Shuttlecock exercise doesnot require equipment(装备) and is perfect for people to perform at home.Liu Genghong helps you to keep going until the last minute, and you can burnyour fat fast.
If youthink you have walked into a library with a ____11____ likethat, you are exactly wrong. ____12____, you’ve entered the workplace of CourtneyHolmes, known as the Storybook Barber (理发师).
①微课的概念,在国内,最早是由佛山市教育局的胡铁生在2 011年提出的,他认为:“‘微课’是按照新课程标准及教学实践要求,以教学视频为主要载体,反映教师在课堂教学过程中针对某个知识点或教学环节而开展教与学活动的各种教学资源有机组合。”这个阶段对微课的研究更多的是关注资源建设,而忽略了其应用性、互动性和扩展性等特征。 ②但随着国内微课发展和建设昀逐步推进,胡老师又在201 2年对这一定义做了更进一步的解释:“微课”是指以视频为主要载体,记录教师在课堂内外教育教学过程中围绕某个知识点或教学环节而开展的精彩教与学活动全过程。突出了微课不仅是一种新型的教学资源,更是基于某个知识点/环节的一个简短而完整的“教学过程”或“教学活动”。这个定义无疑要准确很多,微课资源不再是静态的,而是生长发展的,不断完善的。
材料二 1979年4月,邓小平对广东省委负责人说:“可以划出一块地方,叫特区,中央没有钱,你们自己搞,开创一条出路来.”经济特区以国家给予特殊政策和优惠措施,吸取侨资、外资、引进先进科学技术和管理经验,进行现代化建设.(2)据材料二指出经济特区的“特”体现在哪里?我国设计经济特区的目的又是什么?材料三“一带一路”使中国不仅可以输出丰富多彩、价廉物美的日常用品,而且能够向世界提供更多的技术和设备.中国有实力投资海外,与急需资金的国家共同把握发展机遇.(3)对比材料二、三,分析从经济特区的建立到“一带一路”的提出,我国对外开放有什么变化?[学史感悟]材料四 古代海陆两条丝绸之路不仅沟通了东西方、亚非欧文明,而且促进了不同文明的相互渗透和人类文明的发展,千百年来,不同的文化在古丝绸之路上交相辉映、相互激荡,积淀形成了世人公和和推崇的丝绸之路精神,而且不断注入时代内涵.(4)据材料四谈谈你对丝绸之路精神的理解.
材料三 宋代南北经济发展概况 农业手工业商业海外贸易北方大量粮食从南方引进。煤开采量世界第一;产铁中心。汴京因为南方的大量运入而繁荣 南方引进占城稻并推广种植;太湖流域成为全国重要的粮仓。金属冶铁业达到世界最高水平;陶瓷业、造船业迅速发展。城镇兴起;世界上最早的纸币“ A ”在四川地区出现。福建泉州成为全国第一大港;政府鼓励海外贸易,设置“ B ”进行专门管理。(3)完成材料三A、B两处内容的填充。依据材料三,概括出宋代经济的主要特点。
We’re leaving Qinghai Station. The scenery alongthe way is some of the wildest in all of China. Keep your eyes open as we racethrough this beautiful land. You might see a rare Tibetan antelope(藏羚羊)fromyour window.
Dudiscovered his interest in folding paper in his childhood. After Du went tocollege in 2017, he had enough time to take the hobby seriously. He learnedfolding from online teachers and experts. Later he copied patterns from books.He spent almost three years improving his basic skills by making copies ofother artists’ designs. Then he made his own creations.
Every month, Julia and her cousins would go forthe big family meal at their grandparents’ house. On each visit, their grandpawould give them a few coins. Then all the children would run off to buy sweets.One day, he gathered the children together.
At 9 a.m. , he drives to primary schools and middle schools in Xi’an, ShaanxiProvince, to teach students about Shaanxi kuaiban. It is a traditional Chineseform of storytelling to the rhythm(节奏) of bamboo clappers(响板), whichthe art form is named after. Sometimes, he helps students prepare forcompetitions. Usually, his classes run until about 6. p.m. , and then hereturns home to prepare classes for the next day.
The fantasticman-made “forest” is a Singapore landmark. It is made from steel and concrete(水泥) covered in localflowers and plants. At night, 18 solar-powered tree-like towers which get theirenergy from the sun often light up the city.
Theoil paper umbrella is a traditional Chinese handicraft(手工艺品).It has a history of over 1,000 years in China.In early TangDynasty, it was introduced to Japan and Korea, so it was called the “TangUmbrella”. Later oil paper umbrellas were spread to other Asian countries, suchas Vietnam, Thailand and Laos, and each had its own style. However, assteel-ribbed(钢骨的)umbrellas appeared in the last century, thehand-made oil paper umbrellas became less used in daily life. They were turnedinto decorative artifacts(装饰性工艺品).
There was an old oak tree in the garden. Holly’sfather wanted to cut it down and build a new office there. Holly felt sad anddidn’t agree. She moved into the old tree house which was her favourite place in the world.One day, it rained all night.
Studying is not always the most interesting taskwithin your day, but it is a necessary one. Even though it is required,everyone has got bored at one time or another while studying.
For Yang, one of the long-expected activitiesduring the Spring Festival is to take photos with family members. On the earlymorning of the second day of the Chinese New Year when the whole family reunite,he would dress up and wait for the photo to be taken.
Late onenight, Gulliver received a warning that some nobles wanted him killed. Even theemperor of Lilliput wanted to give him less food to save ___16___. It was true Gulliver was very expensive.
Du, 23,is a student from Shanghai University. He won third place at the ninth IOIO (国际折纸奥林匹克) in February this year. A total of 803 competitors from 59countries and areas took part in this year’s event.
Russia’s skating silver medalist AlexandraTrusova, 17, amazed the world with five quadruple jumps (四周跳)during free skate at the Beijing Winter Olympics. No other woman has everfinished five quadruple jumps in an Olympic competition.