B: It’s about theexperiments three astronauts are doing on the space station.A: That’s great. I’minterested in space, so I want to be an astronaut like them.
Choose the best choice fromA to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice should beused only once.A: Hello, I’m a schoolnewspaper reporter. May I ask you some questions?B: ____46____
Tim: _______36_______,Bob.Bob: Good afternoon, Tim. Icalled you just now, but nobody answered. _______37_______?Tim: I went to the cinema.And I watched a movie named The Battle atLake Changjin.Bob: Oh, great. It’s very famous nowadays. _______38_______?
I often use old clothes that people don’t wearany more to make bags. I opened a small shop in my community and set up awebsite to sell the bags online. Many customers think they are fantastic. Now Iplan to write a new book about ways to use old clothes.
41. Bill cares about sportsevents and how the sports players are now.42. Tony is interested in reading. He wants to knowwhat kind of new books have come out and how some famous writers are livingnow.
At first, I wanted to give up the job becausegetting up too early in the morning made me unhappy. I’ll never forget howtired I felt on my first day, but I’ll never forget sitting together andtalking about our days with my workmates for the first time either. Suddenly, Ifelt good to be a member of them.
24、科技创新是一个民族发展的灵魂,是一个民族进步的不竭动力。结合所学知识,回答下列问题。(6分)(1)世界上现存最早的、标有确切日期的雕版印刷品是什么?(1分)(2)北宋时,哪一项发明为航海事业的发展做出了贡献?(1分)(3)被称为“中国17世纪的工艺百科全书”的是哪部作品?(1分)(4)《本草纲目》是一部具有总结性的药物学巨著,西方国家称它为“东方医学巨典”。 作者是谁?(1分)(5)近代中国人自行设计和施工的第一条铁路干线是什么?(1分)(6)揭开制碱奥秘,使我国制碱技术跃居世界前列的著名化学家是谁?(1分)
21.根据提示写出相应的历史人物。(4分)(1)改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的总设计师是________________(2)提出“相对论”,打开原子时代大门的科学家是___________________(3)领导俄国人民取得十月革命的胜利,建立了笫一个社会主义国家的是________________ (4)面对1929-1933年经济危机,实施“新政”的美国总统是________________
(A: Sun Lan B: Li Yue C: Waiter)A: Hi! This is Sun Lan. MayI speak to Li Yue?B: Hi, Sun Lan! ________41________.Are you in Qiqihar now?A: Yes, I came back last night.
There are many kinds ___21___art forms in China. ___22___ you often see any of them in your life?They help us understand and enjoy the traditional Chinese culture. When theSpring Festival comes, some people often ___23___ the red paper intodifferent art works with scissors.
At the age of seven, I started school in London.There I met a ____21____,Mr. King. He influenced my whole life. Mr King taught me maths. He washumorous. Sometimes, he told us funny stories. So his lessons made us ____22____.
A: Hi Lisa. You don’t look well. __________21__________?B: I have a stomachache. A: __________22__________?B: I started to feeluncomfortable last night. A: Last night? __________23__________?
On a snowy day, there was a man walking in ahurry on the road. His clothes were in poor condition. You might think he was abeggar(乞丐),but in fact he was a painter. His name was Vincent Willem van Gogh.
B: For 3 days. I expect togo there again.A: Lucky you. I had to stayat home. But I’m planning to travel to Mount Changbai.B: Oh, that’s a good place.I went there three years ago.