An unexpected thing happened in the ____11____ of my eleventh year. Thehome I had ____12____inwas burned to the ground in the middle of the night. ____13____ , mymom, dad, grandma, brothers and I escaped(幸免于难).
Liu Min is an English teacher. These days, herfamily are experiencing a different life of working and studying. They get upand do morning exercises at 6:30 in the living room. After breakfast, theystart their work and study. Her husband turns on his computer in the study (书房), reading his e-mails andmaking a list of today’s work.
I lost mysmartphone at West Park on Loomis Road on Monday morning, Oct. 27. The photosin it haven’t been uploaded(上传)to the Cloud. They are very important to me.Please call me at 730-8607.
Apassenger told an air hostess(空姐)that he needed a cup of water to take hismedicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring himthe ___11___ in ten minutes.
Some schools have organized too many tests thatare too difficult. As a result, students have to study hard all the time andthey have been under a lot of stress. It has been harmful to students’ mental (心理的)and physical health and it must be changed.
Parents and children often face the challengesof money. Common topics include setting pocket money, learning to save, anddeciding to buy expensive things. The goal of most parents is to teach theirkids how to deal with money wisely. The goal of most kids is getting money tospend. How can families achieve these goals?
阅读下列材料,回答问题:材料一 鸦片战争前,中国的交通工具主要是轿子、马车和帆船等。鸦片战争后,轮船、火车等新式交通工具逐渐传入。材料二 1865年,英商在北京铺设了半公里的窄轨铁路,并试行小火车。这一举动引起京城市民的惊诧和猜疑,视其为怪物。窄轨铁路很快被清政府责令拆除。甲午战争后,清政府修筑了芦汉、沪宁、津浦铁路,形成近代中国第一个筑路高潮。到1911年,全国铁路总长9292千米。(1)材料一中交通工具的动力在鸦片战争前后发生了什么变化? (2分)(2)据材料二,对于火车的引入,近代中国人的态度发生了怎样的转变?结合所学知识,分析这种转变的原因。U分)(3)结合上述材料,谈谈交通工具在中国近代社会发展中的作用。(1分)
材料二 中国古代戏曲起源于祈获丰收和狩猎胜利的原始宗教歌舞。明清是中国古代戏曲的繁荣时期,这时的戏曲多为反映忠孝节义的美德故事,扎根人民生活,并形成了多样的剧种和流派。古希腊戏剧起源于群众性的节日歌舞和祭祀活动,有悲剧和喜剧两种形式。悲剧主要取材于神话传说和英雄史诗,寄寓了剧作家的政治主张;喜剧取村于日常生活,多为政治和社会讽刺剧。观看戏剧是古希腊公民政治生活的重要内容。(1)据上述材料,比较中国古代戏曲与古希腊戏剧的相同之处。(3分)(2)请举出你所知道的我国戏曲剧种一例。 你能为戏曲文化的传承做一件什么有意义的事情? (2分)
材料一 第二次鸦片战争使李鸿章认识到西方枪炮舰船的可怕威力,他大声疾呼,中国必须断然采纳西式船炮来加强自身。1865年,李鸿章开设江南制造总局;1872年他又奏请开设煤铁矿。1895年,李鸿章所推崇的自强运动破产。材料二 《辛丑条约》的签订,清政府反动卖国的本质逐渐暴露无遗。在孙中山的领导下,资产阶级革命派在1905年成立中国同盟会,1911年发动武昌起义,并于1912年1月1日宣告中华民国成立,但胜利果实最终被袁世凯窃取。材料三 《马关条约》签订后,外国人利用中国廉价的原料和劳动力’直接剥削中国人民。状元出身的张謇以极大的爱国热忱倡导“实业救国”,创办大生纱厂等一系列企业,在一战期间取得较快发展,但到20世纪20年代中期’张謇的企业就开始每况愈下。
There are many kinds ___21___art forms in China. ___22___ you often see any of them in your life?They help us understand and enjoy the traditional Chinese culture. When theSpring Festival comes, some people often ___23___ the red paper intodifferent art works with scissors.
The December day started like any other. Papacame back with his boat full of fish. Mama made breakfast for the family.Seven-year-old Joonas was doing his homework, while his two little brothers ranaround the yard. That day seemed peaceful, but Alejo ____16____ better.
My arms were shaking and my heart was beating ____19____ when I stood at thestarting line. ____20____the endless runway (跑道), I felt like a boat fighting against the windand rain. I ____21____myself that simply joining in was a victory (胜利) itself.
There wasa stone lying in the mountains for a long time. He had a dream—one day he couldfly up into the sky ___11___ a bird. When he told his dream to his friends,they all laughed at him.
Zu Ti was a great man of Jin Dynasty. He was ____16____ for his hard work andgreat achievements. But when he was a child, he was a naughty (顽皮的)boy who showed little ____17____ inreading. As he grew up, Zu Ti ____18____ hedidn’t have enough knowledge.
When youand your friends turn to each other to talk about problems or troubles, yougive each other advice and help. One important thing of our growth is to makedecisions to help our friends and learn to support each other. This requires usto learn what it means to help friends and how to help them in right ways.
Choose the best choice fromA to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice should beused only once.A: Hello, I’m a schoolnewspaper reporter. May I ask you some questions?B: ____46____
Remember that it’s better to fail than it’s togive up, and the key is to learn from your failure(失败). But along withdifficulties, there will also be ____18____ wonderful waiting for you.
Dealing with a nosebleed(鼻出血)mightseem simple. But recently, the British RED Cross asked parents with youngchildren how to help a child with a nosebleed. About 65 percent of parents didnot ____11____the correct action to help.