13. 渡荆门送别李白渡远荆门外,来从楚国游。山随平野尽,江入大荒流。月下飞天镜,云生结海楼。仍怜故乡水,万里送行舟。
I joineda band (乐队)as a drummer in my middle school. I thought itwould be fun playing the drum and meeting new friends. At first it was easy,but a month later, it got difficult. I was the only one who couldn’t keep pace (节奏)with the other players. Our teacher,Angie, singled me out to keep practicing while everyone else got to relax. Ifelt ashamed (羞愧的)as my teammates watched me fail so many times.Finally I got so tired of practicing that I didn’t care about doing it right.
In the late autumn, John was badly ill andbecame bedridden (长期卧床的).After the doctor visited John several times, he told Sue, “His condition isquite ___22___.John seems to have lost all will to live. If he doesn’t want to live, medicineswill not help him.”
As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and helearned the Earth is in ___12___condition. He felt worried, and he wanted to ___13___ the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in waternear North Pole(北极)todraw people’s attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川).
The app — called Sit With Us — is ___15___. If a student is having lunch in the afternoon,he or she can create an invitation. Other students can open the app and ___16___ that invitation. They can then use the app todecide when and where to ___17___.
At the age of nine, Kelly dreamed of being abasketball player. But one day when she was playing basketball, she hurt herleft leg ____16____.
“Red Trip” in TonghuaTonghua is a good choice to have a “red trip”. It is aplace full of “red stories”. The well-known national hero Yang Jingyu oncefought here. Experience the “red spirit”!
In the large yard stood thirteen trees ofdifferent sizes. One day, while Joey was playing with his sister under thetrees, he noticed that a tree trunk (树干) had a sad look. He raninto the house to tell his mom about it. She told Joey to find the reason whyit was sad.
Antarctica lies in the most southern part of theworld. It is the coldest area on Earth. There isn’t much rain, but there is alot of snow and wind. The lowest temperature was on 21 July in 1983 at -89.2℃!