Once, herfather took her to the kitchen. He asked Jane to take a potato, an egg ____11____ two spoons of tea leaves. Jane was ____12____, andasked her father, “Do you want me to cook?”
Lastsummer, I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me ____19____ I couldhelp him teach Frank how to play chess. I said no because I wanted to catchfish. Grandpa had been the one who’d taught us how to catch fish, but then the ____20____ made him stay behind.
If youthink you have walked into a library with a ____11____ likethat, you are exactly wrong. ____12____, you’ve entered the workplace of CourtneyHolmes, known as the Storybook Barber (理发师).
For Yang, one of the long-expected activitiesduring the Spring Festival is to take photos with family members. On the earlymorning of the second day of the Chinese New Year when the whole family reunite,he would dress up and wait for the photo to be taken.
At the age of seven, I started school in London.There I met a ____21____,Mr. King. He influenced my whole life. Mr King taught me maths. He washumorous. Sometimes, he told us funny stories. So his lessons made us ____22____.
Excitedly, he went to draw water(抽水), ___15___ he couldn’t pump water no matter how hard hetried. He sat on the ground ___16___.Just at that time, he saw a small bottle with a cork(瓶塞).
My mum and dad bought a nice, big turkey a fewdays before Thanksgiving. ___29___was proud of herself as she got it for a good price. ___30___ Thanksgiving, Mum got the turkey out of thefridge.
Du, 23,is a student from Shanghai University. He won third place at the ninth IOIO (国际折纸奥林匹克) in February this year. A total of 803 competitors from 59countries and areas took part in this year’s event.
Russia’s skating silver medalist AlexandraTrusova, 17, amazed the world with five quadruple jumps (四周跳)during free skate at the Beijing Winter Olympics. No other woman has everfinished five quadruple jumps in an Olympic competition.
ThreeRiver-Source National Park on the Qinghai-TibetPlateau(青藏高原),is the largest national park in China. Because it is home to the sources of theYangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers, people call it “China’s water tower”.
Everyone knows how similar chimpanzees (黑猩猩)are to humans. So it’s no surprise that their greetings are also close to ours.The most common ways of greeting between chimpanzees are hand touching andhugging. Sometimes they also kiss each other. Some chimpanzees can even learnsimple sign language.
Raden Roro Hendarti, nearly 50 years old, is alibrarian in Muntang village. She started a “trash library”, hoping to makechildren read more as well as make them realize the importance of environmentprotection. Each weekday, Raden puts all kinds of books on the back of herthree-wheeler (三轮车)and rides to Muntang village. There, children line up to exchange plastic cups,bags and other trash for books from Raden’s mobile library. After finishing theexchange, Raden carries back all the trash.
One night many yearsago, an angry voice woke me up from sleep. It was my drunken (喝醉的) father. Those days, he would always ___11___ home very late. Sometimes, he would also go on to fight with my mom.
Late onenight, Gulliver received a warning that some nobles wanted him killed. Even theemperor of Lilliput wanted to give him less food to save ___16___. It was true Gulliver was very expensive.
All the family—my grandparents, my parents, myaunt and uncle, my cousin, my sister and I— ___27___ the turkey. However, turkey is not the easiestthing to ___28___.It takes a lot of time to prepare and a lot of work to cook…and there are a lotof chances for things to go wrong.
All thefamily—my grandparents, my parents, my aunt and uncle, my cousin, my sister andI— ___22___ the turkey. However, turkey is not the easiestthing to ___23___. It takes a lot of time to prepare and a lot ofwork to cook…and there are a lot of chances for things to go wrong.
I’m glad to receive your letter and know yourunforgettable(难忘的)experience.Now I’d like to share mine. Last Friday, I was cleaning my room and found anold photo in a drawer. While I was looking at it, the ___16___ memory of that day came back to me.
Paper cutting or tearing is a cultural traditionin China. For centuries, it has been passed down from one generation(一代人) tothe next, especially from mothers to daughters. This beautiful art created byskillful artists is used to decorate(装饰) doors, ceilings, and bedsin people’s homes, or at celebrations such as birthdays and weddings.
Mr. Zhang was a cook in Canada. He ___11___ in Guangzhou, and he learned to cook in HongKong. He moved to Canada for work when he was 26 years old. Everything was goodtill COVID-19(新冠病毒)brokeout. Last year, he returned to China because the economy(经济)inCanada began ___12___down.
Jared ___15___ to stay at home, but his mom sent him anyway.He had to sit next to Jessica. At reading time, Mrs. Thomas asked Jared toread. Reading aloud always made Jared ___16___ . As he picked up the book, his hands shook.“He can’t read,” Jessica said. “I didn’t call on you, did I?”