13. 渡荆门送别李白渡远荆门外,来从楚国游。山随平野尽,江入大荒流。月下飞天镜,云生结海楼。仍怜故乡水,万里送行舟。
Ibelieved that I was right and he was wrong, and Tony believed that I was wrongand he was right. Our teacher, a kind and smart lady, decided to teach us alesson. She brought us to the front of the class and placed him on one side ofher desk and me on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large and roundobject. I could clearly see that it was black. The teacher asked us what colorthe object was. “White,” Tony answered. I couldn’t believe he said the object waswhite! “Clearly, it was black!” Another argument started between Tony and me,this time about the color of the object.
By usingthis method, the study found that red meats were the most unfriendly foods tothe environment. Keeping farm animals produces a large number of methane(甲烷)that keeps 30 times more heat than CO2. As well asmaking the earth warmer, eating too much red meat is known to increase the riskof a few illnesses, such as heart trouble.
Lu Junling, a security guard from Hebei University, became popularon the Internet. As an ordinary (平凡) person, though Lu Junling is more than 50 years old, hememorizes English vocabulary for CET 6 under the street lights every day justto improve himself. When he is free, he also writes novels and sings operas.That’s not all! Painting, music, kongfu, ancient poems, etc. are all hishobbies. So a number of people call him “treasure security guard (宝藏保安)”. Lu Junling said, “If I want to become an artist, I will alwayswork hard for my dream!” Mr. Lu’s words live in many people’s memory.
Locatedin the mountains about 100 miles from Los Angeles, the Idyllwild Arts Academyis a boarding school for young artists. It offers training in arts, likedrawing, painting, photography and cinema, along with programmes for theperforming arts. The school’s quiet, rural location also makes it a verypeaceful and beautiful place to learn. THE NATIONAL CIRCUS(杂技)SCHOOL
Melatonin(褪黑素) is produced by the body to control when you get sleepy and whenyou wake up. As night falls, the levels of melatonin rise, telling the bodythat it’s time for bed. And the levels naturally fall as daylight comes near,getting you ready to greet the day.
Once upona time, two brothers lived in a village. They were both famers and grew corn.The elder brother had many children to feed. The younger brother also had a bigfamily to look after. Although the brothers were poor, they lived happily.
We allknow that rice, wheat and corn are staples, but do you know there is anotherkind of staple food—potatoes? Potatoes have many advantages. Theyare a good source of vitamin C and potassium(钾). A potato’s vitamin C isas rich as 10 apples. What’s more,potatoes are low in calories(卡路里)-onlythree fourths of the same amount of wheat and corn, according to People’s Daily. Potatoes are easy togrow. It can be grown in both the north and the south during winter, spring andautumn. The plant is also able to bear drought(干旱). Some areas of China arefacing water shortages, so the potato is safe to grow.
阅读下面唐诗,完成下面小题。漫成一首杜甫江月去人只数尺,风灯①照夜欲三更。沙头宿鹭联拳②静,船尾跳鱼拨刺③鸣。【注释】①风灯:船中桅杆上挂着的灯,有纸罩能避风。②联拳:指夜宿的白鹭屈曲着身子,三五成群团聚在沙滩上。拳,屈曲。③拨刺:拟声词,指鱼在水里跳动发出的声音。11. 这首诗通过“_____________”“风灯”“宿鹭”“_________________”等意象,描绘出一幅恬淡平和的江上月夜图。