Fiveyears ago, Jennifer, a girl from Australia, came to Xiangtan University tostudy Chinese. There she fell in love with Chinese culture and met her husband,who is a local (当地的) young man. They got married after she finishedher study. Since then, she has started her new life in Xiangtan City.
A passenger told an air hostess(空姐)thathe needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. Shetold him that she would bring him the ___11___ in ten minutes.
Parentsand children often face the challenges of money. Common topics include settingpocket money, learning to save, and deciding to buy expensive things. The goalof most parents is to teach their kids how to deal with money wisely. The goalof most kids is getting money to spend. How can families achieve these goals?
In ourdaily lives, we are often given some boring or tiring tasks. What’s in yourmind when your mom tells you to clean the floor? Have you ever wanted tocomplain(抱怨)? I think most people have.
The boy named Li Banghua is from Hefei. AnhuiProvince. He made the plane completely by himself. The plane is 0.6 meterswide, has a wingspan (翼展) of 4.4 meters and weighs about 40 kilograms.According to a local report, Li just finished his high-school entrance exam ayear ago and got good grades.
Electric cars may seem like a recent invention,but they have been around for years. In the early 1900s, there were ___16___electric cars on the road than gasoline(汽油)cars, because at that time,gasoline was expensive compared with other fuels(燃料), electriccars were more popular.
Tim: _______36_______,Bob.Bob: Good afternoon, Tim. Icalled you just now, but nobody answered. _______37_______?Tim: I went to the cinema.And I watched a movie named The Battle atLake Changjin.Bob: Oh, great. It’s very famous nowadays. _______38_______?
I often use old clothes that people don’t wearany more to make bags. I opened a small shop in my community and set up awebsite to sell the bags online. Many customers think they are fantastic. Now Iplan to write a new book about ways to use old clothes.
Michelle,a famous lady, has found that more than 25% students are too fat in hercountry. It is a very serious problem. So she starts a Health Program to dealwith it. The Health Program is to reduce the number of fat students today andin the future.
Dealing with a nosebleed(鼻出血)mightseem simple. But recently, the British RED Cross asked parents with youngchildren how to help a child with a nosebleed. About 65 percent of parents didnot ____11____ the correct action to help.
My earliest memory ofthese events began when I was around four years old. I was filled with ___12___ at that time. There were lots of ___13___ — crying, shouting, and doors slamming (砰地关上).
There was an old oak tree in the garden. Holly’sfather wanted to cut it down and build a new office there. Holly felt sad anddidn’t agree. She moved into the old tree house which was her favourite place in the world.One day, it rained all night.
The December day started like any other. Papacame back with his boat full of fish. Mama made breakfast for the family.Seven-year-old Joonas was doing his homework, while his two little brothers ranaround the yard.
Chinese taikonauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping andYe Guangfu carried out the Shenzhou-13 spaceflight mission (任务) that started on Oct. 15,2021. This mission lasts 6 months, which was also a national record.
All thefamily—my grandparents, my parents, my aunt and uncle, my cousin, my sister andI— ___22___ the turkey. However, turkey is not the easiestthing to ___23___. It takes a lot of time to prepare and a lot ofwork to cook…and there are a lot of chances for things to go wrong.
We’re leaving Qinghai Station. The scenery alongthe way is some of the wildest in all of China. Keep your eyes open as we racethrough this beautiful land. You might see a rare Tibetan antelope(藏羚羊)fromyour window.
Each ofthem has their own experience- two people with synesthesia may both “feel”music, but they almost never feel the music in the same way. For example, onemay feel the music of the violin lightly brushing his face; the other may feelit on her ankle (脚踝). And one’s experience of synesthesia is alwaysthe same. If they see the number 5 in the color blue, then 5 is blue every timethey see it.
B: It’s about theexperiments three astronauts are doing on the space station.A: That’s great. I’minterested in space, so I want to be an astronaut like them.