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人教版新目标初中英语九年级下册Rainy days make me sad教案

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  • 版本:Office2016及以上版本
  • 作者:陈杰出品
  • Rainy days make me sad教案

    I.Learning objectives教学目标



    ▲Listen and talk about how things, such as music, weather, color, ads and so on, affect you.

    Listen, describe and talk about personalities

    Express feeling.

    Write a diary




    Talk about how things affect you

    1. how music affects you (P102-103)

    Loud music makes me tense.

    Loud music makes me want to dance.

    Loud music makes me sad.

    2. how colors affect you in the restaurant (P104)

    Red makes people hungry.

    Red also makes people eat faster.

    3. how ads affect you. (P106)

    Talk about personalities

    1. I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. (P102)

    2. How do you feel about pollution? (P104)


    scientific, pin, hard, serve, shiny, list, truth, schoolbag, purple, purse, thought

    2. 认读词汇

    lagoon, therefore, lighting, fair, campaign, endangered, slogan, mysterious, skin, product, lookout, beauty, stardust, advertising, aim, specifically, instance, confuse, mislead, lead, home-made, guilty, taste, count


    keep out, pros and cons, aim at, for instance, to start with


    1. make sb. do sth. / make sb./sth. + adj./p.p.

    2. second conditional with wish



    1. Matching

    2. Personalizing



    Learn about the food and ad culture

    Different attitudes toward giving and receiving?

    II. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组

    1. 教材分析

    本单元以how do things affect you?为话题, 从颜色、天气、音乐、广告、产品等方面谈论了外界事物如何影响人的心情。要求学生掌握表达某物或某事给人带来的感觉、看法或影响等。共设计了四个部分的内容:

    Section A

    该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕Which restaurant would you like to goto?这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕How does music affect you? 进行听力(2a-2b)、口语训练(2c);第三模块继续围绕how do colors in the restaurant affectyou这一话题展开训练,训练形式为阅读和问题体验(3a)和小组活动(3b);第四模块仍就How do things affect you这一话题以调查的形式展开讨论。

    Section B

    该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕产品广告对人们的影响这一话题以“配对”(1a)与“列举”(1b)两种形式展开训练;第二模块继续围绕How do things affect you? 进行听力(2a-2b)、口语对话训练(2c);第三模块围绕“Advertising”这一话题展开阅读(3a-3b)和写作(3c)训练;第四模块围绕How posters affect you这一话题以口语训练形式展开小组活动。

    Self Check




    2. 教材重组和课时分配

    Period 1 (Section A: 1a,1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c; Grammar) Listening and Grammar

    Period 1 (Section B: 1a,1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3c, 4; Self check: 1)Practice

    Period 1 (Section A: 3a,3b, 4; Section B: 3a, 3b; Self check 2)Reading

    Period 1 (Section A: 1c,2c, 3c, 4; Section B: 4)Writing

    Period 1 (Reading)Extensive Reading

    III. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

    Period1 Listening and Grammar

    Language goals 语言目标

    1. Words & expressions 生词和短语

    tense, some adjectives of feeling

    2. Key sentences 重点句子

    Loud music makes me tense. (P103)

    Loud music makes me want to dance.

    That movie made me sad.

    Ability goals能力目标

    Enable the students to talk about how things affect them.

    Emotion & attitude goals情感和态度目标

    Enable the students to understand the effect of things uponthem.

    Strategy goals 策略目标


    Culture awareness goals 文化意识目标

    Different music makes people different feeling. Try tounderstand the differences between Chinese and English.

    Teaching important points教学重点

    The usage of make.

    Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方式

    StepⅠ Lead-in

    T: Most of us like music. A piece of soft music makes us feelrelaxed, a loud music may make us feel boring and an exciting one makes ushappy and excited. If you and your friends are at a restaurant with loud musicon, you could hardly hear what your friends are saying. How does the music makeyou feel? Now look at the picture on Page 102. There are two restaurants in thepicture. In one of the restaurants, a loud music is broadcasting; while in theother, we can only find a quiet and comfortable place. Which restaurant do youlike? Would you feel the same as the two girls do in the picture?

    S1: I’d like to go to the Blue Lagoon because I don’t like loudmusic. It makes me angry. This loud music may drive the guests away.

    S2: I’d like to go to the Blue Lagoon too because I like quietmusic just like the girl in the picture does. It makes me feel at ease.

    S3: I’d like to go to Rockin Restaurant. I like loud music. Itmakes me feel excited. This loud music makes me want to dance.

    S4: I’d like to go to Rockin Restaurant too. I think loud musicmakes me feel energetic. This loud music makes me feel encouraging.

    T: So, the things in the restaurant may affect the peopleeating there. According to some science study, it is our own feelings thatworks, but not the things around us affecting us though different things mayhave different effect upon us.

    StepII Listening (1a, 1b: P102)

    Ask the students to listen to Amy and Tina talking about thetwo restaurants and do the exercises.

    T: Next we’ll hear a dialogue between Amy and Tina. Now listenand find out how the music in the two restaurants affect them.

    Play the recording and check the answers.

    StepIII Speaking (1c: P102)

    Ask the students to talk about how music affects them.

