①这是一本从外形看起来和普通的书本差不多的书。不过,这本书却被《时代》周刊评为2015年最棒的25个设计之一。这本书的封面和扉页,都赫然标注着“Drinkable Book”(可以喝的书)。②这本书的发明者是一个叫特丽莎的美国姑娘。2007年,特丽莎到非洲旅行,发现那里根本没有纯净的饮用水,孩子们口渴了,就直接从垃圾堆旁肮脏的水坑里捧水喝。因此,当地百姓得病的几率特别高。特丽莎还得知,全球每年有6.63亿人口由于缺乏最基本的净水设备而喝不到干净的饮用水,由此导致的疾病、死亡更是难以计数。作为一名化学博士,她顿生一种使命感:要发明一种消灭病菌的物质。
I joineda band (乐队)as a drummer in my middle school. I thought itwould be fun playing the drum and meeting new friends. At first it was easy,but a month later, it got difficult. I was the only one who couldn’t keep pace (节奏)with the other players. Our teacher,Angie, singled me out to keep practicing while everyone else got to relax. Ifelt ashamed (羞愧的)as my teammates watched me fail so many times.Finally I got so tired of practicing that I didn’t care about doing it right.
All thefamily—my grandparents, my parents, my aunt and uncle, my cousin, my sister andI— ___22___ the turkey. However, turkey is not the easiestthing to ___23___. It takes a lot of time to prepare and a lot ofwork to cook…and there are a lot of chances for things to go wrong.
Zu Ti was a great man of Jin Dynasty. He was ____16____ for his hard work andgreat achievements. But when he was a child, he was a naughty (顽皮的)boy who showed little ____17____ inreading. As he grew up, Zu Ti ____18____ hedidn’t have enough knowledge.
Mr. Zhang was a cook in Canada. He ___11___ in Guangzhou, and he learned to cook in HongKong. He moved to Canada for work when he was 26 years old. Everything was goodtill COVID-19(新冠病毒)brokeout. Last year, he returned to China because the economy(经济)inCanada began ___12___down.
Parents and children often face the challengesof money. Common topics include setting pocket money, learning to save, anddeciding to buy expensive things. The goal of most parents is to teach theirkids how to deal with money wisely. The goal of most kids is getting money tospend. How can families achieve these goals?
Choose the best choice fromA to F to finish the dialogue. You have one more answer. Each choice should beused only once.A: Hello, I’m a schoolnewspaper reporter. May I ask you some questions?B: ____46____
There are many kinds ___21___art forms in China. ___22___ you often see any of them in your life?They help us understand and enjoy the traditional Chinese culture. When theSpring Festival comes, some people often ___23___ the red paper intodifferent art works with scissors.
Late onenight, Gulliver received a warning that some nobles wanted him killed. Even theemperor of Lilliput wanted to give him less food to save ___16___. It was true Gulliver was very expensive.
Excitedly, he went to draw water(抽水), ___15___ he couldn’t pump water no matter how hard hetried. He sat on the ground ___16___.Just at that time, he saw a small bottle with a cork(瓶塞).
Electric cars may seem like a recent invention,but they have been around for years. In the early 1900s, there were ___16___ electric cars on the road than gasoline(汽油)cars,because at that time, gasoline was expensive compared with other fuels(燃料)
My mum and dad bought a nice, big turkey a fewdays before Thanksgiving. ___29___was proud of herself as she got it for a good price. ___30___ Thanksgiving, Mum got the turkey out of thefridge.
An unexpected thing happened in the ____11____ of my eleventh year. Thehome I had ____12____inwas burned to the ground in the middle of the night. ____13____ , mymom, dad, grandma, brothers and I escaped(幸免于难).