As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and helearned the Earth is in ___12___ condition. He felt worried, and hewanted to ___13___ the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in water nearNorth Pole(北极)todraw people’s attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川).
As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and helearned the Earth is in ___12___condition. He felt worried, and he wanted to ___13___ the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in waternear North Pole(北极)todraw people’s attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川).
材料一 有学者指出,苏联模式具有双重收应。苏联模式对于于苏联迅速实现工业化和国防现代化是有效的,但在使国民经济结构保持平衡、国民经济整体持续增长方面却显得乏力……材料二: 1928~1940年,苏联国防工业总产值增加了1.8倍,年增长率高达39%,1938年与1930年相比,步、机枪的产量增长了8倍,火炮产量增加了12倍。坦克1930年有170辆,两年后增加到3000辆;到1937年底,苏军拥有各类坦克1.5万辆。1936年苏军拥有飞机6672架,是1928年的4倍。——以上材料均摘编自刘宗绪主编《历史学科专题讲座》材料三:在反法西斯战争中,苏军的技术装备全部更新。苏制重型HC-2坦克超过德国“虎式”坦克的威力。火箭炮(“喀秋莎”)、强击机等新型武器都有极大的发展。1949年,苏联成功爆炸了第一颗原子弹。之后,美、苏两国核军备竞赛进一步升级。到70年代初,美、苏战略核力量大体形成均势。——摘编自《20世纪的战争与和平》教师教学用书(1)据材料一,指出苏联国防现代化迅速实现的原因。(2分)
第二次世界大战终于落下了帷幕,但人们所希望的真正和平并未降临。美国、苏联这对战时的盟友很快变成了“冷战“的对手。”“冷战”为什么会爆发呢?史学家们从以下四个不同角度进行了分析:[角度一]美国当时拥有最强大的经济与军事实力,确立了称霸世界的全球战略,日益把苏联看作其称霸全球的主要障碍,企图遏制苏联。[角度二] 苏联为反法西斯战争胜利做出了重大贡献,国际威望大大提高,并且军事力量大大加强,能与美国抗衡。战后,苏联把确保东西部边界安全作为国家的首要利益,在自己的周边建立“安全带”,努力扩大自己在世界上的影响,推行大国沙文主义(即征服和奴役其他民族的思想和主张。)
In the large yard stood thirteen trees ofdifferent sizes. One day, while Joey was playing with his sister under thetrees, he noticed that a tree trunk (树干) had a sad look. He raninto the house to tell his mom about it. She told Joey to find the reason whyit was sad.
Long ago, a poor old couple lived on the coast.One day, an old storyteller came to their village. The old couple gave him ameal. In return, he gave them a coffee mill (磨粉机)and said, “Say, ‘Mill, please grind (磨粉)’,”
Thinking that her dream could never come true,Kelly was in low spirits and ____18____ her studies at school. Hermother did all she could to cheer her up, ____19____ Kelly refused tochange. She even took out all her anger and ____20____ on her mother.
YangHongwei, 56, was born into a kite-making family in Weifang. When she was young,she often saw kites with bright colors and different shapes in hergrandfather’s workshop.
During 1907-1909, British explorer EarnestShackleton explored Antarctica on foot. In 1911, two explorers—a British mannamed Scott and a Norwegian named Amundsen—raced 1, 400 kilometres to the SouthPole (南极).Amundsen arrived first.
Taiping nijiaojiao is made of the mudfrom the local mountain. It takes more than ten steps to make the clay toy, andthe key step is to knead (捏) it with your hands. You can knead the clay toyinto anything, like animals and plants. The blowhole is the most difficult partto make, for the size of the blowhole makes a difference to the sound. Whilecoloring, you can use traditional cultural elements (元素) thatcarry good meanings. It’s hard to make taipingnijiaojiao. But when you finally make it, you will feel proud of yourself.
When itcomes to a meaningful life, we might think of love, happiness and health. Alife filled with meaning is what most of us want for ourselves. Then, whatmakes a meaningful life?Manyresearchers agree that a meaningful life comes down to three factors (因素): havinglong-term goals, believing that one’s life matters, and feeling that one’s lifefits together and “makes sense”.But we believe there is more to consider. Sometimeslife enables us to experience small moments of beauty. When people are open toappreciating (欣赏) suchexperiences, these moments may improve how they see their own life. We callthis experiential appreciation (EA).
Dealing with a nosebleed(鼻出血)mightseem simple. But recently, the British RED Cross asked parents with youngchildren how to help a child with a nosebleed. About 65 percent of parents didnot ____11____ the correct action to help.
My earliest memory ofthese events began when I was around four years old. I was filled with ___12___ at that time. There were lots of ___13___ — crying, shouting, and doors slamming (砰地关上).
My arms were shaking and my heart was beating ____19____when I stood at the starting line. ____20____ the endless runway (跑道), I felt like a boatfighting against the wind and rain.
The December day started like any other. Papacame back with his boat full of fish. Mama made breakfast for the family.Seven-year-old Joonas was doing his homework, while his two little brothers ranaround the yard.
Once, herfather took her to the kitchen. He asked Jane to take a potato, an egg ____11____two spoons of tea leaves. Jane was ____12____, and asked her father, “Doyou want me to cook?”