon.


    Match the words with their meanings.











    a.strong or oppressive influence

    b.not happy

    c.people with relatives

    d.answer or the way to work out problems

    e.too tired to do anything

    f.pictures in mind

    g.a person who is very intelligent

    h.take part in

    i.person who studies how people think

    j.two things of the same kind

    III.Choose the correct answers.


    1.I dont have any money and he doesnt,.

    A.too B.either C.alsoD.neither


    2.─do you go to the cinema?

    ─ Every two weeks.

    A.How longB.How manyC.How often D.How much


    3.You can this book for a week.

    A.borrowB.lend C.keepD.buy


    4.Yesterday Dick made me for a long time.

    A.to wait B.wait C.waited D.waiting


    5.I need some money to buy clothes my mother.Her clothes are out of style.

    A.after B.to C.ofD.for


    6.My bike is broken.I have to go to school on foot .

    A.alsoB.insteadC.instead of D.too


    7.My friend has the same haircut I do.

    A.asB.likeC.with D.than


    8.The teacher told him late any more.

    A.not to be B.to be notC.be not D.not be


    9.He the radio and began to listen to it.

    A.turned offB.turned downC.turned onD.turned up


    10.Im very because my best friend didnt invite me to come to his party.

    A.popular B.happy C.late D.upset

    IV.Form sentences.

    1.I, friend, nicer, clothes, my, has, than, do

    2.wears, the, clothes, my, same, I, do, brother, as

    3.left, your, homework, at, you, home

    4.doesnt, he, is, know, ID, where, your, card

    5.are, invite, the singer, having, a, my friends, party, and, didnt, they

    V.Fill in the blanks with these words.

    are, played, for, with, out, about, keep, else, drops

    1.My brother his stereo too loud.

    2.He is arguing his best friend.

    3.Its not easy to get a ticket a basketball game.

    4.I dont want to talk Tom in class.

    5.He borrowed a new car his father.

    6.We found that there would be an important test the next week.

    7.Her mother her off on No.302 bus stop everyday.

    8.You should everything nice and tidy.

    9.Everyone in my class is running except me.

    10.The Whites hanging out by the river.

    VI.Reading comprehension


    Can you make a telephone call? Of course you can make it in Chinese.But a call inEnglish is quite different from the one ill Chinese.If you want to askMr. Smith to answer the telephone, you cannot say, “Please ask Mr. Smith toanswer the telephone.” Instead you must say, “May 1 speak to Mr. Smith?” If you want to ask ifMr. Smith is answering the telephone, you should say “Who is that? Is that Mr.Smith speaking?” instead of “Who are you?” If you want to tell the other onewho you are, you should say, “This is Tom (speaking).” Instead of “Im Tom.”

    ()1.An Englishtelephone call is a Chinese one.

    A.not the same as B.better than

    C.the same as D.as good as

    ()2.If you want to askwho is answering the call, you should say “?”

    A.Who am I B.Who is be

    C.Who are youD.Who is that

    ()3.If you want totell the other one who you are on the telephone,

    you should say,“.”

    A.This is... B.Im... C.That is... D.He is...

    ()4.If you want to askMr. Smith to answer the call, you should say“”

    A.Please tell Mr. Smith to answer the telephone.

    B.May 1 speak to Mr. Smith?

    C.I want to speak to Mr. Smith.

    D.Are you Mr. Smith?

    ()5.Which sentence isright according to (根据)this passage?

    A.It tells the difference between calls in English and in Chinese.

    B.We know how we call in English.

    C.We dont understand how we call in English.

    D.Its easy to call in English.


    American schools begin in September after a long summer vacation.There are twoterms in a school year.The first term is from September to January, and the second is fromFebruary to June.Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old.Most students areseventeen or eighteen years old when they finish school.

    High school students take only four or five subjects each term.They usually go tothe same classes every day, and they have homework for every class.After class theydo many interesting things.

    After high school, many students go to college.They can go to asmall one or a large one.They usually havetopay a lot of money.So many college students work after class to get the money for theirstudies.



    1.How long is the summer holiday in America?

    2.How old do most American children begin to go to school?

    3.What do many students do after high school?

    4.Why do American college students work after class?

    5.How many subjects do high school students take each term?


    Write your advice to solve the following problems.

    1.I dont have enough money.

    2.I argued with my best friend.

    3.I left my homework at home.

    4.My classmates didnt invite me to his party.

    5.I want to join a club, but my parents dont allow me to do so.



    Many people have to work on the weekend.Some people do notmind.Other people think it is terrible.

    One man thinks that working on the weekend can be dangerous.He is GrahamCoates.Mr. Coates works in an office in Brighton, England.

    On the morning of Saturday, May 24, 1986, he went to the office to do somework.When he got on the elevator, it stopped between floors.Mr. Coates couldnot get out of the elevator.He started toshout, but no one heard him.Then Mr. Coatesremembered that it was a holiday in England.No one was goingto come to work until Monday!

    There was nothing for Mr. Coates to do.He had to waituntil one of his workmates came to work and found him.With nothing toeat or drink, Mr. Coates ended up sleeping for most of the time.

    Early on Monday morning, the vice president of the company came to workand found the elevator was not working.When the elevatorwas opened, Mr. Coates came out, cold, weak, and tired.He had been in theelevator for 62 hours!

    Now Mr. Coates says, “I only use elevators if they have telephones in them.”

    What should I do? Section A说课稿


    Unit1 What should I do? (Section A)

    Step1. Pre-task:Free Talk

    Topic: What will Haikou be like in 10 years?

    T: In Unit 1, we have learned to make perditions. Who can tell us? Whatwill Haikou be like in 10 years?

    S1:There will be more trees, more factories, more people and fewer cars, andpeople will be richer and healthier…

    T: Whats your opinion ?

    S2: I think Haikou will be more beautiful, but there will be more cars,more factories and people ,so there will be more pollution.

    T: Do you agree with her ideas?

    S3: Yes, I agree. Because people will be richer , they will buy more cars.Many tourists will come to Haikou , the city will be bigger and crowded…Sothere will be more pollution.

    T: OK. Some of you think there will be more pollution in Haikou in 10years. Do you like pollution?

    Ss: No, we dont.





