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新人教版高中英语必修1Unit 2 Travelling Around-Discovering Useful Structure教案

  • 页数:4页
  • 字数:约 3618 字
  • 大小:33.29KB
  • 格式:.docx
  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:肖迪Ppter
  • Unit 2 Travelling Around-Discovering Useful Structure教案


    This teachingperiod mainly deals with the grammar: The present continuous tense used toexpress the future meaning. This period carries considerable significance tothe cultivation of students’ grammar sense.

    The teacher isexpected to enable students to master this grammar thoroughly and consolidatethe knowledge by doing some exercise of good quality.


    1. Get students to have a goodunderstanding of the basic usages of the present continuous tense used toexpress the future meaning.

    2. Strengthen students’ great interest ingrammar learning.

    3. Instruct students to express their ideaswith this grammar correctly.


    How to enable students to use the grammaritem: the present continuous tense used to express the future meaning flexiblyboth in their spoken English and written English.


    Step1 Lead-in

    Listen to a radioand figure out the new uses of “be doing structure” by filling in the blanks:

    Im babysitting on Monday.

    Would you like to go out on Monday?

    No, sorry, I can?

    Why not?

    Im babysitting on Monday.

    Would you like to go out on Tuesday?

    No, sorry, I cant.

    Why not?

    Im doing my laundry on Tuesday.

    Would you like to go out on Wednesday?

    No, sorry, I cant.

    Why not?

    Im working overtime on Wednesday.

    Would you like to go out on Thursday?

    No, sorry, I cant.

    Why not?

    Im working out on Thursday.

    Would you like to go out on Friday?

    No, sorry, I cant.

    Why not?

    Im visiting relatives on Friday.

    Would you like to go out on weekend?

    Well? Maybe!

    Qs: What’s the lady doing on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday?

    Im babysitting on Monday.

    Im doing my laundry on Tuesday.

    Im working overtime on Wednesday.

    Im working out on Thursday.

    Im visiting relatives on Friday.


    Step 2 Presentation


    英语中还可以用现在进行时(bedoing ) 表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作。主要用于以下两种情况:

    (1)表示位置移动的动词的进行时表将来,如:go, come, leave, start,begin, arrive, return, move, fly, take off等。

    My uncle is coming back from abroad nextweek. 我叔叔下周要从国外回来了。

    Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. Theplane is taking off.


    (2)有些不表示位置移动的动词的进行时也可以表将来,如:do,get, rent, meet, bring, eat, have, meet, play, see, stay, wear, work, run out等。

    Are you eating at the park? 你们要在公园吃饭吗?

    We are having a few guests over tomorrow.明天有几位客人要来。


    初中阶段学习过will/shall do 和 be going to do的形式表示将来意义。高中英语中还可以用be to do 和be about to do 以及一般现在时表示将来意义。

    will do(主语为第一人称时可shall)


    With thedevelopment of science and technology, robot cooks will appear in our familiesin the future. 随着科技的发展,未来机器人厨师会出现在家庭中。


    —Ann is inhospital. 安住院了。

    —Oh, really? Ididn’t know. I will go and visit her.真的吗?我不知道啊,我要去探望她。

    (4)be going to do



    There isgoing to be a folk music concert in Beijing Opera Theater next month.


    Look at the dark clouds. It is going torain. 看这乌云,要下雨了。

    (5)be to do (可以和具体的时间状语连用)



    The students areto meet at the school gate tomorrow. 明天学生们将在学校大门口集会。

    If you are tosucceed, you must work as hard as possible. 如果你想要成功,比必须努力工作。

    (6)be about to do (不与具体的时间状语连用) 表示即将要发生的动作。

    We are about tostart. 我们就要出发了。

    The new schoolyear is about to begin. 新学年开学在即。





