___14___, I think an interest in Englishis very important. When I was in Grade Three, we had a new ___15___ — English,it was new for me. I was interested in it. I worked hard at it. Soon we had anEnglish exam and I got a very good mark. How ___16___ I was! After that,I learned English harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs,and ___17___ sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!
I often hear some students say English isdifficult, so they can’t learn it well. ___11___ English is very easy for me. I’m good ___12___ it. I’m very glad to tell you ___13___ about how I study English.
怀化地处武陵、雪峰两大山脉之间,森林覆盖率高达70. 83%,素有“广木之乡、水果之乡、药材之乡”的美誉。水能理论蕴藏量499万千瓦,是全国十大水电基地的主体地带。有中药材1900多个品种,其中175 种国家重点中药材,茯苓、天麻产量居全国第一。硅砂、重晶石储量居全国前列,黄金、铜、磷储量分居湖南第一、三、四位。怀化高新技术产业开发区位于贵阳-重庆-宜昌-长沙-桂林这一半径400公里的环形空间中心。其东西对接长三角经济区、长株潭两型试验区与成渝经济区,连接新丝绸之路“渝新欧”国际铁路大通道;南北对接环北部湾、珠三角与长江经济带。这里是商贸物流的最佳辐射半径,是投资兴业的黄金投资圈。
FIFA World Cup is one of the biggest sportsevents in the world. It ___11___ every 4 years. The first World Cup wasin 1930. It has a history of over 90 years. During the World Cup, ___12___fans watch the games and cheer for their favorite teams or players. We haveknown some famous football players from the football competitions, such asBeckham, Messi, and Figo. They have excited football fans for many years.
“We thankall the Chinese people for their support and encouragement. Our thanks also goto our workmates who took part in the mission (任务) and worked with us allthe time,” Zhai said to the reporter after he landed on the ground. “It is thepower and strength of our country that built the high-flying space station. Iam proud of our great motherland.”
Fiveyears ago, Jennifer, a girl from Australia, came to Xiangtan University tostudy Chinese. There she fell in love with Chinese culture and met her husband,who is a local (当地的) young man. They got married after she finishedher study. Since then, she has started her new life in Xiangtan City.
A passenger told an air hostess(空姐)thathe needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. Shetold him that she would bring him the ___11___ in ten minutes.
In ourdaily lives, we are often given some boring or tiring tasks. What’s in yourmind when your mom tells you to clean the floor? Have you ever wanted tocomplain(抱怨)? I think most people have.
Bike-to-Work Day is held every year across NorthAmerica on the third Friday of May. It was started by the League ofAmerican Bicyclists in 1956. Its aim is to promote (促进) the bicycle as a seriouschoice of getting to and from work. In today’s world where global warming is aserious issue, the bicycle is a perfect way of reducing our carbon (碳) footprint.
Parentsand children often face the challenges of money. Common topics include settingpocket money, learning to save, and deciding to buy expensive things. The goalof most parents is to teach their kids how to deal with money wisely. The goalof most kids is getting money to spend. How can families achieve these goals?
The boy named Li Banghua is from Hefei. AnhuiProvince. He made the plane completely by himself. The plane is 0.6 meterswide, has a wingspan (翼展) of 4.4 meters and weighs about 40 kilograms.According to a local report, Li just finished his high-school entrance exam ayear ago and got good grades.