    T: For Tina and Amy, different kinds of music affect themdifferently. Now work in pairs and talk about how the two restaurants wouldaffect you.

    Sample dialogue 1:

    S1: I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I likequiet music.

    S2: Me too! Loud music makes me mad.

    S1: I agree! Loud music makes me feel bored.

    Sample dialogue 2:

    S1: I’d rather go to the Rockin Restaurant because I like loudmusic.

    S2: Me too! Quiet music makes me dizzy.

    S1: I agree! Quiet music makes me feel relaxed.

    StepⅢ Practice (2a, 2b: P103)

    Task 1: Listening

    Ask the students to read the pictures first.

    T: It’s true that things around us affect us greatly. Forexample, examinations may make you feel nervous. Summer vacation makes you feelrelaxed and happy. English lessons makes some feel boring. Now look at thepictures in 2a on Page 103. Who is in the picture?

    Ss: Tina and Amy.

    T: What is happening in each picture? Now talk about how thingsaffect them.

    S1: The two in Picture 1 are having meals. They look veryhappy.

    S2: The people in Picture 2 are crying. They are watchingsomething.

    S3: In the third picture they don’t look happy. They arelistening to music.

    S4: In the fourth picture, the girl looks very angry. She islooking at her watch. Maybe she is waiting for someone at the bus stop.

    Ask the students to listen to what Tina and John said howdifferent things affect them.

    T: Now listen to the recording and find out.

    Play the recording. Ask the students to number the pictures andcheck the things Tina and John said. Check the answers then.

    Task 2: Speaking (2c: P103)

    T: Now pretend you are Tina and John. Work in pairs, makedialogues after the model and then act out.

    Sample dialogue 1:

    S1: Did you have a good time with Amy last night?

    S2: Well … yes and no. she was really boring last night.

    S1: But why?

    S2: She kept on asking me what she could do if she failed the entranceexam. That made me angry.

    Sample dialogue 2:

    S1: Did you have fun with Amy last night?

    S2: Well … yes. We had a good dinner in a very cosy restaurant.And the music made me happy.

    Sample dialogue 3:

    S1: Did you have a good time with Amy last night?

    S2: Well … yes and no. The dinner in the restaurant near thecinema was very good. But the film made me cry.

    StepIⅤ Grammar Focus (P103)

    Task 1: Ask the students to read the following sentences first.Then help them to write out the sentence structure.

    1. That makes my eyes ache.

    You have made me feel safe.

    You may take a horse to the water, but you can’t make himdrink.

    What makes you change so quickly?

    make+ 宾语 + v.

    2. Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.

    Trying to comfort her only made things worse.

    But we won’t make it too formal.

    Well, sit down and make yourself comfortable.

    He makes me angry.

    It’ll make me so happy if you’ll accept it.

    This made the street as light as day.

    make+ 宾语 + adj.

    3. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

    He had a lot of interests which made him a best friend.

    She made herself the center of the meeting.

    Make that a rule.

    He made her his girl friend.

    make+ 宾语 + n.

    4. What made them so frightened?

    This has made them interested in physics.

    You should make your views known.

    You must make yourself heard.

    I did not make myself understood by you.

    make+ 宾语 + pp.

    Task 2: Show the following pictures and ask the students tomake sentences.

    e.g. The snow makes backyard white.

    S1: Swimming makes us strong.

    S2: The war makes people (the girl) frightened.

    S3: The dog makes us feel funny.

    Task 3: Translate thesentences with the word “make”.




    4. 工厂巨大的噪音让我感到紧张。

    5. 这么长时间的等待,真让我感到生气。

    Sample answers:

    1. That piece of bad news made the old woman angry.

    2. The delicious food makes Tom feel hungry.

    3. Rainy days make me stay at home.

    4. The great noise from the factory makes me tense.

    5. Waiting for such a long time made me kind of angry.

    StepVI Homework

    Ask the students to list the things around them and thendescribe how the things affect them.

    Rainy days make me sad. Section A la、lb、lc 说课稿


    Rainy days make me sad (section A la、lb、lc)选自义务教育新课程标准实验教科书英语(人教版)九年级第13单元。本课主要以对两种氛围的餐馆进行比较,引出动词make的用法。这对于本单元主要“谈论事物对我们情绪的影响”起到了很好的承接作用,通过本课的学习,引导学生学会比较、选择对自己有影响的事物,并能正确处理一些实际问题,既巩固了语言学习目标,又培养了学生的合作能和交际能力,培养他们做个情感丰富的人。












    How do you feel about loud/soft music?

    How do you feel about the picture?

    Loud music makes me tense/angry/...

    Soft music makes me sleepy/sad/

    Soft music makes her relaxed/

    The awful pictures make me tense/...








    描写“feelings(感受)”的形容词:happy,surprised,embarrassed,sick,anxious,angry,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,stressed out,worried,tense,excited,interested,relaxed,bored,comfortable



    课时:One Period






    老师先问一个学生,T:What’s your favorite sport?And why?学生回答Sl:My favorite sport is soccer. Because itis exciting. T :so,it makes you excited(板书)






