Parentsand children often face the challenges of money. Common topics include settingpocket money, learning to save, and deciding to buy expensive things. The goalof most parents is to teach their kids how to deal with money wisely. The goalof most kids is getting money to spend. How can families achieve these goals?
Parents and children often face the challengesof money. Common topics include setting pocket money, learning to save, anddeciding to buy expensive things. The goal of most parents is to teach theirkids how to deal with money wisely. The goal of most kids is getting money tospend. How can families achieve these goals?
如今,少儿参加国内外的各种比赛,甚至在电视节目里一比高低,已经成为观众和舆论的话题。而且,感慨最多的是小选手们的态度、表情、谈吐,还有从家长到老师的那份表现。任何竞赛都会有输赢,名次也会有高低。假如过于计较其中的得失,将名次和奖项看得比天大,一副不堪承受的模样,这种对输赢得失的态度,恰恰说明对孩子的人文教育是有缺陷的,甚至可以说是不成功的。 有的孩子,赢,得意之情溢于言表,小小年纪,居然能说出“春秋战国,还是难不倒我的”;而有的孩子,输,或者不过是第二、第三,就泪流满面,好像一生成败在此一举。【甲】这样的孩子,如何能领悟“满招损,谦受益”?将来又如何面对挫折和失败,如何顺利度过人生的曲折和波澜?
栀子花开(节选)栀子花开/sobeatutifiul so white/这是个季节/我们将离开/难舍的你/害羞的女孩/就像一阵清香萦绕在我的心怀/栀子花开/如此可爱/挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈/光阴好像/流水飞快/雨夜总将我们的青春灌溉/栀子花开呀开/栀子花开呀开/像晶莹的浪花/盛开在我的心海/栀子花开呀开/栀子花开呀开/像淡淡的青春/纯纯的爱
材料一 李世民大帝是中国最杰出的英明君主之一,他用他高度的智慧,殷勤而小心地治理他的帝国,不久就为中国开创了一百三十年之久的第二个黄金时代.﹣﹣摘自柏杨《中国人史纲》材料二 像唐太宗这样有才能的人,从西汉以来,只哟这一人罢了,他任用有才能的人,手下的将相没有不是这样的人的,恭谨俭约节省费用,治理天下几乎到了置刑法而不用的地步.自从夏、商、周三个朝代以来,没有见过能够和他相匹敌的,然而传位给儿子再到孙子,就遭受武氏之乱,子孙被杀,局势危急,像差点儿就要断掉的线一样,后世人从本原上推究落得这样结局的原因却找不到.以我看来,可惜的是他不明白治世原则啊!﹣﹣摘编自苏辙《唐太宗论》(译文)(1)根据材料一、二并结合所学的知识,对材料一的观点进行评析.(2)根据材料二,说明作者评价历史人物的主要方法.
A passenger told an air hostess(空姐)thathe needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. Shetold him that she would bring him the ___11___ in ten minutes.
FIFA World Cup is one of the biggest sportsevents in the world. It ___11___ every 4 years. The first World Cup wasin 1930. It has a history of over 90 years. During the World Cup, ___12___fans watch the games and cheer for their favorite teams or players. We haveknown some famous football players from the football competitions, such asBeckham, Messi, and Figo. They have excited football fans for many years.
In ourdaily lives, we are often given some boring or tiring tasks. What’s in yourmind when your mom tells you to clean the floor? Have you ever wanted tocomplain(抱怨)? I think most people have.
The boy named Li Banghua is from Hefei. AnhuiProvince. He made the plane completely by himself. The plane is 0.6 meterswide, has a wingspan (翼展) of 4.4 meters and weighs about 40 kilograms.According to a local report, Li just finished his high-school entrance exam ayear ago and got good grades.
___14___, I think an interest in Englishis very important. When I was in Grade Three, we had a new ___15___ — English,it was new for me. I was interested in it. I worked hard at it. Soon we had anEnglish exam and I got a very good mark. How ___16___ I was! After that,I learned English harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs,and ___17___ sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!
Bike-to-Work Day is held every year across NorthAmerica on the third Friday of May. It was started by the League ofAmerican Bicyclists in 1956. Its aim is to promote (促进) the bicycle as a seriouschoice of getting to and from work. In today’s world where global warming is aserious issue, the bicycle is a perfect way of reducing our carbon (碳) footprint.
Fiveyears ago, Jennifer, a girl from Australia, came to Xiangtan University tostudy Chinese. There she fell in love with Chinese culture and met her husband,who is a local (当地的) young man. They got married after she finishedher study. Since then, she has started her new life in Xiangtan City.
“We thankall the Chinese people for their support and encouragement. Our thanks also goto our workmates who took part in the mission (任务) and worked with us allthe time,” Zhai said to the reporter after he landed on the ground. “It is thepower and strength of our country that built the high-flying space station. Iam proud of our great motherland.”