Locatedin the mountains about 100 miles from Los Angeles, the Idyllwild Arts Academyis a boarding school for young artists. It offers training in arts, likedrawing, painting, photography and cinema, along with programmes for theperforming arts. The school’s quiet, rural location also makes it a verypeaceful and beautiful place to learn. THE NATIONAL CIRCUS(杂技)SCHOOL
Mostschools offer different kinds of subjects and activities for students, but someschools offer additional training in certain areas, such as the performing andarts. In this way, schools can help students develop their artistic talentsfrom an early age and have greater success in their future profession. THE ROYAL BALLET(芭蕾舞)SCHOOL
We allknow that rice, wheat and corn are staples, but do you know there is anotherkind of staple food—potatoes? Potatoes have many advantages. Theyare a good source of vitamin C and potassium(钾). A potato’s vitamin C isas rich as 10 apples. What’s more,potatoes are low in calories(卡路里)-onlythree fourths of the same amount of wheat and corn, according to People’s Daily. Potatoes are easy togrow. It can be grown in both the north and the south during winter, spring andautumn. The plant is also able to bear drought(干旱). Some areas of China arefacing water shortages, so the potato is safe to grow.
Chopsticksoriginated from(起源于) China.Though simple and little, they are agreat invention in the history of humans. There are many legends aboutChopsticks, Da Yu and Chopsticks is one of them.It issaid that during Yao and Shun times, Shun ordered Yu to control the flood. Oneday, Yu took a boat to an island, he was so hungry that he used an earth pot tocook meat. After the meat was well-done in boiled water, he didn’t want towaste time to wait for it to cool, so he took two branches to pick up the meatfrom the soup. After, to save time, he always took small branches to take outfood from the hot pot. For a long time, he was skilled at picking up food withsmall sticks. In this way, the first types of chopsticks were born.
材料 鸦片战争以后,中国闭关锁国政策被打破,落后的中国被迫向世界先进文明靠拢。西方列强在中国通商口岸开设工厂,舶来洋货,西方文化逐步渗透到国民生活中。戊戌变法时的维新派,主张“断发易服”以便于“与欧美同俗”,辛亥革命前后,“断发易服”更具有了反清革命的色彩,资产阶级在社会政治变革的同时,也对陈旧陋习加以改造,这具有开启民智的意义。南京临时政府成立后,颁布剪发辫、易服饰等法令,推进社会风气的改良。这些新的变化有助于中国近代社会的新陈代谢。
When itcomes to a meaningful life, we might think of love, happiness and health. Alife filled with meaning is what most of us want for ourselves. Then, whatmakes a meaningful life?Manyresearchers agree that a meaningful life comes down to three factors (因素): havinglong-term goals, believing that one’s life matters, and feeling that one’s lifefits together and “makes sense”.But we believe there is more to consider. Sometimeslife enables us to experience small moments of beauty. When people are open toappreciating (欣赏) suchexperiences, these moments may improve how they see their own life. We callthis experiential appreciation (EA).
YangHongwei, 56, was born into a kite-making family in Weifang. When she was young,she often saw kites with bright colors and different shapes in hergrandfather’s workshop.
In the large yard stood thirteen trees ofdifferent sizes. One day, while Joey was playing with his sister under thetrees, he noticed that a tree trunk (树干) had a sad look. He raninto the house to tell his mom about it. She told Joey to find the reason whyit was sad.
As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and helearned the Earth is in ___12___ condition. He felt worried, and hewanted to ___13___ the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in water nearNorth Pole(北极)todraw people’s attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川).
Long ago, a poor old couple lived on the coast.One day, an old storyteller came to their village. The old couple gave him ameal. In return, he gave them a coffee mill (磨粉机)and said, “Say, ‘Mill, please grind (磨粉)’,”
Taiping nijiaojiao is made of the mudfrom the local mountain. It takes more than ten steps to make the clay toy, andthe key step is to knead (捏) it with your hands. You can knead the clay toyinto anything, like animals and plants. The blowhole is the most difficult partto make, for the size of the blowhole makes a difference to the sound. Whilecoloring, you can use traditional cultural elements (元素) thatcarry good meanings. It’s hard to make taipingnijiaojiao. But when you finally make it, you will feel proud of yourself.
Thinking that her dream could never come true,Kelly was in low spirits and ____18____ her studies at school. Hermother did all she could to cheer her up, ____19____ Kelly refused tochange. She even took out all her anger and ____20____ on her mother.
During 1907-1909, British explorer EarnestShackleton explored Antarctica on foot. In 1911, two explorers—a British mannamed Scott and a Norwegian named Amundsen—raced 1, 400 kilometres to the SouthPole (南极).Amundsen arrived first.